< Nehemiah 10 >

1 and upon [the] to seal Nehemiah [the] governor son: child Hacaliah and Zedekiah
Zvino avo vakaisa chisimbiso ndeava: Nehemia mubati, mwanakomana waHakaria, Zedhekia,
2 Seraiah Azariah Jeremiah
Seraya, Azaria, Jeremia,
3 Pashhur Amariah Malchijah
Pashuri, Amaria, Marikia,
4 Hattush Shebaniah Malluch
Hakushi, Shebhania, Maruki,
5 Harim Meremoth Obadiah
Harimu, Meremoti, Obhadhia,
6 Daniel Ginnethon Baruch
Dhanieri, Ginetoni, Bharuki,
7 Meshullam Abijah Mijamin
Meshurami, Abhija, Mijamini,
8 Maaziah Bilgai Shemaiah these [the] priest
Maazia, Bharigai naShemaya. Ava ndivo vaiva vaprista.
9 and [the] Levi and Jeshua son: child Azaniah Binnui from son: child Henadad Kadmiel
VaRevhi vaiti: Jeshua mwanakomana waAzania, Bhinui wokuvanakomana vaHenadhadhi, Kadhimieri,
10 and brother: male-relative their Shebaniah Hodiah Kelita Pelaiah Hanan
nehama dzavo: Shebhania, Hodhia, Kerita, Peraya, Hanani,
11 Mica Rehob Hashabiah
Mika, Rehobhi, Hashabhia,
12 Zaccur Sherebiah Shebaniah
Zakuri, naSherebhia, Shebhania,
13 Hodiah Bani Beninu
Hodhia, Bhani naBheninu.
14 head: leader [the] people Parosh Pahath-moab Pahath-moab Elam Zattu Bani
Vatungamiri vavanhu vaiva ava: Paroshi, Pahati-Moabhu, Eramu, Zatu, Bhani,
15 Bunni Azgad Bebai
Bhuni, Azigadhi, Bhebhai,
16 Adonijah Bigvai Adin
Adhoniya, Bhigivhai, Hadhini,
17 Ater Hezekiah Azzur
Ateri, Hezekia, Azuri,
18 Hodiah Hashum Bezai
Hodhia, Hashumi, Bhezai,
19 Hariph Anathoth (Nebai *Q(K)*)
Harifi, Anatoti, Nebhai,
20 Magpiash Meshullam Hezir
Magipiashi, Meshurami, Heziri,
21 Meshezabel Zadok Jaddua
Meshezabheri, Zadhoki, Jadhua,
22 Pelatiah Hanan Anaiah
Peratia, Hanani, Anaya
23 Hoshea Hananiah Hasshub
Hoshea, Hanania, Hashubhi,
24 Hallohesh Pilha Shobek
Harosheshi, Piriha, Shobheki,
25 Rehum Hashabnah Maaseiah
Rehumi, Hashabhina, Maaseya,
26 and Ahiah Hanan Anan
Ahia, Hanani, Anani,
27 Malluch Harim Baanah
Maruki, Harimi naBhaana.
28 and remnant [the] people [the] priest [the] Levi [the] gatekeeper [the] to sing [the] temple servant and all [the] to separate from people [the] land: country/planet to(wards) instruction [the] God woman: wife their son: child their and daughter their all to know to understand
“Uye vamwe vanhu vose, vaiti vaprista, vaRevhi, vachengeti vemikova, vaimbi, vashandi vomutemberi, navose vakazvitsaura kubva kuvanhu vakavakidzana navo, nokuda kwomurayiro waMwari, pamwe chete navakadzi vavo, navanakomana vavo vose navanasikana vavo vose vaigona kunzwisisa.
29 to strengthen: strengthen upon brother: male-relative their great their and to come (in): come in/on/with oath and in/on/with oath to/for to go: walk in/on/with instruction [the] God which to give: give in/on/with hand: by Moses servant/slave [the] God and to/for to keep: obey and to/for to make: do [obj] all commandment LORD lord our and justice: judgement his and statute: decree his
Zvino ava vose vakabatana pamwe chete nehama dzavo ivo vakuru, uye vakazvisunga nechituko nemhiko kuti vatevere Murayiro waMwari wakapiwa kubudikidza naMozisi muranda waMwari uye kuti vachenjerere kuteerera zvose zvakarayirwa, nezvakatemwa uye nemitemo yaJehovha Ishe wedu.
30 and which not to give: give(marriage) daughter our to/for people [the] land: country/planet and [obj] daughter their not to take: take to/for son: child our
“Tinovimbisa kuti hatizopa vanasikana vedu kuti vawanikwe navanhu vakatipoteredza kana kutorera vanakomana vedu vanasikana vavo.
