< Luke 15 >

1 Then drew near to him the publicans and sinners to hear him.
A SAUNOPWEI o me dipan akan karos ap kai dong i pwen rong i.
2 And the Sophree and Pharishee murmured, and said, This (man) receiveth sinners, and eateth with them.
A Parisär o saunkawewe kan lipaned indada: Ol men et kin kompokeki me dipan akan o iang irail sakasak.
3 And Jeshu spake to them this parable:
A a kotin masani ong irail karaseras wet:
4 What man of you, who hath a hundred sheep, if he shall lose one from them, does not leave the ninety and nine in the wilderness, and, going, seeketh that which was lost until he shall have found it?
Is aramas re omail me na sip epuki, a ma amen irail salongalar me so pan pwilikidi ir duekduemen nan wel ap raparapaki me salongalar, lao a pan diarada i?
5 And when he hath found it, he rejoiceth and carrieth it upon his shoulders.
A lao diarada i, a kidang pon pop a pereperen.
6 And, coming to his house, he calleth his friends and his neighbours, and saith to them, Rejoice with me; for I have found the sheep which was lost.
A lao pure dong deu a, a kin eker pena kompokepa kan o men imp a kan indai ong irail: Komail iang ia perenda, pwe i diaradar nai sip me salongalar.
7 I say to you, that thus shall there be joy in heaven over one sinner who repenteth, more than over the ninety and nine just ones who have no need of repentance.
I indai ong komail, nan iduen peren pil pan mi nanlang pweki me dipan me ta men, me kalula, sang duekduemen me pung ap sota mau ong kalula.
8 Or, who is the woman that hath ten zuzis, and shall lose one of them, (and) does not light a lamp and sweep the house, and seek it diligently, until she shall have found it?
O is li o me na denar eisok, eu ap salongala sang, me so pan isikada lamp o koke im o, o raparapaki mau, lao a pan diarada?
9 And when she hath found it, she calleth her friends and her neighbours, and saith to them, Rejoice with me; for I have found my zuzi that I had lost.
A lao diaradar i, a kin eker pena kompokepa kan o men imp a kan indai ong irail: Komail iang ia perenda, pwe i diarada ai denar o, me salongalar.
10 I say to you, that so shall there be joy before the angels of God over one sinner that repenteth.
Nan I indai ong komail, iduen peren mi ren tounlang en Kot akan, pweki me dipan me ta men, me kalula.
11 AND Jeshu said to them again, A certain man had two sons;
A kotin masani: Aramas amen mia, me na ol riamen.
12 and his minor son said to him, My father, give to me my division of the goods of thy house. And he divided to them his substance.
A me tikitik re’ra indai ong sam a: Sam ai, kotiki dong ia pwais ai en soso, me udan ai. I ari nene ong ira ara dipisou kan.
13 And after a few days the minor son gathered together his all whatsoever, and went into a distant country, and there dispersed his substance in living profusely.
A murin ran akai me tikitik ren ol oko ki pena a dipisou karos, ap sailokalang sap doo, wasa a kasela mal a kapwa kan nin tiak sued.
14 And when every thing he had was finished, there was a great famine in that country; and he began to want.
A lao kamuse weita a kapwa karos, lek lapalap ap pwaida sap o, i ari dupokalar.
15 And he went and joined himself to one of the sons of the city of that place; and he sent him into the field to tend the swine.
I ap koieila dodok ren me pweledan sap o men. I ap kadarala i, pwen kamanga na pwik kan.
16 And he had a desire to fill his belly with those karubs which the swine did eat; and no man gave to him.
I ari inong iong, kangkang wantuka kai, me pwik kin namenam, a sota me mueid ong i.
17 And when he came to himself, he said, How many hirelings are there now in my father's house, who have abundance of bread, and I here with hunger am perishing!
A kadekadeo i lao lolekongalar, ap indada: Ladu me depa mi ren sam ai, me kan ar manga me rak, a ngai pan mekila so kan ai manga.
18 I will arise, go to my father, and say to him, My father, I have sinned against heaven and before thee,
I pan uda purela ren sam ai indai ong i: Sam ai, i wiadar dip ong nanlang o ong komui.
19 and am no more worthy thy son to be called: make me as one of thy hirelings.
I solar warong adaneki noumui putak, komui ari wia kin ia ladu’mui men.
20 And he arose, (and) went to his father. And while he was (yet) afar, his father saw him, and had compassion upon him, and ran, fell upon his neck, and kissed him.
I ari uda purela ren sam a. A ni a mi wasa doo, sam a kilangada i, ap pokela, pitipiti dong i o polodi i, metik i.
21 And his son said to him, My father, I have sinned against heaven and before thee, and am not worthy thy son to be called.
A putak o indai ong i: Sam ai, i wiadar dip ong nanlang o ong komui, i solar war ong adaneki noumui putak.
22 But his father said to his servants, Bring forth the first robe to clothe him, and put a ring upon his hand, and let him be, shod with sandals,
A sam masani ong na ladu kan: Wado likau kasampwal o kalikauwia kida i, o ki ong ring ni sondin pa a, o sut ni nä a kan.
23 and bring, kill the calf that is fat, and let us eat and be glad;
O wado kau pul wi o kamela, pwe kitail en kang o pereperen.
24 for this my son was dead, and he is alive; he was lost, and is found. And they began to rejoice.
Pwe nai putak men et melar ap mauredar, a salongalar ap diarokadar. Irail ari perendar.
25 But he, the elder son, was in the field; and as he came and drew near to the house, he heard the voice of music;
A na putak laud mi nan sap o. Ni a pure dong koren iong im o, ap rongadar kakaul o kakalek,
26 and he called one of the youths, and asked him what this was.
Ap kalelapok ren ladu men duen ar wiawia.
27 He said to him, Thy brother hath come, and thy father hath killed the calf that was fat, because he hath received him well.
A indang i: Ri omui ol puredo, sam omui ap kamela kau pul wi o, pwe a diaradar i memaur o kelail.
28 And he was angry, and would not go in. And his father came forth and besought him.
A ap makara kida o sota men pedelong, sam a ap pedoi dong re a poekipoeki.
29 But he said to his father, Behold, how many years have I wrought thee service, and never have I transgressed thy commandment: yet never hast thou given me a kid, that I might feast with my friends.
A a sapeng indang sam a: Kom mangi, par toto me i papa komui, o i saikenta kawela eu omui masan akan, a kom sota kotiki ong ia kisin kut amen, i en kamadipeki kompoke pai kan.
30 But this thy son, when he hath wasted thy substance with harlots, and hath come, thou hast killed for him the fatted calf.
A noumui putak men et lao kodo, murin a kamuse wei a dipisou ren me sued akan, komui ap isik ong i kau pul wi o.
31 His father saith to him, My son, thou in all time art with me, and every thing that I have is thine.
Sam a ap masani ong i: Nai seri, koe kin mimieta re i ansau karos, o ai meakaros me om.
32 But to rejoice it behoves us, and to be glad, because this thy brother was dead, and is alive; and was lost, and is found.
Me mau, koe en peren o insenemau. Pwe ri om ol men et melar, ap mauredar, a salongalar ap diarokadar.

< Luke 15 >