< Matthew 27 >

1 BUT when it was morning, the chief priests and elders of the people took counsel against Jeshu, how they should put him to death.
Omwanya gwa katondo gwejile gwakinga, abhakulu bhone bha bhagabhisi na abhakaluka bha bhanu nibhalwajila ebhya Yesu bhabhone okumwita.
2 And they bound him, and led him away, and delivered him to Pilatos the governor.
Nibhamubhoya, nibhamutangasha, na ni bhamukingya kwa liwali Pilato.
3 Then Jihuda the traitor, when he saw that Jeshu was condemned, repented him, and went hastily, and returned those thirty of silver unto the chief priests and elders,
Mbe omwanya Yuda unu aliga amulomee iniku, ajile alola ati Yesu amalile kulamulwa, nanega no kusubhya ebhibhutu makumi gasatu ebhya jiela ku mukulu wa abhagabhisi na abhakaluka,
4 and said, I have sinned, for I have betrayed the innocent blood. But they said to him, To us? what to us? Thou knowest, -thou!
na naika ati, “Nakola echibhibhi kwo kulomela iniku amanyiga ganu gatali na chikayo.” Nawe nibhamusubhya ati, ejichigasa chinuki eswe? Nugalole ago awe omwene.”
5 And he cast down the silver in the temple, and passed away, and went and strangled himself.
Mbe niwo nabhyesa ansi bhiliya ebhibhutu bhya jiela muyekalu nagenda jae no kwinyiga omwene.
6 But the chief priests took up the silver, and said, It is not lawful that we throw it into the place of offering, because it is the price of blood.
Omukulu wa bhagabhisi abhigegele bhilia ebhibhutu bhya jiyela naikati,” jiteile okutula jiyela jinu bhwikilo, kulwokubha nibhugusi bhwa manyinga!
7 And they took counsel, and bought with it the field of the potter, for the burial-place of strangers.
Nibhalwajila amwi na jiyela nijikola okugulila lisambu lyo mumogi elyokusikamo abhagenyi.
8 Wherefore that field has been called, The field of blood, until this day.
ijuno inu nikwo elibha nilitogwa, “lisambu lyamanyinga” okukinga lelo linu.
9 Then was fulfilled what had been spoken by the prophet, who said, And I took the thirty (pieces) of silver, the price of him who was precious, whom the sons of Isroel bargained for;
Mbenio ligambo Lilia lyaliga lyaikilwe no mulagi Yelemia lyakumie, okwaikati, “Bhagegele ebhibhutu makumi gasatu ebhya jiyela, obhugusi bhunu bhwalomelwe na bhanu Bhaisiraeli kumwene,
10 and gave them for the field of the potter, as the Lord commanded me.
Nibhakolela kwisambu lyo mumogi, lwa kutyo Latabhugenyi aliga andagilie.”
11 But Jeshu himself stood before the governor. And the governor questioned him, and said to him, Thou art the king of the Jihudoyee? Jeshu said to him, Thou hast said.
Oli Yesu emeleguyu imbele ya liwali, na liwali namubhusha ati, angu awe nawe Omukama wa bhayaudi? “Yesu amusubhishe ati,”nawe owaika kutyo,”
12 And while the chief priests and elders were accusing him, he returned not a word.
Nawe omwanya ogwo asitakibhwe na bhakulu bha bhagabhisi na bhakulu, atasubhishe chona chona.
13 Then said Pilatos unto him, Hearest thou not what they witness against thee?
Mbe nio Pilato namubhila ati uchalikungwa amasitako gone kwawe?”
14 But he gave him no answer, no, not in one word; and upon this (Pilate) marvelled greatly.
Nawe atamusubhishe nolwo musango gumwi, ndijei Liwali nejulwa nechilugulo.
15 Now at every festival the governor was accustomed to release one of the bound unto the people, whomsoever they would.
Nawe musiku ja musikuku yaliga ili tungwa ya Liwali okusulumula umwi unu kasolwa na liijo.
16 But there was (then) bound a notorious prisoner who was called Bar-aba.
Omwanya ogwo bhaliga no mubhoywa mukumuke lisina lyae Balaba.
17 And when they were assembled, Pilatos said to them, Whom will you that I release unto you, Bar-aba, or Jeshu who is called the Meshicha?
Kutyo omwanya ogwo bhaliga bhwekofyanyishe amwi, Pilato abhasubhishe ati, “Niuya omwenda chibhasulumulile kulwemwe?” Baraba angu Yesu unu katogwa Kristo?”
