< Psalms 148 >

1 to boast: praise LORD to boast: praise [obj] LORD from [the] heaven to boast: praise him in/on/with height
Halleluja! Pris Herren i himlen, pris ham i det høje!
2 to boast: praise him all messenger: angel his to boast: praise him all (army his *Q(K)*)
Pris ham, alle hans engle, pris ham, alle hans hærskarer,
3 to boast: praise him sun and moon to boast: praise him all star light
pris ham, sol og måne, pris ham, hver lysende stjerne,
4 to boast: praise him heaven [the] heaven and [the] water which from upon [the] heaven
pris ham, himlenes himle og vandene over himlene!
5 to boast: praise [obj] name LORD for he/she/it to command and to create
De skal prise Herrens navn, thi han bød, og de blev skabt;
6 and to stand: stand them to/for perpetuity to/for forever: enduring statute: decree to give: give and not to pass
han gav dem deres plads for evigt, han gav en lov, som de ej overtræder!
7 to boast: praise [obj] LORD from [the] land: country/planet serpent: monster and all abyss
Lad pris stige op til Herren fra jorden, I havdyr og alle dyb,
8 fire and hail snow and smoke spirit: breath tempest to make: do word his
Ild og hagl, sne og røg, storm, som gør hvad han siger,
9 [the] mountain: mount and all hill tree fruit and all cedar
I bjerge og alle høje, frugttræer og alle cedre,
10 [the] living thing and all animal creeping and bird wing
I vilde dyr og alt kvæg, krybdyr og vingede fugle,
11 king land: country/planet and all people ruler and all to judge land: country/planet
I jordens konger og alle folkeslag, fyrster og alle jordens dommere,
12 youth and also virgin old with youth
ynglinge sammen med jomfruer, gamle sammen med unge!
13 to boast: praise [obj] name LORD for to exalt name his to/for alone him splendor his upon land: country/planet and heaven
De skal prise Herrens navn, thi ophøjet er hans navn alene, hans højhed omspender jord og himmel.
14 and to exalt horn to/for people his praise to/for all pious his to/for son: descendant/people Israel people near his to boast: praise LORD
Han løfter et horn for sit folk, lovprist af alle sine fromme, af Israels børn, det folk, der står ham nær. Halleluja!

< Psalms 148 >