< 1 Chronicles 12 >

1 David went to Ziklag [town] to escape from [King] Saul. While he was there, many warriors came and joined him, and they helped him when he fought battles.
He tah Kish capa Saul mikhmuh lamloh a vi uh vaengah Ziklag kah David taengla aka kun uh tih hlangrhalh rhoek khui lamloh caemtloek vaengah aka bom khaw amih ni.
2 They carried bows [and arrows]. They were able to shoot arrows and to sling stones. They could use either their right arms or their left arms to do that. They were relatives of Saul from the tribe of Benjamin.
Lii aka muk tih banvoei neh bantang ah lungto neh, thaltang neh, lii neh aka naep Benjamin ko neh Saul kah pacaboeina tah,
3 Their leader was Ahiezer. Next in command was Joash. They were both sons of Shemaah from Gibeah [city]. [These are the names of some of those warriors: ] Jeziel and Pelet, the sons of Azmaveth; Beracah; Jehu from Anathoth [town];
Boeilu Ahiezer neh Gibeah Shemaah koca ah Joash, Jeziel, Azmaveth koca ah Pelet, Berakah, Anatoth Jehu.
4 Ishmaiah from the Gibeon [city], who was a leader of the thirty mighty warriors; Jeremiah, Jahaziel, Johanan, and Jozabad from Gederah [town];
Sawmthum so neh sawmthum lakli kah hlangrhalh Gibonee Ishmaiah. Jeremiah neh Jahaziel, Johanan neh Gederathite Jozabad.
5 Eluzai, Jerimoth, Bealiah, Shemariah, and Shephatiah from Haruph [town];
Eluzai, Jerimoth, Bealiah, Shemariah, Kharuphi Shephatiah.
6 Elkanah, Isshiah, Azarel, Joezer and Jashobeam, who were descendants of Korah;
Elkanah, Isshiah, Azarel, Joezer neh Korah Jashobeam.
7 Joelah and Zebadiah, who were sons of Jeroham, from Gedor [town].
Joelah neh Gedor lamkah Jeroham capa Zebadiah.
8 Some men from the tribe of Gad [east of the Jordan River] joined David when he was at his fortress in [the caves in] the desert. They were brave warriors who were trained for fighting battles and able to use shields and spears well. They [SYN] were as fierce as [SIM, MTY] lions, and they could run as fast as [HYP, SIM] deer/gazelles on the hills/mountains.
Gad lamkah khaw khosoek rhalmahim ah David taengla kun uh tih caempuei khuiah tatthai hlangrhalh hlang la om uh. Caemtloek vaengah khaw photlinglen neh cai neh a rhong a pai uh. A maelhmai te sathueng maelhmai la om tih tlang kah kirhang bangla loe uh.
9 Ezer was their leader. Next in command was Obadiah. Next was Eliab.
Ezer te a lu, a pabae te Obadiah, a pathum te Eliab.
10 Next was Mishmannah. Next was Jeremiah.
A pali te Mishmannah, a panga te Jeremiah.
11 Next was Attai. Next was Eliel.
A parhuk te Attai, a parhih te Eliel.
12 Next was Johanan. Next was Elzabad.
A parhet ah Johanan, a pako ah Elzabad.
13 Next was [another man whose name was] Jeremiah. The last was Macbannai.
A hlai ah Jeremiah, a hlai at dongah Makhbanai.
14 Those men from the tribe of Gad were all army officers. Some of them commanded 1,000 soldiers, and some of them commanded 100 soldiers.
He rhoek he Gad koca rhoek khui lamkah caempuei boeilu rhoek ni. Pakhat loh a yol koek yakhat, a yet koek thawng khat a hung.
15 They crossed [to the west side of] the Jordan [River] during March, [at the time of the year] when the river was flooded. They chased from there all the people who lived in the valleys on both sides of the river.
Amih rhoek he tah tuikaeng langdai pum te tui a li vaengkah lamhma cuek hla ah Jordan te kat uh. Te vaengah tuikol pum te khocuk la, khotlak la yong uh.
16 Some other men from the tribe of Benjamin and from Judah also came to David in his fortress.
Benjamin neh Judah koca rhoek lamkah khaw, rhalmahim kah David taengla pawk uh.