18 For Pilatos knew that from malice they had delivered him.
Okubha amenyele ati bhamalile okumugwatila lwiso.
19 But while the governor sat upon his tribunal, his wife sent to him saying, Let there be nothing between thee and that Just One; for much have I suffered in a dream to-day on his account.
Omwanya aliga achenyanjile kuchitebhe chae echo kulamulila, omugasi wae amutumie musango naikati wasiga kukola musango gwone gwone ku munu oyo atali na chikayo okubha nanyasibhwa muno nolwo lelo muchiloto kubhwae.”
20 But the chief priests and elders persuaded the multitude that he should release to them Bar-aba, that they might destroy Jeshu.
Mbe nio abhakulu bha bhagabhisi na bhakaluka nibhabhakongya kongya liijo bhamusabhwe Baraba, na Yesu afwe.
21 And the governor answered and said to them, Whom will you that I shall release to you of these two? Then they said, Bar-aba.
Liwali abhabhusishe ati,” Ni uya omwenda nibhasulumulile kwimwe bhaikile ati,”Baraba.”
22 Pilatos saith to them, And to Jeshu who is called the Meshicha, what shall I do with him? They all said, Let him be crucified.
Pilato nabhabhwila ati kambe nimukolele chinuki Yesu unu katogwa Kristo? Bhone nibhasubya ati,” abhambwe”
23 Pilatos saith to them, Why, what evil hath he done? But they clamoured the more, and said, Let him be crucified!
Omwene naika ati, “kubhaki nichikayoki akolele? “Nawe nibeyongesha kusekana obhulaka bhwa ingulu muno, “Abhambwe.”
24 Then Pilatos, when he saw that nothing availed, but that the tumult became greater, took waters (and) washed his hands before the assembly, and said, I am expiated from the blood of this Just One. You shall know.
Kutyo omwanya Pilato ejile alola ati, atakutila okukola lyone lyone, nawe obhusambe bwaliga bwambile, agegele amanji nesabha amabhoko gae imbele ya liijo, naika ati, “Anye nitana chikayo ingulu ya manyinga go munu unu atali na chikayo. Mugalole emwe abhwene.”
25 And all the people answered and said, His blood upon us, and upon our children!
Abhanu bhone nibhaikana ati, “Amanyinga Gaye gabhe ingilu yeswe na bhana bhweswe.”
26 THEN he released to them Bar-aba; and scourged Jeshu with thongs, and delivered him to be crucified.
Nio nabhasulumulila Baraba kwebhwe, nawe amubhumile emijaledi Yesu namukabhiji kwebhwe okuja okumubhamba.
27 Then the soldiers of the governor took Jeshu to the Praetorium, and the whole cohort gathered against him.
Mbe nio abhasilikale abhaliwali nibhamugega Yesu mpaka Praitorio na eiijo lyafu lya bhasilikale bhone nibhamwikofyanyishako.
28 And they stripped him, and invested him with a cloak of crimson.
Nibhamufula emyenda jae nibhamufwafya ikanju ya ilangi imutuku.
29 And they interwove a crown of thorns, and set it upon his head, and a cane in his right hand: and they kneeled upon their knees before him, and mocked him, saying, Hail, king of the Jihudoyee!
Mbe nibhaluka olutenga lwamawa no kuitulila ingulu yo mutwe gwae, na nibhamutulilao lisekeyanda mukubhoko kwae okwebhulyo. Nibhafukama imbele yae nibhamujimya, nibhaika ati, “kasige omukama wa bhayaudi?”
30 And they did spit in his face, and took the cane, and struck him upon his head.
Na nibhamufubhulila amachwata, na nibhagega lisekeyanda na nibhamubhumila mumutwe.
31 And when they had derided him, they stripped him of the cloak, and clothed him with his own garments, and led him away to be crucified.
Omwanya gunu bhaliga nibhamujimya, bhamufulile ikanju iliya nibhamufwafya emyenda jae nibhamutagasha okugenda okumubhamba.
32 And when they had gone forth, they found a Kurinean man whose name was Shemun: this (man) they compel to carry his cross.
Anu bhaliga bhachauluka anja. Nibhamulola omunu okusoka Krene lisina lyae Simoni, oyo nibhamunyasha okugenda nabho koleleki abhone okugega omusalabha gwae.
