< Luke 6 >

1 And on a sabbath it occurred, as Jesus walked among the tilled grounds, that his disciples plucked ears, and rubbed them in their hands and ate.
Lyubha limo lya Pumulila a Yeshu bhatendagapita mmigunda ja ngano, bhaajiganywa bhabho gubhatandwibhenje kutema maashe ga ngano, nipulula nitikita na makono kutauna.
2 And some of the Pharisees said to them: Why do ye that, which it is not lawful to do on the sabbath?
Ikabheje Ashimapalishayo bhana gubhaabhushiyenje, “Pakuti mmanganya nnalekanga shalia ja Lyubha lya Pumulila?”
3 Jesus replied, and said to them: Have ye not read what David did, when he was hungry, he and those with him?
A Yeshu gubhaajangulenje, “Bhuli mmangashomanga shibhatendile a Daudi na ashaajabhonji pubhakwetenje shibhanga?
4 How he entered into the house of God, and took and ate the bread of the Lord's table, and gave it to those that were with him; which it was not lawful, except for the priests only, to eat?
Bhenebho bhashinkujinjila nnyumba ja a Nnungu, gubhatolile mikate ja ukonjelo jila, gubhalile nikwaapanganga na ajabhonji. Ikapinjikwaga mundu kulya jene mikatejo ikabhe bhakulungwanji bhaabhishila jikape.”
5 And he said to them: The Son of man is lord of the sabbath.
A Yeshu gubhaalugulilenje, “Mwana juka Mundu ni Nkulungwa jwa Lyubha lya Pumulila.”
6 And on another sabbath, he entered a synagogue and taught. And a man was there, whose right hand was withered.
Lyubha lina lya Pumulila, a Yeshu gubhajinjile nshinagogi gubhajigenye. Nkati mula ashinkupagwa mundu jumo nkono gwakwe gwa nnilo gwashinkupoloka.
7 And the Scribes and Pharisees watched him, whether he would heal on the sabbath; that they might be able to accuse him.
Bhaajiganya bha shalia na Mapalishayo bhatendaga loleyanga shiumilo sha kwaashitakiya a Yeshu, kwa nneyo gwaatemingene nkulolela ibhaga shibhannamye mundu Lyubha lya Pumulila.
8 And as he knew their thoughts, he said to the man with a withered hand: Rise and come into the midst of the congregation. And when he came and stood there,
Ikabheje a Yeshu gubhaimanyi ng'aniyo yabhonji, gubhammalanjile jwa poloka nkono jula, “Jinuka, ujime mmujo ja bhandu bhowe.” Mundu jula gwapite jima mmujo.
9 Jesus said to them: I ask you, What is it lawful to do on the sabbath? that which is good? or that which is evil? to save life or to destroy it?
Kungai a Yeshu gubhaalugulilenje, “Ngunakummuyanga, shalia jibhalanga bhuli ga Lyubha lya Pumulila, jinakutuleka tutende ya mmbone eu tutende yangali ya mmbone, kutapula gumi guka mundu eu kubhulaga mundu?”
10 And he looked upon them all; and then said to him, Stretch forth thy hand. And he stretched out his hand, and it was restored like the other.
Gubhaalolinje bhandu bhowe bhatemingene pepala, gubhammalanjile mundu jula, “Goloya nkono gwako.” Nigwagolweye, na nkono gwakwe guulamile.
11 And they were filled with envy; and they conferred one with another, what they should do to Jesus.
Ikabheje gubhatumbelenje kwa kaje, gubhakungulushilenje shibhaatendanje nndi a Yeshu.
12 And in those days, Jesus retired to a mountain to pray; and he passed the night there, in prayer to God.
Lyubha limo a Yeshu gubhapite kushitumbi, nisheya nkwaajuga a Nnungu.