17 David went out [of the cave] to meet them and said to them, “If you have come peacefully to help me, I am eager to have you join with me. But if you have come to enable my enemies to capture me, even though I [SYN] have not done anything to harm you, I hope/wish that the God whom our ancestors (worshiped/belonged to) will see it and condemn/punish you.”
David te amih mikhmuh la mop tih a doo. Te vaengah amih te, “Rhoepnah neh kai bom hamla kai taengah na pawk uh atah kai khaw nangmih taengah thinko thikat la om bitni. Tedae ka rhal taengah kai nan phok ham atah ka kut ah kuthlahnah a om oeh pawt dongah a pa rhoek kah Pathen loh hmuh saeh lamtah tluung saeh,” a ti nah.
18 Then [God’s] Spirit came upon Amasai, who was another leader of the thirty [greatest warriors], and he said, “David, we want to be with you; you who are the son of Jesse, we will join you. We know that things will go very well [DOU] for you and for those who are with you, because your God is helping you.”
Te vaengah Mueihla loh sawmthum kah boeilu Amasai te a thing tih, “David nang te rhalboei ni. Jesse capa nang taengah rhoepnah om saeh. Nang taengah ngaimongnah om saeh. Nang aka bom taengah rhoepnah om saeh. Na Pathen loh nang m'bom bitni,” a ti nah. Te dongah David loh amih te a doe tih amih te caem kah boeilu la a khueh.
19 So David welcomed those men, and he appointed them to be leaders of his soldiers. Some men from the tribe of Manasseh also joined David when he went with the soldiers of Philistia to fight against Saul’s [army]. But David and his men did not really help the army of Philistia. After the leaders of Philistia talked [about David and his soldiers], they sent David away. They said, “If David joins his master Saul again, we will all be killed {his army will kill all of us}!”
Saul te caemtloek thil ham Philisti neh a paan vaengah Manasseh lamkah khaw David taengla cungku uh. Tedae Philisti boei rhoek loh anih te cilsuep hnukah a tueih uh tih, “A boei rhoek taengla Saul a cungku atah kaimih lu ah tla saeh,” a ti nah dongah amih te bom uh pawh.
20 When David went to Ziklag, these were the men from the tribe of Manasseh who went with him: Adnah, Jozabad, Jediael, Michael, [another man whose name was] Jozabad, Elihu, and Zillethai. Each of them had been a commander of 1,000 men [in Saul’s army].
Ziklag la a caeh vaengah tah Manasseh lamloh Adnah neh Jozabad, Jediael neh Michael, Jozabad, Elihu neh Zillethai tah anih taengla cungku uh. Amih he Manasseh khuiah tah thawngkhat kah boeilu rhoek la om uh.
21 They were all brave soldiers, and they helped David to fight against the groups of men who roamed throughout the country, robbing people. So those men became commanders in David’s army.
Amih te tatthai hlangrhalh neh caempuei khuiah khaw mangpa la boeih a om uh dongah David te caem nen khaw a bom thil uh.
22 Every day more men joined David’s men, and his army became large, like [SIM] the army of God (OR, a very huge army).
Te vaengah tue ah ngawn tah Pathen caem bangla caem len la a poeh hil, anih bom ham te David taengla a hnin, a hnin ah pawk uh.
23 These are the numbers of soldiers who were ready for battle who joined David at Hebron [city]. They came to help him to become the king of Israel to replace Saul, as Yahweh had promised would happen.
He tah anih taengkah BOEIPA ol bangla Saul kah ram vael pah hamla Hebron kah David taengla aka pawk tih caempuei hamla aka pumcum uh boeilu rhoek kah hlangmi ni.
24 There were 6,800 men from Judah, who carried shields and spears.
Photlinglen neh cai aka muk tih caempuei hamla aka pumcum uh Judah koca he thawng rhuk ya rhet.
25 There were 7,100 men from the tribe of Simeon. They were all strong warriors trained to fight battles.
Simeon koca lamloh caempuei hamla tatthai hlangrhalh he thawng rhih yakhat om.
26 There were 4,600 men from the tribe of Levi.
Levi koca lamloh thawng li ya rhuk.
27 Jehoiada, who was a leader descended from Aaron, was in that group of descendants of Levi, and there were 3,700 men with him.
Aaron kah rhaengsang Jehoiada neh a taengkah thawng thum ya rhih.
