< Colossians 3 >

1 If then ye have risen with the Messiah, seek the things on high, where the Messiah sitteth on the right hand of God.
yadi yUyaM khrISTEna sArddham utthApitA abhavata tarhi yasmin sthAnE khrISTa Izvarasya dakSiNapArzvE upaviSTa AstE tasyOrddhvasthAnasya viSayAn cESTadhvaM|
2 Think of things on high; not of the things on earth:
pArthivaviSayESu na yatamAnA UrddhvasthaviSayESu yatadhvaM|
3 for ye are dead; and your life is hidden with the Messiah, in God.
yatO yUyaM mRtavantO yuSmAkaM jIvitanjca khrISTEna sArddham IzvarE guptam asti|
4 And when the Messiah, who is our life, shall be manifested, then shall ye also be manifested with him in glory.
asmAkaM jIvanasvarUpaH khrISTO yadA prakAziSyatE tadA tEna sArddhaM yUyamapi vibhavEna prakAziSyadhvE|
5 Mortify therefore your members that are on the earth; whoredom, impurity, and the passions, and evil concupiscence, and avarice which is idolatry.
atO vEzyAgamanam azucikriyA rAgaH kutsitAbhilASO dEvapUjAtulyO lObhazcaitAni rpAthavapuruSasyAggAni yuSmAbhi rnihanyantAM|
6 For on account of these things, the wrath of God cometh on the children of disobedience.
yata EtEbhyaH karmmabhya AjnjAlagghinO lOkAn pratIzvarasya krOdhO varttatE|
7 And in these things ye also formerly walked, when ye lived in them.
pUrvvaM yadA yUyaM tAnyupAjIvata tadA yUyamapi tAnyEvAcarata;
8 But now, put away from you all these, wrath, anger, malice, reviling, filthy talking:
kintvidAnIM krOdhO rOSO jihiMsiSA durmukhatA vadananirgatakadAlapazcaitAni sarvvANi dUrIkurudhvaM|
9 and lie not one to another; but put off the old man, with all his practices;
yUyaM parasparaM mRSAkathAM na vadata yatO yUyaM svakarmmasahitaM purAtanapuruSaM tyaktavantaH
10 and put ye on the new man, that is renewed in knowledge, after the likeness of his Creator;
svasraSTuH pratimUrtyA tattvajnjAnAya nUtanIkRtaM navInapuruSaM parihitavantazca|
11 where there is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither circumcision nor uncircumcision, neither Greek nor barbarian, neither bond nor free; but the Messiah is all, and in all.
tEna ca yihUdibhinnajAtIyayOzchinnatvagacchinnatvacO rmlEcchaskuthIyayO rdAsamuktayOzca kO'pi vizESO nAsti kintu sarvvESu sarvvaH khrISTa EvAstE|
12 Therefore, holy and beloved, as the elect of God, put ye on compassions, and tenderness, and suavity, and humbleness of mind, and gentleness, and long suffering.
ataEva yUyam Izvarasya manObhilaSitAH pavitrAH priyAzca lOkA iva snEhayuktAm anukampAM hitaiSitAM namratAM titikSAM sahiSNutAnjca paridhaddhvaM|
13 And be ye indulgent towards one another, and forgiving to one another: and if any one has a complaint against his neighbor, as the Messiah forgave you, so also do ye forgive.
yUyam EkaikasyAcaraNaM sahadhvaM yEna ca yasya kimapyaparAdhyatE tasya taM dOSaM sa kSamatAM, khrISTO yuSmAkaM dOSAn yadvad kSamitavAn yUyamapi tadvat kurudhvaM|
14 And with all these, join love, which is the girdle of perfection.
vizESataH siddhijanakEna prEmabandhanEna baddhA bhavata|
15 And let the peace of the Messiah direct your hearts; for to that ye have been called, in one body; and be ye thankful to the Messiah.
yasyAH prAptayE yUyam Ekasmin zarIrE samAhUtA abhavata sEzvarIyA zAnti ryuSmAkaM manAMsyadhitiSThatu yUyanjca kRtajnjA bhavata|
16 And let his word dwell in you richly, in all wisdom. And teach and admonish yourselves, by psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, and with grace in your hearts sing ye unto God.
khrISTasya vAkyaM sarvvavidhajnjAnAya sampUrNarUpENa yuSmadantarE nivamatu, yUyanjca gItai rgAnaiH pAramArthikasagkIrttanaizca parasparam Adizata prabOdhayata ca, anugRhItatvAt prabhum uddizya svamanObhi rgAyata ca|
17 And whatever ye do in word or act, do it in the name of our Lord Jesus the Messiah, and give thanksgiving through him to God the Father.
vAcA karmmaNA vA yad yat kuruta tat sarvvaM prabhO ryIzO rnAmnA kuruta tEna pitaram IzvaraM dhanyaM vadata ca|
18 Wives, be ye subject to your husbands, as is right in the Messiah.
hE yOSitaH, yUyaM svAminAM vazyA bhavata yatastadEva prabhavE rOcatE|
19 Husbands, love ye your wives, and be not bitter towards them.
hE svAminaH, yUyaM bhAryyAsu prIyadhvaM tAH prati paruSAlApaM mA kurudhvaM|
20 Children, obey your parents in every thing; for this is pleasing before our Lord.
hE bAlAH, yUyaM sarvvaviSayE pitrOrAjnjAgrAhiNO bhavata yatastadEva prabhOH santOSajanakaM|
21 Parents, anger not your children, lest they be discouraged.
hE pitaraH, yuSmAkaM santAnA yat kAtarA na bhavEyustadarthaM tAn prati mA rOSayata|
22 Servants, obey in all things your bodily masters; not in the sight of the eye only, as those who please men, but with a simple heart, and in the fear of the Lord.
hE dAsAH, yUyaM sarvvaviSaya aihikaprabhUnAm AjnjAgrAhiNO bhavata dRSTigOcarIyasEvayA mAnavEbhyO rOcituM mA yatadhvaM kintu saralAntaHkaraNaiH prabhO rbhAtyA kAryyaM kurudhvaM|
23 And whatever ye do, do it with your whole soul, as unto our Lord, and not as to men:
yacca kurudhvE tat mAnuSamanuddizya prabhum uddizya praphullamanasA kurudhvaM,
24 and know ye, that from our Lord ye will receive a recompense as the inheritance; for ye serve the Lord the Messiah.
yatO vayaM prabhutaH svargAdhikArarUpaM phalaM lapsyAmaha iti yUyaM jAnItha yasmAd yUyaM prabhOH khrISTasya dAsA bhavatha|
25 But the delinquent will receive a recompense, according to the delinquency; and there is no respect of persons.
kintu yaH kazcid anucitaM karmma karOti sa tasyAnucitakarmmaNaH phalaM lapsyatE tatra kO'pi pakSapAtO na bhaviSyati|

< Colossians 3 >