< Proverbs 18 >

1 to/for desire to seek to separate in/on/with all wisdom to quarrel 2 not to delight in fool in/on/with understanding that if: except if: except in/on/with to reveal: reveal heart his 3 in/on/with to come (in): come wicked to come (in): come also contempt and with dishonor reproach 4 water deep word lip man torrent: river to bubble fountain wisdom 5 to lift: kindness face: kindness wicked not pleasant to/for to stretch righteous in/on/with justice 6 lips fool to come (in): come in/on/with strife and lip his to/for blow to call: call to 7 lip fool terror to/for him and lips his snare soul his 8 word to grumble like/as to swallow and they(masc.) to go down chamber belly: body 9 also to slacken in/on/with work his brother: male-sibling he/she/it to/for master: [master of] destruction 10 tower strength name LORD in/on/with him to run: run righteous and to exalt 11 substance rich town strength his and like/as wall to exalt in/on/with figure his 12 to/for face: before breaking to exult heart man and to/for face: before glory humility 13 to return: reply word: speaking in/on/with before to hear: hear folly he/she/it to/for him and shame 14 spirit man to sustain sickness his and spirit stricken who? to lift: bear her 15 heart to understand to buy knowledge and ear wise to seek knowledge 16 gift man to enlarge to/for him and to/for face: before great: large to lead him 17 righteous [the] first in/on/with strife his (and to come (in): come *Q(K)*) neighbor his and to search him 18 contention to cease [the] allotted and between mighty to separate 19 brother: male-sibling to transgress from town strength (and contention *Q(K)*) like/as bar citadel: fortress 20 from fruit lip man to satisfy belly: abdomen his produce lips his to satisfy 21 death and life in/on/with hand: power tongue and to love: lover her to eat fruit her 22 to find woman: wife to find good and to promote acceptance from LORD 23 supplication to speak: speak be poor and rich to answer strong 24 man neighbor to/for to shatter and there to love: friend cleaving from brother: male-sibling

< Proverbs 18 >