< Luke 8 >

1 AND it was after these things that Jeshu itinerated among the cities and villages, and preached and announced the kingdom of Aloha, and his twelve with him,
In zgodí se po tem, in on je hodil po mestih in vaséh, učeč in oznanjujoč evangelj o kraljestvu Božjem; in dvanajsteri ž njim,
2 and those women who had been healed from infirmities and from evil spirits, Mariam who was called Magdalitha, she from whom he had cast out seven devils,
In nektere žene, ktere so uzdravljene bile od duhov hudobnih in od bolezni, Marija, ki se imenuje Magdalena, iz ktere je bilo sedem hudičev izšlo,
3 and Juchana the wife of Kusa, chief of the household of Herodes, and Shushan, and many others, who ministered unto him from their possessions.
Joana žena Huza pristavnika Herodovega, in Suzana, in drugih veliko, ktere so mu služile z imenjem svojim.
4 And when a great multitude had assembled, and from all the cities had come to him, he discoursed in parables.
Ko se je pa veliko ljudstva sešlo, in tistih, kteri so iz mest prihajali k njemu, pové jim v priliki:
5 A sower went forth to sow his seed. And as he sowed, some fell by the road-side; and it was trodden down, and the fowl devoured it.
Izšel je sejalec sejat seme svoje; in ko je sejal, eno je padlo poleg ceste, in pogazilo se je, in tice nebeške so ga pozobale.
6 And other fell upon the rock; and it immediately sprang up, and, because it had no moisture, it withered.
In drugo je padlo na skalo, in ko je pognalo, usahnilo je, ker ni imelo vlage.
7 And other fell among thorns, and they sprang up with it, and choked it.
In drugo je padlo sredi trnja, in trnje je zrastlo, in udušilo ga je.
8 And other fell into ground good and fair, and sprang up, and made fruit an hundredfold. And when he had said these (words), he cried, Whoever hath ears to hear, let him hear.
In drugo je padlo na dobro zemljo, in ko je pognalo, doneslo je stoteri sad. Ko je to pravil, klical je: Kdor ima ušesa, da sliši, naj sliši!
9 And his disciples asked him, What is (the signification of) this parable?
Vpraševali pa so ga učenci njegovi, govoreč: Kakošna bi bila ta prilika?
10 But he said to them, To you it is given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of Aloha; but to those who are the rest in similitudes is it spoken; that while seeing they may not see, and while hearing they may not understand.
On pa reče: Vam je dano, da spoznate skrivnosti kraljestva Božjega; drugim pa v prilikah, da gledajo in ne vidijo, ter slišijo in ne umejo.
11 But this is the parable: The seed is the word of Aloha.
Ta prilika pa je: Seme je beseda Božja:
12 Now they by the road-side are they who hear the word; and the adversary cometh, and taketh up the word from their hearts, that they should not believe and be saved.
A kteri so poleg ceste posejani, ti so, kteri slišijo: ali potem pride hudič in vzeme besedo iz srca njih, da ne bi verovali in zveličali se.
13 But those who fell upon the rock are those who, when they hear, with joy receive the word; yet root they have not, but for a time is their faith, and in the time of temptation they are offended.
A kteri so na skalo posejani, ti, kteri besedo, ko so jo sklišali, z veseljem sprejemajo; in ti korenine nimajo, kteri nekaj časa verujejo, a v čas izkušnjave odpadejo.
14 But that which fell among thorns are they who hear the word, and by the cares, and by the riches, and by the lusts of the world, they are choked, and fruit they give not.
Kar je pa v trnje padlo, to so ti, kteri slišijo: ali ker za skrbmí in bogastvom in slastmi življenja hodijo, udušé se, in ne donašajo sadú.
15 But that which (was) in good ground are they who, with hearts humble and good, hear the word and retain, and give fruits with perseverance.
Kar je pa na dobro zemljo padlo, to so ti, kteri v dobrem in blagem srcu varujejo besedo, ktero so slišali, in donašajo sad v trpljenji.
16 NO man lighteth a lamp, and covereth it with a measure, or setteth it under a bed; but setteth it upon a candlestick, that every one who cometh in may see the light of it.
Nikdor pa sveče, ko jo prižgè, ne skrije pod mernik, ali dene pod posteljo; nego postavi jo na svečnik, da ti, kteri vhajajo, vidijo luč.
17 For there is nothing hidden which shall not be revealed, and nothing secret that shall not be known and come into openness.
Kajti nič ni prikritega, kar se ne bo razodelo; tudi skrivnega ne, kar se ne bo zvedelo in na svetlo prišlo.
18 Take heed how you hear: for unto him who hath, it shall be given; and from him who hath not, that also which he thinketh that he hath shall be taken from him.
Glejte torej, kako boste poslušali: kajti kdor imá, dalo mu se bo; a kdor nima, odvzelo mu se bo tudi to, kar misli, da ima.