13 And when the day dawned, he called his disciples, and selected from them twelve, whom he named Legates:
Pa lyamba lyakwe gubhaashemilenje bhaajiganywa bhabho, gubhaagwile bhandu likumi limo na bhabhili gubhaashemilenje, mitume.
14 Simon whom he named Cephas, and Andrew his brother, and James, and John, and Philip, and Bartholomew,
A Shimoni bhapegwilwe lina na a Yeshu lya Petili na a Ndeleya apwabho na a Yakobho na a Yowana na a Pilipi na a Bhatolomeyo,
15 and Matthew, and Thomas, and James the son of Alpheus, and Simon who was called Zelotes,
A Matei na a Tomashi na a Yakobho bha a Alupayo na a Shimoni bhashemwaga “A Shelote,” Yani nshilambo apwatanila shilambo shakwe,
16 and Judas the son of James, and Judas Iscariot, who became a traitor.
na a Yuda bhana bhabho a Yakobho na a Yuda Ishikaliote bhaatendebhwishe a Yeshu kungai.
17 And Jesus descended with them, and stood in the plain; and a great company of his disciples, and a multitude of assembled people, from all Judaea, and from Jerusalem and from the seashore of Tyre and Sidon; who came to hear his discourse, and to be healed of their diseases;
Bhakaeleleje kopoka kushitumbi na ajabhonji, a Yeshu gubhajimi pashibhata. Penepo lyashinkupagwa likundi likulungwa lya bhaajiganywa bhabho na lugwinjili lwa bhandu kukopoka mmbali yowe ja ku Yudea na ku Yelushalemu na mbwani ja ku Tilo na ku Shidoni,
18 and they who were afflicted by unclean spirits: and they were healed.
gubhaikengenenje kukwaapilikanishiya a Yeshu na kuulamiywa ilwele yabhonji. Bhatendaga kwaalamyanga bhowe na bhashikilwangaga na maoka bhatendaga lamywanga.
19 And the whole multitude sought to touch him; for there went a virtue out of him and healed them all.
Bhandu bhowe bhatendaga lajililanga kwaakwaya, pabha gatendaga kwaakopoka mashili ga lamya bhandu bhowe.
20 And he lifted his eyes upon his disciples, and said: Blessed are ye poor; for the kingdom of God is yours.
A Yeshu gubhaatendebhushilenje bhaajiganywa bhabho, gubhashite. “Mbaya mmanganya nninginji mmalaganga, pabha Upalume gwa a Nnungu gwenunji.
21 Blessed are ye that hunger now; for ye will be satisfied. Blessed are ye that weep now; for ye will laugh.
Mbaya mmanganya nkwetenje shibhanga nnaino, Pabha kungai shinnjukutanje. Mbaya mmanganya nkugutanga nnaino, Pabha kungai shinng'ekanje.
22 Blessed are ye, when men shall hate you, and repel you, and revile you, and cast out your names as base, for the Son of man's sake.
“Mbaya mmanganya bhandunji bhanshimangaga, nikummambalanga na kuntukananga na kumputuyanga kwa ligongo lika Mwana juka Mundu.
23 Rejoice in that day and exult, for your reward is great in heaven; for so did their fathers to the prophets.
Genego galikoposhela mmanganya nng'angalanje, pabha, upo yenunji kunnungu shiibhe yaigwinji. Pabha bhanangulungwa bhabhonji bhashinkwatendelanga nneyo peyo ashinkulondola bha Nnungu.
24 But, woe to you that are rich; for ye have received your consolation.
Ikabheje ole mmanganya nninginji matajili, Pabha tayali mposhilenje.
25 Woe to you that are full; for ye will hunger. Woe to you that laugh now, for ye will weep and mourn.
Ole mmanganya nnjukutnje nnaino, Pabha kungai shintotokanje. Ole mmanganya nkuekanga nnaino, Pabha kungai mpinga kwiigutanjilanga.
