< Luke 4 >

1 BUT Jeshu, being full of the Spirit of Holiness, returned from the Jurdan, and the Spirit led him into the desert,
A IEJUJ, me dir en Nen jaraui, puredo jan Iordan, o Nen kotin kalualan i nan jap tan.
2 to be tempted forty days by the accuser. And he ate nothing in those days; and when they were fulfilled, afterwards he hungered.
O wia jonejon pan tewil ran panaul. A jota kotin konot ni ran oko. Ran akan lao imwi jokela ap men konot.
3 And the accuser said to him, If thou art the Son of Aloha, tell this stone to become bread.
Tewil ap indai on i: Ma komui japwilim en Kot, en majani on takai wet, a en wiala prot.
4 Jeshu answered and said to him, It is written, It is not by bread alone that the son of man liveth, but by every word of Aloha.
A Iejuj kotin japen i majani: A intinidier: Kaidin prot eta, me aramaj en memaureki, pwe majan en Kot akan.
5 And Satana carried him up into a high mountain, and showed him all the kingdoms of the earth in a little time.
Tewil ap kaluadalan i pon nana ileile eu o kajala on i wein jappa karoj ni marep taieu.
6 And the accuser said to him, To thee will I give all this power and the glory of it, which to me is delivered; and to whomsoever that I will, I give it unto him.
Tewil indan i: I pan ki on komui manaman pukat karoj o a linan, pwe a muei on ia er, a i pan ki on, me i mauki.
7 If therefore thou wilt worship before me, thine shall be all.
Ari, ma komui pan poni ia, karoj ap pan japwilim omui la.
8 But Jeshu answered and said to him, It is written, That the Lord thy Aloha thou shalt worship, and him only shalt thou serve.
Iejuj kotin japen i majani: A intinidier: Koe en poni on Kaun om Kot; i eta, koe en papa.
9 And he caused him to be at Urishlem, and to stand on the pinnacle of the temple, and said to him, If thou art the Son of Aloha, throw thyself from hence beneath:
I ap kalualan i Ierujalem o kauada i pon konkon en im en kaudok o indai on i: Ma komui japwilim en Kot, kajedi pein komui,
10 for it is written, His angels he shall charge concerning thee to keep thee,
Pwe a intinidier: A pan kajilaki japwilim a tounlan kai komui, pwen apapwali komui.
11 and upon their arms to bear thee up, that thou strike not thy foot against a stone.
O wa komui nan lim ar akan, pwe aluwilu omui der dipikelekel ni takai eu.
12 But Jeshu answered and said to him, It is spoken, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy Aloha.
Iejuj kotin japen majani on i: A lolokido, koe ender kajone jon Kaun om Kot!
13 And when the accuser had accomplished all his temptations, he removed from him for a time.
Tewil lao kanikiela jonejon karoj, ap muei jan i anjau kij.
14 AND Jeshu returned in the power of the Spirit into Galila, and there went forth a report concerning him in all the region about them,
Iejuj ap kotin pure don Kalilaa ni rojon en Nen, ap indand jili nan jap karoj me mi imp a.
15 and he taught in their assemblies, and was glorified of every one.
A kotin kaukawewe nan ar jinakoke kan, o karoj kapina i.
16 And he came to Natsrath where he had grown up; and he went out, as his custom was, into the synagogue on the day of shabath, and he stood up to read.
A kotin lel Najaret, waja a kotin kakairida ia, ap kotilon jon nan jinakoke duen a kin wiada ni ran en japat o kotida, pwen wadok.
17 And there was given to him the book of Eshaia the prophet, and Jeshu opened the book and found the place where it is written,
Puk en jaukop Iejaia an wijike don i a lao lim pajan puk o ap diarada waja o me intinidier:
18 The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, Because he hath anointed me to evangelize to the poor, And hath sent me to heal the contrite in heart, To proclaim to the captives release, And to the blind, vision, And to assure the contrite by remission,
Nen en Kaun kotikot re i, I me a keie kin ia da, pwen padaki on me jamama kan ronamau. A kadar ia do, pwen kaloki on me jalidi kan, me ren jaladokela, o me majkun akan pan kilan waja, o me patau kan pan maioda,
19 And to proclaim the year of acceptance of the Lord.
O kaloki jaunpar mau en Kaun o.
20 And he rolled the book, and gave it to the minister, and went and sat down; but the eyes of all them in the synagogue beheld him.
A kotin lim pena puk o ap kupure on me papa men o kotidi. Maj en karoj nan jinakoke kankakil i.
21 And he began to say to them, Today is fulfilled this scripture which is in your ears.
I ari tapiada majani on irail: Kijin likau wet pwaidar mo’mail ran wet.
22 And all witnessed him and wondered at the words of grace which proceeded from his mouth. And they said, Is not this the son of Jauseph?
Ir karoj ap kadede o puriamuiki majan kompok kan, me pwili jan jilan i, ap indada: Kaidin i nain Iojep?
23 Jeshu said to them, You will perhaps say to me this proverb, Physician, heal thyself; and all that we have heard that you have done in Kapher-nachum do also here in your own city.