19 Now came to him his mother and his brethren, and could not speak with him on account of the assembly.
Pridejo pa k njemu mati njegova in bratje njegovi; ali za voljo ljudstva niso mogli priti do njega.
20 And they said to him, Thy mother and thy brethren are standing without, desiring to see thee.
In sporočé mu, govoreč: Mati tvoja in bratje tvoji stojé zunej, in radi bi te videli.
21 But he answered and said to them, These are my mother and my brethren, they who hear the word of Aloha, and do it.
On pa odgovarjajoč, reče jim: Mati moja in bratje moji so ti, kteri besedo Božjo poslušajo in delajo po njej.
22 NOW it was on one of the days that Jeshu ascended and sat in a vessel and his disciples: and he said to them, Let us pass to the other side of the water.
In zgodí se en dan, in on stopi v ladjo in učenci njegovi; in reče jim: Prepeljimo se na oni kraj jezera! In odpeljejo se.
23 But as they went, Jeshu himself slept. And there became a storm of wind on the water, and nigh was the vessel to be swallowed up.
A ko so se peljali, zaspí. Kar snide vihar na jezero, in potapljali so se, in bili so v nevarnosti.
24 And they approached (and) awoke him, saying to him, Our master, our master, we perish! But he arose and rebuked the winds and the waves of the sea; and they quieted, and there was a calm.
In pristopivši, zbudé ga, govoreč: Učenik! učenik! pogibamo! A on vstavši, zapretí vetru in valovju; in umirita se, in nastala je tihota.
25 And he said to them, Where is your faith? But they, afraid, wondered, saying one with another, Who is this that also commandeth the winds, and to whom the waves and the sea are obedient?
In reče jim: Kje je vera vaša? A oni so se uplašili, in začudijo se, govoreč eden drugemu: Kdo neki je ta, da tudi vetrovom zapoveduje in vodi, in poslušajo ga?
26 And they went forward and came to the country of the Godroyee, which is over against Galila.
In preplavijo se v zemljo Gadarensko, ktera je Galileji nasproti.
27 And when he had gone forth to the land, there met him a certain man from the city, who had a devil in him a great time, and (who) wore no clothes, and in a house dwelt not, but in the place of the buried.
Ko pa izide na zemljo, sreča ga en človek iz mesta, kteri je imel hudiča uže dolgo časa, in v obleko se ni oblačil, in v hiši ni prebival, nego v grobih.
28 But when he saw Jeshu, he cried out, and fell before him, and said in a high voice, What to us and to thee, Jeshu, son of Aloha Marima? I beseech of thee, torment me not.
A ko ugleda Jezusa, zakričí in pade pred-nj, in z močnim glasom reče: Kaj imaš z menoj, Jezus, sin Boga najvišega: Prosim te, nikar mene muči!
29 For Jeshu commanded the unclean spirit to come forth from the man. For long was the time that he had been enthralled of him; and (when) bound with chains, and kept with fetters, he had burst asunder his bonds, and had been driven by the demon into the waste.
Ukazal je bil namreč duhu nečistemu, naj izide iz človeka: kajti uže dolgo časa ga je bil metal, in vezali so ga z verigami in vezmí, ter so ga varovali; ali potrgal je vezí, in gonil ga je hudič po puščavah.
30 And Jeshu demanded of him, What is thy name? He saith to him, Legion: because that many devils had entered into him.
Vpraša pa ga Jezus, govoreč: Kako ti je ime? On pa reče: Množica; kajti obsedlo ga je bilo mnogo hudičev.
31 And they besought from him that he would not cast them out to go into the abyss. (Abyssos g12)
In prosili so ga, naj jim ne zapové iti v brezno. (Abyssos g12)
32 Now there was there a great herd of many swine which fed on the hill: and they besought from him that he would permit them to enter into the swine. And he permitted them.
Bila je pa tam velika čreda svinj, ktere so se pasle na gori; in prosili so ga, naj jim dovoli, da vnidejo va-nje. In dovoli jim.
33 And the demons went forth from the man, and entered into the swine; and the whole herd went directly to the precipice, and plunged into the waters, and were suffocated.
In hudiči izidejo iz človeka in vnidejo v svinje; in zakadí se čreda z brega v jezero, in potonejo.
34 And when the herdmen saw the thing that was done, they fled, and made known in the city and in the villages.
Videvši pa pastirji, kar se je zgodilo, pobegnejo, ter odidejo in sporočé po mestu in po vaséh.
35 And the men went forth to see the thing which was done. And they came to Jeshu, and found the man from whom the demons had gone out, clothed, sober, and sitting at the feet of Jeshu. And they feared.
Ter izidejo gledat, kaj se je zgodilo; in pridejo k Jezusu, in najdejo človeka, iz kterega so bili hudiči izšli, da je oblečen in pameten, in sedí pri nogah Jezusovih; in uplašijo se.
36 And they who had seen it showed to them how the man of the demon had been healed.
Sporočé pa jim tudi ti, kteri so bili videli, kako je obsedenec ozdravel.