33 And they came to a place which is called Gogultho, which is expounded, The skull.
Bhwejile bhakinga anu atogwaga goligota, isonga yacho, olubhala lwo lwanga lwo mutwe.”
34 And they gave him to drink vinegar mingled with gall: and he tasted, but was not willing to drink.
Nibhamuyana isiki isasibhwemo na idulu anywe.
35 And when they had crucified him, they divided his garments by lot: that what was spoken by the prophet might be fulfilled, They parted my garments among them, and upon my vesture did they cast lots.
Omwanya nibhamala okumubhamba, bagabhene emyenda jae kwo kubhuma ikula.
36 And they sat down and watched him there.
Na nibhwenyaja nibhamulolela.
37 And they placed over his head the occasion of his death, in the writing, This (is) Jeshu, the King of the Jihudoyee.
Ingulu yo mutwe gwae bhateyeo intambala yae inu yaliga yandikilwe ati unu ni Yesu omukama wa Bhayaudi.”
38 AND they crucified with him two thieves, one on his right hand, and one on his left.
Abhasakusi bhabhili bhabhambilwe amwi nage, oumwi olubhala lwebhulyo lyae no undi kubhwebhumosi.
39 But they who passed by railed against him, moving their heads,
Abhanu bhaliga nibhaiting'ana nibhamufuma nibhasingishaha emitwe jebhwe.
40 and saying, Destroyer of the temple, and builder of it in three days! deliver thyself, if thou art the Son of Aloha, and come down from the cross.
Nibhaika ati,” awe unu wendaga okufumya iyekalu na nuyumbaka musiku esatu, nuwikishe omwene! Alabha uli mwana wa Nyamuanga, ikaansi usoke kumusalabha!”
41 Likewise also the chief priests mocking him, with the scribes and elders and Pharishee, saying,
Nyabhuliko one abhakulu abhabhagabhisi bhaliga Ni bhamugombelesha amwi na bhandiki na bhakaluka nibhaika ati,
42 He saved others; himself he cannot save. If he be the King of Isroel, let him now descend from the cross, that we may see and believe in him.
Akishaga abhandi, nawe atakutula okwikisha omwenene. Omwene ni mukama wa Bhayaudi. Natuke ansi okusoka kumusalabha, nio jechimwikilishe.
43 He trusted upon Aloha; let him liberate him now, if he delighteth in him; for he said, I am the Son of Aloha.
Eikanyishe Nyamuanga siga Nyamuanga amukishe olyanu labha Kenda, okubha aikile ati,' Anye nili mwana wa Nyamuanga.”
44 Likewise also the robbers who were crucified with him reviled him.
Na bhalia abhasakusi abho bhaliga babhambilwe amwi nage one bhaikile emisango jokumufuma.
45 BUT from the sixth hour there was darkness upon all the land until the ninth hour.
Oli kusoka saa mukaga chabheyeo echisute kuchalo chone okukinga saa mwenda.
46 And about the ninth hour Jeshu cried with a high voice, Aloha! Aloha! why hast thou forsaken me?
Yejile yakinga saa mwenda Yesu nalila kwo bhulaka bhwa ingulu, “Eloi, Eloi lama Saba kitani?” Isonga ati, “Nyamuanga wani, Nyamuanga wani. Ni kulwaki wasiga?”
47 But certain of them who stood there, when they heard, said, This hath cried unto Ilio.
Omwanya ogwo abhandi bhabhili bhanu bhaliga bhemeleguyu ao bhoguywe, nibhaika ati kabhilikila Eliya.”
48 And forthwith ran one from them, and took a sponge, and filled it with vinegar, and set it upon a cane, and gave him to drink.
Ao nao oumwi wabho abhilimile nagega isifongo naijusha ebhyokunywa bhilulu, naitula ingulu ya liti namuyana abhone okunywa.
49 But the rest said, Let alone, we will see whether Ilio (will) come to deliver him.
Ka bhanu bhasigae nibhaika ati mumusige enyele ela musige chilole labha Eliya kaja okumukisha.”
50 But he, Jeshu, again cried with a high voice, and dismissed his spirit.
Mbe nio Yesu nalila lindi kwo bhulaka bhunene nasosha omwoyo gwae.
51 And at once the veil of the temple was rent in twain from above to beneath; and the earth was shaken, and the rocks were riven.
Lola, lipajia lya iyekalu lyatikilemo mabhala gabhili okusokelela ingulu kukinga emwalo. Na Insi niyalala na amatale nigatika bhibhala.