A ap kotin majani on irail: Nan melel, komail pan indan ia karajeraj wet: Jaunwini, jauaja pein uk! Pwe re ronadar duen ion kapuriamui, me wiauier nan Kapernaum; ari kom pil wiada iliieta waja et nan jap omui.
24 But he said, I tell you assuredly, There is no prophet who is received in his (own) city.
A kotin majani: Melel I indai on komail, jota jaukop amen me konekon nan japwe.
25 For I say to you the truth, that many widows were in the house of Isroel in the days of Elia the prophet, when the heavens were shut up for three years and six months, and great famine was in all the land;
A melel I indai on komail, li odi toto mi nan Ijrael ni muein Kliaj, ni anjau nanlan matata par jilu o jaunipon wonu, ni lek In pal ap kipadi jap karoj;
26 and to none of them was Elia sent, but to Sarephath of Tsaidon, unto a woman a widow:
A jota amen, me Eliaj pakadar won, pwe ren li odi men nan Jarepta nan jap Jidon.
27 and many lepers were in the house of Israel, in the days of Elisha the prophet, and not one of them was cleansed only Namon the Aramian.
O me tuketuk kan me toto nan Ijrael ni muein jaukop Kliaj, a jota amen re’rail, me kelailadar, pwe Naeman eta men Jirien.
28 And when they heard these things, they who were in the synagogue were all of them filled with anger,
Karoj, me mi nan jinakoke ni ar ronadar mepukat, ap makar kida kaualap,
29 and they arose, forced him without from the city, and brought him to the brow of the hill on which their city was built to throw him from the rock:
Re udar jikonlar i jan kanimo, o kalualan i pon kailan dol o, waja ar kanim kakaudar ia, pwen kajedi jan ia,
30 but he passed through them and went.
A i kotin weid nan pun ar, kotila jan irail.
31 AND he went down to Kapher-nachum, a city of Galila, and instructed them on the shabath.
I ari kotilan Kapernaum kanim en Kalilaa, o kotin kawewe on irail ni ran en japat akan.
32 And they were astonished at his doctrine, for with power was his word.
Irail ari puriamuiki a padak, pwe a majan me manaman.
33 And there was in the synagogue a man who had the spirit of an unclean devil, and he cried with a high voice,
A aramaj amen mi nan jinakoke, me nen en tewil jaut amen ti po a, me weriwer laud,
34 and said, Leave me, what to us and to thee, Jeshu Natsroia? art thou come to destroy us? I know thee who thou art, the Holy One of Aloha.
Inda: Ko jan kit, menda re omui kit Iejuj en Najaret! Kom kotido, en kawe kit ala. I aja, me komui nain Kot jaraui.
35 And Jeshu rebuked him, and said, Close thy mouth, and come forth from him. And the devil cast him down in the midst, and came forth from him, and hurt him not any thing.
Iejuj ap kidaue i majani: Nenenla o ko jan re a. Tewil lao kajedi i nan pun arail, ap koiei jan re a, jota me jued kot a wiai on i.
36 And wonder seized on every man, and they spake with each other and said, What thing is this? for with authority and with power he commandeth the unclean spirits, and they go forth.
Irail karoj ap puriamui kila, kajokajoi nan pun arail indada: Dakot majan pot et? Pwe a majan manaman o rojon on nen jaut akan, irail ap kin ko wei jan.
37 And there went out the fame concerning him into all the region which surrounded them.
I ari indand jili nin jap karoj waja o.
38 And when Jeshu had gone forth from the synagogue, he entered into the house of Shemun; and the mother-in-law of Shemun was afflicted with a great fever, and they besought him on behalf of her;
I ap kotida jan nan jinakoke, ap kotilon on nan im en Jimon. A jaulap en Jimon me jomau karakar. Irail ari poekipoeki i re a.
39 and he stood over her and rebuked the fever, and it left her, and she rose up at once and ministered to them.
I ari koti don i majani on jomau o, ap madan ko jan, i ari madan paurida papa irail.
40 But at the setting of the sun all they who had diseased ones, who were diseased with various diseases, brought them to him, and he upon every one of them laid his hand, and healed them.
Katipin lao kirilar, rap wa don i ar luet akan karoj. I ari kotikidan amen amen lim a kan, kakelail ir ada.
41 And he cast forth also devils from many, (they) crying out, and saying, Thou art the Meshicha, the Son of Aloha. And he rebuked them, and suffered them not to speak, for they knew that he was the Meshicha.
O tewil akan pil kowei jan ren me toto, me weriwer indada: Komui japwilim en Kot. I ari kotin kidau ir ada, o jota mueid on irail, en lokaia, pwe re aja, me i Krijtuj.
42 And at the dawn of day he departed, and went to a desert place; and the people sought him, and came to him, and held him, that he should not go from them:
A lao waja ran a kotilan waja rir, a pokon o raparapaki i, re pokon don i o kolekol i pwen der koti wei jan irail.
43 but Jeshu said to them, To other cities also must I go to announce the kingdom of Aloha, for concerning this I have been sent.
A i kotin majani on ir: I pil pan padaki ronamau en wein Kot nan kanim tei ko, pwe i me I pakadar kidor.
44 And he preached in the synagogues of Galila.
A i kotin padapadak nan jinakoke en Kalilaa kan.

< Luke 4 >