26 Woe to you, when men shall speak your praise; for so did their fathers to the false prophets.
Ole mmanganya bhandu bhannumbililangaga, Pabha bhanangulungwa bhabhonji bhashinkwatendelanga nneyo peyo ashinkulondola bha unami.”
27 And to you who hear, I say: Love your enemies; and do favors to them that hate you;
“Ikabheje ngunakummalanjilanga nkumbilikananga mmwe, mwaapinganje bhamagongo ajenunji, mwaatendelanje ya mmbone bhankunshimanga.
28 and bless them that curse you; and pray for them that drag you with violence.
Mwaajujilanje mboka bhakunnoshanga, na mwaajujilanje kwa Nnungu bhene bhakuntendelanga yangali ya mmbone.
29 To him that smiteth thee on thy cheek, offer the other: and from him that taketh away thy cloak, keep not back thy tunic.
Mundu ankomaga lipapa palitukwa limo muntendebhushiye na lya bhili. Mundu ampokonyolaga likoti lyenu nnanng'ibhililile kutola na lishati.
30 To every one that asketh of thee, give thou: and from him that taketh thy property, demand it not.
Jojowe akunnjuga shindu mumpe, na mundu ampokonyolaga indu yenu nnannonje.
31 And as ye would that men should do to you, so do ye also to them.
Mwaatendelanje bhandu malinga shinkupinganga mmanganya bhantendelanje.
32 For, if ye love them that love you, what goodness is it in you? For even sinners love those that love them.
“Ibhaga mwaapingangaga bhakumpingangape, igala shimpegwanje upo yashi? Pabha nkali bhakwetenje yambi bhalipingana.
33 And if ye do good to them that do good to you, what goodness is it in you? For even sinners do the same.
Na ibhaga mwaatendelangaga ya mmbone bhakuntendelanga ya mmbonepe shimpegwanje upo yashi? Nkali bhakwetenje yambi bhalitendanga nneyo peyo.
34 And if ye lend to one from whom ye expect recompense, what goodness is it in you? For sinners also lend to sinners, to receive adequate recompense.
Na ibhaga nkwaapolekanga bhandu bhunkukulupalilanga shibhannipanje, shimpegwanje upo yashi? Nkali bhakwetenje yambi bhanakwaapolekanga bhakwetenje yambi ajabhonji nkupinga bhaabhujishiyanje yowe.
35 But love ye your enemies, and do them good; and lend ye, and disappoint the hopes of no one: and great will be your reward, and ye will be children of the Highest; for he is kind to the evil, and to the unthankful.
Ikabhe mmanganya mwaapinganje ashaamagongo ajenunji, na mwaatendelanje ya mmbone, mwaapolekanje nnalolelanje kubhujishiwa, na upo yenunji shiibhe yaikulungwa, na shimmanganje bhana bha Bhakulungwa a Nnungu. Pabha bhenebho ni bhanguja kwa bhangali bha mmbone na bhakapinganga kutenda eja.
36 Be ye therefore merciful, as also your Father is merciful.
Nkolanje shiya malinga Ainabhenunji shibhali na shiya.
37 Judge not, and ye will not be judged: condemn not, and ye will not be condemned: release, and ye will be released.
“Nnaaukumulanje bhananji, na mmanganya nkaukumulwanga, nnaagambanje bhananji na mmanganya nkagambwanga, mwaaleshelelanje ashaajenunji, na mmanganya shinneshelelwanje.
38 Give ye, and it will be given to you; in good measure, pressed down, and running over, will they cast into your lap. For, with what measure ye measure, it will be measured to you.
Mwaapanganje bhananji ibhapinganga, na mmanganya shimpegwanje. Elo, shintabhanje mmapepe genunji shipimilo shigumbele nishinyilwa mpaka pakatika. Pabha shipimilo shosho pesho shinkwaapimilanga bhananji shimpinga pimilwanga na a Nnungu.”
