< Psalms 48 >

1 song melody to/for son: descendant/people Korah great: large LORD and to boast: praise much in/on/with city God our mountain: mount holiness his 2 beautiful elevation rejoicing all [the] land: country/planet mountain: mount Zion flank Zaphon town king many 3 God in/on/with citadel: palace her to know to/for high refuge 4 for behold [the] king to appoint to pass together 5 they(masc.) to see: see so to astounded to dismay to hurry 6 trembling to grasp them there agony like/as to beget 7 in/on/with spirit: breath east to break fleet Tarshish 8 like/as as which to hear: hear so to see: see in/on/with city LORD Hosts in/on/with city God our God to establish: establish her till forever: enduring (Selah) 9 to resemble God kindness your in/on/with entrails: among temple your 10 like/as name your God so praise your upon boundary land: country/planet righteousness to fill right your 11 to rejoice mountain: mount Zion to rejoice daughter Judah because justice: judgement your 12 to turn: surround Zion and to surround her to recount tower her 13 to set: consider heart your to/for bulwark her to go through citadel: palace her because to recount to/for generation last 14 for this God God our forever: enduring and perpetuity he/she/it to lead us upon to die

< Psalms 48 >