31 and people [the] land: country/planet [the] to come (in): bring [obj] [the] ware and all grain in/on/with day [the] Sabbath to/for to sell not to take: buy from them in/on/with Sabbath and in/on/with day holiness and to leave [obj] [the] year [the] seventh and interest all hand
“Kana vanhu vatakavakidzana navo vakauya nezvokutengesa kana zviyo kuzotitengesera neSabata, hatizovatengeri nomusi weSabata kana pazuva ripi zvaro dzvene. Pagore rechinomwe roga roga ticharegedza kushanda muminda uye tichadzima zvikwereti zvose.
32 and to stand: appoint upon us commandment to/for to give: give upon us third [the] shekel in/on/with year to/for service: ministry house: temple God our
“Tinozvipira kuita zvakarayirwa kuti tipe chikamu chimwe chete kubva muzvitatu cheshekeri gore negore kushumiro yeimba yaMwari wedu:
33 to/for food: bread [the] row and offering [the] continually and to/for burnt offering [the] continually [the] Sabbath [the] month: new moon to/for meeting: festival and to/for holiness and to/for sin: sin offering to/for to atone upon Israel and all work house: temple God our
kuchingwa chakaiswa patafura, kuzvipiriso zvenguva nenguva zvezviyo, nezvipiriso zvinopiswa nomoto, kuzvipiriso zvinopiwa pamaSabata nokumitambo yoKugara kwoMwedzi uye nokumitambo yakatarwa, kuzvipiriso zvitsvene; kuzvipiriso zvechivi zvokuyananisira Israeri, nokumabasa ose omuimba yaMwari.
34 and [the] allotted to fall: allot upon offering [the] tree: wood [the] priest [the] Levi and [the] people to/for to come (in): bring to/for house: temple God our to/for house: household father our to/for time to appoint year in/on/with year to/for to burn: burn upon altar LORD God our like/as to write in/on/with instruction
“Isu vaprista, navaRevhi uye navanhu, takanda mijenya kuti tione kuti mhuri imwe neimwe yedu inouya rini kuimba yaJehovha Mwari wedu, nechipo chehuni dzinopiswa paaritari yaJehovha Mwari wedu, panguva yakatarwa, gore negore, sezvazvakanyorwa mumurayiro.
35 and to/for to come (in): bring [obj] firstfruit land: soil our and firstfruit all fruit all tree year in/on/with year to/for house: temple LORD
“Tazvipirazve pabasa rokuuya kuimba yaJehovha nezvibereko zvokutanga zvezviyo nezvemiti yemichero yose gore negore.
36 and [obj] firstborn son: child our and animal our like/as to write in/on/with instruction and [obj] firstborn cattle our and flock our to/for to come (in): bring to/for house: temple God our to/for priest [the] to minister in/on/with house: temple God our
“Tichauya namatangwe avanakomana vedu neemombe dzedu, neezvipfuwo zvedu neemakwai edu kuimba yaMwari wedu, nokuvaprista vanoshumira imomo, sezvazvakanyorwa muMurayiro.
37 and [obj] first: beginning dough our and contribution our and fruit all tree new wine and oil to come (in): bring to/for priest to(wards) chamber house: temple God our and tithe land: soil our to/for Levi and they(masc.) [the] Levi [the] to tithe in/on/with all city service: work our
“Pamusoro pezvo, tichauyisa kumatura eimba yaMwari wedu, nokuvaprista, zvibereko zvokutanga zvevhu, zvipiriso zvedu zvezviyo, nezvemiti yose yemichero nezvewaini yedu itsva uye namafuta. Uye tichauyisa chegumi chezviyo zvedu kuvaRevhi, nokuti vaRevhi ndivo vanounganidza zvegumi mumaguta ose atinoshanda.
38 and to be [the] priest son: descendant/people Aaron with [the] Levi in/on/with to tithe [the] Levi and [the] Levi to ascend: establish [obj] tithe [the] tithe to/for house: temple God our to(wards) [the] chamber to/for house: home [the] treasure
Muprista worudzi rwaAroni anofanira kuenda navaRevhi pavanogamuchira zvegumi, uye vaRevhi vanofanira kuuya nechegumi chezvegumi kuimba yaMwari wedu, kumatura eimba yepfuma.
39 for to(wards) [the] chamber to come (in): bring son: descendant/people Israel and son: descendant/people [the] Levi [obj] contribution [the] grain [the] new wine and [the] oil and there article/utensil [the] sanctuary and [the] priest [the] to minister and [the] gatekeeper and [the] to sing and not to leave: neglect [obj] house: temple God our
Vanhu vaIsraeri pamwe chete navaRevhi, vanofanira kuuya nezvipo zvavo zvezviyo, newaini itsva uye namafuta kumatura kunochengeterwa midziyo yose yenzvimbo tsvene, uye kunogara vaprista vanoshumira, navarindi vemikova navaimbi. “Hatizoshayiri hanya imba yaMwari wedu.”

< Nehemiah 10 >