39 And he spake a similitude to them: Can a blind man lead a blind? Will not both fall into the ditch?
A Yeshu gubhaatanjilenje aluno lutango luno. Bhuli, nangalole kukombola kunnongoya mpanda nangalole mwine? Bhowe bhakatumbushilanga nniimbo?
40 No disciple is better than his teacher; for whoever is perfect, will be like his teacher.
Nkujiganywa akakwaapunda bhaajiganya bhakwe, ikabheje nkujiganywa amaliyaga kwiijiganya shalandane na bhaajiganya bhakwe.
41 And why observest thou the straw that is in thy brother's eye, but regardest not the beam that is in thy own eye?
Kwa nndi unakushibhona shikoko shili nniyo lika nnjako, ikabheje ukakushibhona shipande shili nniyo lyako?
42 Or how canst thou say to thy brothers, My brother, allow me to pluck the straw from thy eye; when, lo, the beam that is in thy own eye, thou regardest not. Hypocrite! first cast the beam out thy eye, and then thy vision will be clear to pluck the straw from thy brother's eye.
Eu shiukombole bhuli kunnugulila nnjako, Mpwanga linda nikushoye shikoko nniyo lyako, na akuno ukakushibhona shipande shili nniyo lyako? Ugwe nngulumba! Utandubhe kushoya shipande shili nniyo lyako, penepo shulole ukoto, nikombola kushoya shikoko nniyo lika mpwako.
43 There is no good tree, that beareth bad fruits; nor a bad tree, that beareth good fruits.
“Nkongo gwa mmbone nngaogoya iepo yangali ya mmbone, na wala nkongo gwangali gwa mmbone nngaogoya iepo ya mmbone.
44 For every tree is known by its fruits. Do men gather figs from thorn-bushes? So, neither do they pluck grapes from brambles.
Nkongo pubhakuumanyanga kwa iepo yakwe. Pabha bhandu bhakaakabhanga tini munkongo gwa mibha, na wala bhakaakabhanga shabhibhu nnitepo lya mbigili.
45 A good man, from the good treasure that is in his heart, bringeth out good things: and a bad man, from the bad treasure that is in his heart, bringeth out bad things. For, from the abundance of the heart, the lips speak.
Mundu jwa mmbone shatende ya mmbone ikopoka nshibhiko sha mmbone ili muntima gwakwe. Na mundu jwangali jwa mmbone shatende yangali ya mmbone ikopoka nshibhiko shangali shammbone ili muntima gwakwe. Pabha yaabheleketa mundu inngumbele muntima gwakwe.”
46 And why call ye me, My Lord, my Lord; while ye do not that which I command you?
“Kwa nndi nnanjemanga ‘Bhakulungwa, Bhakulungwa,’ akuno nkatendanga ingummalanjilanga?
47 Every one that cometh to me, and heareth my words, and doeth them, I will show to whom he is like:
Shininnugulilanje shilanda sha mundu jojowe anyiila nne, nipilikanishiya malobhe gangu nikugakagulila.
48 He is like a man that built a house; and he dug and went deep, and laid the foundations on a rock: and when a flood occurred, the flood rushed upon that house, and could not move it, for its foundation rested on a rock.
Jwenejo analandana naka mundu akwete lunda, ashenjile pa ndandali niola nshingi ukoto mpaka nnindandawe na nyumba nishimilika. Nushi guigumbele mashi nipobhola, ndanje nikwenda koma nyumba jila, ikabheje jangatenganyika, pabha jashinkushengwa pa ndandali.
49 But he that heareth and doeth not, is like a man that built his house upon the earth, without a foundation; and when the torrent rushed upon it, it fell immediately, and the ruin of that house was great.
Ikabheje jojowe apilikana malobhe gangu anatende shindu shoshowe, jwenejo analandana na mundu ashenjile nyumba pa lianji gwangali kuolela ukoto, ndanje jakopoka nnushi jikaisheje, gujikomile nyumba jila, gujibhomweshe jowe nigwa.”

< Luke 6 >