37 And the whole multitude of the Godroyee besought of Jeshu that he would go from them, because great fear had taken them. And he, Jeshu, ascended the ship, and returned from them.
In zaprosi ga vsa množica iz okolice Gadarenske, naj odide od njih; kajti strah velik jih je preletal. A on stopi v ladjo in se vrne.
38 But he, the man from whom had gone forth the demons, besought of him that he might be with him. But Jeshu dismissed him, and said to him,
Prosil pa ga je mož, iz kterega so bili izšli hudiči, da bi bil ž njim; ali Jezus ga odpravi, govoreč:
39 Return to thine house, and show what Aloha hath done for thee. And he went and proclaimed in every city what Jeshu had done for him.
Vrni se na dom svoj, in pripoveduj, kaj ti je storil Bog. Pa odide, po vsem mestu oznanjujoč, kaj mu je storil Jezus.
40 WHEN Jeshu returned, a great multitude received him: for they were all expecting him.
Zgodí se pa, ko se vrne Jezus, sprejme ga ljudstvo; kajti vsi so ga pričakovali.
41 And a certain man whose name was Jorush, head of the synagogue, fell before the feet of Jeshu, and besought him to enter into his house;
In glej, pa pride mož, kteremu je bilo ime Jair, (in ta je bil starešina v shajališči, ) in pade Jezusu pred noge, in prosil ga je, naj vnide v hišo njegovo;
42 for he had an only daughter, as a daughter of twelve years, and she was nigh unto death. And as Jeshu went with him, the great multitude pressed him.
Kajti imel je hčer edinico pri dvanajstih letih, in ta je umirala. A ko je šel, stiskalo ga je ljudstvo.
43 And a certain woman whose blood had gushed forth twelve years, she who among the physicians had spent all her substance, but could not be healed by any one,
In žena, ktera je imela krvotok uže dvanajst let, in je bila vse imenje svoje potrošila na zdravnike, ktere ni mogel nobeden uzdraviti.
44 approached him from behind, and touched the border of his garment, and immediately stood the flowing of her blood.
Pristopi od zadi in se dotakne robú obleke njegove; in precej se je ustavil vir krví njene.
45 And Jeshu said, Who touched me? And when all denied, Shemun Kipha and those with him said, Raban, the crowd straiteneth and presseth thee, and sayest thou, Who touched me?
Pa reče Jezus: Kdo se me je dotaknil? Ko so se pa vsi odgovarjali, reče Peter in kteri so bili ž njim; Učenik, ljudstvo te gnjete in stiska, pa praviš: Kdo se me je dotaknil?
46 But he said, Some one hath touched me, for I know that power hath gone forth from me.
Jezus pa reče: Nekdo se me je dotaknil; kajti jaz sem očutil, da je odšla moč od mene.
47 And she, the woman, when she saw that she was not hid, came trembling and fell (and) worshipped him. And she told before all the people for what cause she had touched him, and how at once she had been healed.
Videč pa žena, da se ni prikrila, pristopi drhtajoč, in pade pred-nj, in pové mu pred vsem ljudstvom, za kaj se ga je dotaknila, in kako je ozdravela precej.
48 But he, Jeshu, said to her, Be comforted, my daughter: thy faith hath saved thee, go in peace.
On jej pa reče: Zaupaj, hčer! vera tvoja ti je pomogla; pojdi v miru.
49 And while he was speaking, there came a man from the chief of the synagogue and said to him, Thy daughter is dead, weary not the Malphona.
Ko je še govoril, pride nekdo od starešine shajališčnega, govoreč mu: Umrla je hčer tvoja; ne trudi učenika.
50 But Jeshu heard, and said to the father of the damsel, Fear not, only believe, and she lives!
Slišavši pa to Jezus, odgovorí mu, govoreč: Ne boj se! le veruj, in ozdravela bo.
51 But Jeshu came to the house, and he suffered no man to enter with him, save Shemun, and Jakub, and Juchanon, and the father of the damsel, and her mother.
Ko je pa prišel v hišo, ni dal nikomur vniti, razen Petru in Jakobu in Janezu, in očetu in materi deklice.
52 And they were all weeping and wailing for her; but Jeshu said, Weep not, for she is not dead, but asleep.
Vsi pa so jokali, in tarnali po njej. On pa reče: Ne jokajte! ni umrla, nego spí.
53 And they laughed at him, for they knew that she was dead.
In posmehovali so mu se, vedoč, da je umrla.
54 But he put every man forth without. And he took her by the hand, and called and said, Damsel, arise.
On pa izgnavši vse, in prijemši jo za roko, zakliče, govoreč: Deklica, vstani!
55 And her spirit returned, and she arose. And he directed that they should give her to eat.
In vrne se duh nje, in vstala je precej; in ukaže jim, naj jej dadó jesti.
56 And her parents were astonished; but he cautioned them that no man they should tell what he had done.
In zavzemeta se roditelja njena; a on jima naročí, naj nikomur ne povesta, kar se je zgodilo.

< Luke 8 >