28 Zadok, a strong young soldier, was also in that group, and there were 22 other leaders from his clan who came with him.
Tatthai hlangrhalh la cadong Zadok neh a napa rhoek imkhui he mangpa pakul panit om.
29 There were 3,000 men from the tribe of Benjamin who were Saul’s relatives. Most of them had previously wanted one of Saul’s descendants to be the king.
Benjamin koca lamloh Saul kah pacaboeina he thawng thum lo tih Saul im kah a kuek te a puehkan la a ngaithuen uh.
30 There were 20,800 men from the tribe of Ephraim who were all brave warriors and trained for fighting battles and famous in their own clans.
Ephraim koca lamloh tatthai hlangrhalh neh a napa rhoek imkhui kah ming om hlang rhoek he thawng kul ya rhet lo.
31 There were 18,000 men from the half of the tribe of Manasseh [that lived west of the Jordan River]. They were all chosen to go and help David become the king.
David a manghai ham vaengah Manasseh koca hlangvang lamloh aka pawk te a ming neh thawng hlai rhet la mingpha uh.
32 There were 200 men who were leaders from the tribe of Issachar, along with their relatives. Those leaders always knew what the Israelis should do, and they knew the right time to do it.
A tue te yakmingnah neh aka ming tih, Israel loh metla a saii ham aka ming Issakhar koca lamkah khaw a boeilu yahnih neh, a olka hmuikah a manuca rhoek khaw cungkuem uh.
33 There were 55,000 men from the tribe of Zebulun. They were all experienced warriors and knew how to use all kinds of weapons well. They were completely loyal to David.
Zebulun lamkah he caempuei la pawk tih caemtloek hnopai cungkuem neh caemtloek rhong aka pai thawng sawmnga om. Tedae a lungbuei neh lungbuei khaw hmaai uh rhoi pawh.
34 There were 1,000 officers from the tribe of Naphtali. With them were 37,000 soldiers, each carrying shields and spears.
Naphtali lamkah mangpa thawngkhat neh amih taengah photlinglen neh caai aka pom he thawng sawmthum thawng rhih om.
35 There were 28,600 soldiers from the tribe of Dan, all trained to fight battles.
Dan lamloh caemtloek la rhong aka pai he thawng kul thawng rhet ya rhuk lo.
36 There were 47,000 experienced soldiers from the tribe of Asher, all trained to fight battles.
Asher lamloh caemtloek rhongpai ham caempuei la aka pawk he thawng sawmli lo.
37 There were also 120,000 soldiers from the area east of the Jordan [River who joined David]. They were from the tribes of Reuben, Gad, and the eastern half of the tribe of Manasseh. They had all kinds of weapons.
Jordan rhalvangan lamkah Reuben, Gad neh Manasseh koca hlangvang lamlong khaw caempuei kah hnopai cungkuem neh caemtloek he thawng yahnih thawng kul om.
38 All those men were soldiers who volunteered to be in David’s army. They came to Hebron wanting very much to enable David to be the king of all of the Israeli people.
Caem vaengah kah a hmaai caemtloek hlang rhoek boeih tah Israel boeih soah David manghai sak ham te thinko rhuemtuet neh Hebron la pawk uh. Te vaengah Israel a meet boeih long khaw David manghai sak ham te lungbuei pakhat la a khueh.
39 The men spent three days there with David, eating and drinking, because their families had given them food to take with them.
Te vaengah David neh hnin thum pahoi om uh tih amih te a cako la a tawn uh coeng dongah a caak a ok uh.
40 Also, their fellow Israelis came from as far away as the area where the tribes of Issachar, Zebulun, and Naphtali lived, bringing food on donkeys, camels, mules, and oxen. They brought a lot of flour, fig cakes, raisins, wine, [olive] oil, cattle and sheep. And throughout Israel, the people were very joyful.
Amih neh aka yoei long khaw Issakhar, Zebulun neh Naphtali bangla buh te laak neh, kalauk neh, muli-marhang neh, saelhung neh a thoeng puei uh. Caak ham te vaidam, thaidae, misur rhae, misurtui, situi, saelhung neh boiva khaw Israel khuikah kohoenah cangpai la a khuen pa uh.

< 1 Chronicles 12 >