52 And the house of the buried was opened; and the bodies of many of the saints who had been asleep arose,
Jifwa nijiguka, ne mibhili eja bhelu bhafu bhanu bhaliga bhamamile jitilo nibhasululwa.
53 and came forth, and after his resurrection went into the holy city, and were seen by many.
Bhasokele munfwa kwo kumala okusuluka kwae, bhengie mumusi omwelu na bhabhonekene bhafu.
54 But the centurion and those with him, who guarded Jeshu, when they saw the commotion and those (portents) which took place, feared greatly, and said, Assuredly this was the Son of Aloha.
Nawe uliya Akida na bhalia abho bhaliga nibhamulola Yesu bhalolele echiyalalo namamagambo ganu gabhonekene, bhejuwe no bhubha muno nibhaikana ati, “Nichimali unu ali Mwana wa Nyamuanga.”
55 (And) many women were there, beholding from afar; those who had come after Jeshu from Galila, and had ministered unto him.
Abhagasi bhafu bhanu bhaliga nibhamulubhilisha Yesu okusoka Galilaya bhanu bhamufulubhendelaga bhaliga bhalio aliya nibhalolaga okusoka kula.
56 One of them was Mariam Magdolitha, and Mariam the mother of Jakub and of Josi, and the mother of the sons of Zabdai.
Mwabho aliga alimo Mariamu Magdarena, Mariamu nyilamwene Yakobho na Josefu na nyilamwene abhana bha Jebhedayo.
57 BUT when it was evening, there came a rich man from Rometha, whose name was Jauseph, who himself also was a disciple of Jeshu.
Yejile yakinga kegolo, ejile munu munibhi okusoka Alimataya, unu atogwaga Yusufu, unu one aliga mwiigisibhwa wa Yesu.
58 This went unto Pilatos, and begged the body of Jeshu. And Pilatos commanded that the body should be given to him.
Agendelee ku Pilato nagusabhwa omubhili gwa Yesu. Mbe niwo Pilato nalagilila abhone okumuyana.
59 And Jauseph took the body, and wound it round in a cloth of pure linen,
Yusufu agegele omubhili nagubhoya no mwenda gwa isufu ya kisi,
60 and laid it in a new house of burial of his own, which was hewn out in the rock. And they rolled a great stone, and heaved it against the door of the sepulchre, and went.
na nagumamya munfwa inyaya ya inu aliga asimbile kulutale, niwo nasilingisha libhui enene niliswikila omulyango gwa infwa nagenda jae.
61 Now there were there Mariam Magdolitha and the other Mariam, who were sitting over against the sepulchre.
Mariamu magdarena na Mariamu oundi bhaliga bhalio alia bhenyanjile bhasomekene na infwa.
62 BUT the day which was next after the preparation, the chief priests and Pharishee came together unto Pilatos,
Olusiku olwo lwalubhie olwo lwaliga lusiku olwo kwilabha, abhakulu bha bhagabhisi na abhafarisayo nibhekofyanyisha amwi ewa pilato.
63 saying to him, Our lord, we remember that that impostor said while alive, That after three days I will arise.
Nibhamubhwila ati, “Mukulu echijuka ati omwanya gulia omubhei aliga achali muanga, aikile ati, alibha jatulao nsiku esatu ndisuka lindi.'
64 Command therefore that they watch the sepulchre till (after) the third of the days; lest his disciples come, and steal him away by night, and tell the people that from the house of the dead he has risen, and the last delusion be worse than the first.
Mbe kulwejo lagilila ati infwa ilindwe kata kukinga ku lusiku lwa kasatu. Bhindi nebyo, abheigisibhwa bhae abhatula okuja okumwibha na nibhaikana ku bhanu, 'Asulukile okusoka mu bhafuye' na okubheya kwa kubhutelo obhubha bhubhibhi okukila bhulia obho kwamba.”
65 Pilatos saith to them, Ye have guards; go, watch diligently, as ye know how.
Pilato nabhabhwila ati, “Mugege abhalisi. Mugende mukole iyali yo mulembe lwa kutyo omutula.
66 So they went, and set a watch (about) the sepulchre, and sealed the stone along with the guards.
Kutyo bhagendele na nibhakola infwa kubha mulembe, libhui lyabhumilwe echibhalikisho no kutulako abhalisi.

< Matthew 27 >