< Psalms 75 >

1 to/for to conduct Do Not Destroy Do Not Destroy melody to/for Asaph song to give thanks to/for you God to give thanks and near name your to recount to wonder your 2 for to take: recieve meeting: time appointed I uprightness to judge 3 to melt land: country/planet and all to dwell her I to measure pillar her (Selah) 4 to say to/for to be foolish not to be foolish and to/for wicked not to exalt horn 5 not to exalt to/for height horn your to speak: speak in/on/with neck arrogant 6 for not from exit and from west and not from wilderness to exalt 7 for God to judge this to abase and this to exalt 8 for cup in/on/with hand LORD and wine to aggitate full mixture and to pour from this surely dreg her to drain to drink all wicked land: country/planet 9 and I to tell to/for forever: enduring to sing to/for God Jacob 10 and all horn wicked to cut down/off to exalt horn righteous

< Psalms 75 >