< Psalms 62 >

1 to/for to conduct upon Jeduthun melody to/for David surely to(wards) God silence soul my from him salvation my
Dura buʼaa faarfattootaatiif. Yeduutuuniif. Faarfannaa Daawit. Lubbuun koo Waaqa qofa eeggatti; fayyinni koos isa biraa naa dhufa.
2 surely he/she/it rock my and salvation my high refuge my not to shake many
Kattaan kootii fi fayyinni koo isa qofa; inni daʼoo koo ti; ani gonkumaa hin raafamu.
3 till where? to plot upon man to murder all your like/as wall to stretch wall [the] to thrust
Isin hamma yoomiitti nama miitu? Hamma yoomiitti akka keenyan manaa kan duufeetti, akka dallaa raafameettis lafaan isa dhaʼuu barbaaddu?
4 surely from elevation his to advise to/for to banish to accept lie in/on/with lip his to bless and in/on/with entrails: inner parts their to lighten (Selah)
Isaan aangoo isaa guddaa sana irraa, guutummaatti gad isa deebisuu barbaadu; isaan sobatti ni gammadu. Afaan isaaniitiin ni eebbisu; garaa isaaniitiin garuu ni abaaru.
5 surely to/for God to silence: silent soul my for from him hope my
Lubbuun koo Waaqa qofa obsaan eeggatti; abdiin koo isa biraa dhufaatii.
6 surely he/she/it rock my and salvation my high refuge my not to shake
Kattaan kootii fi fayyinni koo isa qofa; inni daʼoo koo ti; ani hin raafamu.
7 upon God salvation my and glory my rock strength my refuge my in/on/with God
Fayyinni kootii fi ulfinni koo harka Waaqaa keessa jira; kattaan koo jabaan, iddoon ani itti kooluu galu Waaqa.
8 to trust in/on/with him in/on/with all time people to pour: pour to/for face: before his heart your God refuge to/for us (Selah)
Yaa namoota, yeroo hunda isa amanadhaa; garaa keessanis fuula isaa duratti dhangalaasaa; Waaqni iddoo nu itti kooluu galluudhaatii.
9 surely vanity son: descendant/people man lie son: descendant/people man: anyone in/on/with balance to/for to ascend: rise they(masc.) from vanity unitedness
Gosa tuffatamaa irraa dhalachuun homaa miti; gosa kabajamaa irraa dhalachuunis sobuma; yoo madaaliidhaan madaalaman lachanuu qilleensa caalaa salphatu.
10 not to trust in/on/with oppression and in/on/with robbery not to become vain strength: rich for to bear fruit not to set: make heart
Waan saamichaan argattan hin amanatinaa; waan hatameenis hin koorinaa. Yoo qabeenyi keessan guddate illee, qalbii keessan isa irra hin kaaʼatinaa.
11 one to speak: speak God two this to hear: hear for strength to/for God
Waaqni yeroo tokko dubbate; ani immoo yeroo lama nan dhagaʼe; kunis akka humni kan Waaqaa taʼee dha.
12 and to/for you Lord kindness for you(m. s.) to complete to/for man like/as deed his
Yaa Gooftaa araarri kan kee ti. Ati dhugumaan tokkoo tokkoo namaa akkuma hojii isaatti gatii isaa ni kennitaaf.

< Psalms 62 >