< Song of Solomon 5 >

1 to come (in): come to/for garden my sister my daughter-in-law: bride to pluck myrrh my with spice my to eat honeycomb my with honey my to drink wine my with milk my to eat neighbor to drink and be drunk beloved: love 2 I sleeping and heart my to rouse voice: sound beloved my to beat to open to/for me sister my darling my dove my complete my which/that head my to fill dew lock my drop night 3 to strip [obj] tunic my how? to clothe her to wash: wash [obj] foot my how? to soil them 4 beloved my to send: reach hand his from [the] hole and belly my to roar upon him 5 to arise: rise I to/for to open to/for beloved my and hand my to drip/prophesy myrrh and finger my myrrh to pass upon palm [the] bolt 6 to open I to/for beloved my and beloved my to turn away to pass soul my to come out: surrender in/on/with to speak: speak he to seek him and not to find him to call: call to him and not to answer me 7 to find me [the] to keep: guard [the] to turn: surround in/on/with city to smite me to wound me to lift: raise [obj] veil my from upon me to keep: guard [the] wall 8 to swear [obj] you daughter Jerusalem if to find [obj] beloved my what? to tell to/for him which/that be weak: ill love I 9 what? beloved your from beloved [the] beautiful in/on/with woman what? beloved your from beloved which/that thus to swear us 10 beloved my dazzling and red to look from myriad 11 head his gold pure gold lock his lock black like/as raven 12 eye his like/as dove upon channel water to wash: wash in/on/with milk to dwell upon setting 13 jaw his like/as bed [the] spice tower spice lips his lily to drip/prophesy myrrh to pass 14 hand his circuit gold to fill in/on/with jasper belly his plate tooth: ivory to enwrap sapphire 15 leg his pillar alabaster to found upon socket pure gold appearance his like/as Lebanon to choose like/as cedar 16 palate his sweetness and all his desire this beloved my and this neighbor my daughter Jerusalem

< Song of Solomon 5 >