< Psalms 31 >

1 to/for to conduct melody to/for David in/on/with you LORD to seek refuge not be ashamed to/for forever: enduring in/on/with righteousness your to escape me 2 to stretch to(wards) me ear your haste to rescue me to be to/for me to/for rock security to/for house: home fortress to/for to save me 3 for crag my and fortress my you(m. s.) and because name your to lead me and to guide me 4 to come out: send me from net this to hide to/for me for you(m. s.) security my 5 in/on/with hand your to reckon: overseer spirit my to ransom [obj] me LORD God truth: faithful 6 to hate [the] to keep: look at vanity vanity: vain and I to(wards) LORD to trust 7 to rejoice and to rejoice in/on/with kindness your which to see: see [obj] affliction my to know in/on/with distress soul my 8 and not to shut me in/on/with hand: power enemy to stand: stand in/on/with broad foot my 9 be gracious me LORD for to constrain to/for me to waste in/on/with vexation eye my soul my and belly: body my 10 for to end: expend in/on/with sorrow life my and year my in/on/with sighing to stumble in/on/with iniquity: crime my strength my and bone my to waste 11 from all to vex me to be reproach and to/for neighboring my much and dread to/for to know my to see: see me in/on/with outside to wander from me 12 to forget like/as to die from heart to be like/as article/utensil to perish 13 for to hear: hear slander many terror from around: side in/on/with to found they unitedness upon me to/for to take: take soul: life my to plan 14 and I upon you to trust LORD to say God my you(m. s.) 15 in/on/with hand your time my to rescue me from hand enemy my and from to pursue me 16 to light [emph?] face your upon servant/slave your to save me in/on/with kindness your 17 LORD not be ashamed for to call: call to you be ashamed wicked to silence: silent to/for hell: Sheol (Sheol h7585) 18 be dumb lips deception [the] to speak: speak upon righteous arrogant in/on/with pride and contempt 19 what? many goodness your which to treasure to/for afraid your to work to/for to seek refuge in/on/with you before son: child man 20 to hide them in/on/with secrecy face your from conspiracy man to treasure them in/on/with booth from strife tongue 21 to bless LORD for to wonder kindness his to/for me in/on/with city siege 22 and I to say in/on/with to hurry I to cut off from before eye: seeing your surely to hear: hear voice supplication my in/on/with to cry I to(wards) you 23 to love: lover [obj] LORD all pious his faithful to watch LORD and to complete upon remainder to make: do pride 24 to strengthen: strengthen and to strengthen heart your all [the] to wait: hope to/for LORD

< Psalms 31 >