< Mark 15 >

1 and immediately (upon/to/against the/this/who *k*) early counsel/council to do/make: do the/this/who high-priest with/after the/this/who elder: Elder and scribe and all the/this/who council to bind the/this/who Jesus to carry off and to deliver (the/this/who *k*) Pilate
Agus cho luath sa bha mhaduinn ann, chuir na h-ard-shagairt, 's na seannairean 's na Sgriobhaich, 'sa chomhairle uile, an comhairle ri cheile, agus cheangail iad Iosa, agus thug iad leo e, agus liubhair iad e do Philat.
2 and to question it/s/he the/this/who Pilate you to be the/this/who king the/this/who Jew the/this/who then to answer it/s/he (to say *N(k)O*) you to say
Is dh' fharraid Pilat dheth: An tu Righ nan Iudhach? Agus Iosa a freagairt, thuirt e ris: Tha thu ga radh.
3 and to accuse it/s/he the/this/who high-priest much
Agus bha na h-ard-shagairt a cur iomadh cuis as a leth.
4 the/this/who then Pilate again (to question *N(k)O*) it/s/he to say no to answer none look! how much/many? you (to accuse *N(K)O*)
Is dh' fharraid Pilat a rithist dheth, ag radh: Nach toir thu freagairt sam bith? seall a liuthad ni tha iad a cur nad aghaidh.
5 the/this/who then Jesus no still none to answer so to marvel the/this/who Pilate
Ach cha do fhreagair Iosa tuilleadh, air sheol 's gun do ghabh Pilat ioghnadh.
6 according to then festival to release: release it/s/he one prisoner (which to refuse/excuse *N(k)O*)
A nis air latha na feille b' abhuist dha leigeil mu sgaoil dhaibh aon sam bith dhe na priosanaich, a dh' iarradh iad.
7 to be then the/this/who to say: call Barabbas with/after the/this/who insurrectionist to bind who/which in/on/among the/this/who uprising murder to do/make: do
Agus bha fear ann, dham b'ainm Barabbas, a chuireadh am priosan comhla ri luchd-ceannairc, agus a bha air murt a dhianamh ann an ceannairc.
8 and (to ascend *N(K)O*) the/this/who crowd be first to ask as/just as (always *ko*) to do/make: do it/s/he
Agus nuair a dhirich an sluagh suas, thosich iad ri iarraidh air, e dheanamh dhaibh mar a chleachd e.
9 the/this/who then Pilate to answer it/s/he to say to will/desire to release: release you the/this/who king the/this/who Jew
Agus fhreagair Pilat iad, 's thuirt e: An aill leibh gun leig mi as dhuibh righ nan Iudhach?
10 to know for that/since: that through/because of envy to deliver it/s/he the/this/who high-priest
Oir bha fios aige gum b' ann tromh fharmad a liubhair na h-ard-shagairt seachad e.
11 the/this/who then high-priest to incite the/this/who crowd in order that/to more: rather the/this/who Barabbas to release: release it/s/he
Ach bhrosnaich na h-ard-shagairt an sluagh, gun leigeadh e Barabbas mu sgaoil dhaibh mar raghainn.
12 the/this/who then Pilate again to answer (to say *N(k)O*) it/s/he which? therefore/then to will/desire to do/make: do which to say: call (the/this/who *no*) king the/this/who Jew
Agus fhreagair Pilat a rithist, is thuirt e riutha: Ciod ma ta is aill leibh mi dhianamh ri righ nan Iudhach?
13 the/this/who then again to cry to crucify it/s/he
Ach ghlaodh iad a rithist: Ceus e.
14 the/this/who then Pilate to say it/s/he which? for to do/make: do evil/harm: evil the/this/who then (excessively *N(k)O*) to cry to crucify it/s/he
Is thuirt Pilat riutha: Ciod an t-olc a rinn e? Ach sann is mua ghlaodh iad: Ceus e.
15 the/this/who then Pilate to plan the/this/who crowd the/this/who sufficient to do/make: do to release: release it/s/he the/this/who Barabbas and to deliver the/this/who Jesus to whip in order that/to to crucify
Agus bho na bha Pilat deonach an sluagh a thoileachadh, leig e Barabbas mu sgaoil dhaibh, 's an deigh Iosa sgiursadh, thug e seachad e, gus a cheusadh.
16 the/this/who then soldier to lead away it/s/he in/inner/inwardly the/this/who palace/courtyard which to be praetorium and to call together all the/this/who band
Ach thug na saighdearan leo e a stigh gu cuairt an uachdrain, (ris an canar am Praetorium), is ghairm iad am buidheann uile.
17 and (to dress *N(k)O*) it/s/he purple cloth and to put on it/s/he to weave thorny crown
Agus dh' eid iad e le purpur, 'sa fighe crun dreighinn chuir iad air e.
18 and be first to pay respects to it/s/he to rejoice (the/this/who *o*) (king *N(k)O*) the/this/who Jew
Agus thoisich iad air furan a chur air, ag radh: Failt, a righ nan Iudhach.
19 and to strike it/s/he the/this/who head reed/stick/pen and to spit on/at it/s/he and to place the/this/who a knee to worship it/s/he
Is bhuail iad a cheann le cuilc; agus thilg iad smugaidean air, 'sa lubadh an glun, thug iad aoradh dha.
20 and when to mock it/s/he to strip it/s/he the/this/who purple cloth and to put on it/s/he the/this/who clothing (it/s/he *N(K)O*) and to lead out it/s/he in order that/to (to crucify *NK(o)*) it/s/he
Agus an deigh dhaibh magadh air, thug iad dheth am purpur, is chuir iad aodach fhein air, agus thug iad leo e gus a cheusadh.
21 and to force to pass one Simon Cyrene to come/go away from field the/this/who father Alexander and Rufus in order that/to to take up the/this/who cross it/s/he
Agus rug iad air fear a bha dol seachad, Simon bho Chirene, athair Alastair agus Rufuis, a bha tighinn as an duthaich, agus thug iad air a chrois a ghiulan.
22 and to bear/lead it/s/he upon/to/against (the/this/who *no*) Golgotha place which to be (to mean *NK(o)*) Skull place
Agus thug iad e gu aite ris an canar Golgotha, se sin air eadar-theangachadh, aite Chalbhari.
23 and to give it/s/he (to drink *K*) to mix with myrrh wine (which *N(k)O*) then no to take
Agus thug iad dha ri ol fion measgte le mirr; agus cha do ghabh e e.
24 and (to crucify *N(k)O*) it/s/he (and *no*) (to divide *N(k)O*) the/this/who clothing it/s/he to throw: throw lot upon/to/against it/s/he which? which? to take up
Agus air dhaibh a cheusadh, roinn iad aodach, a tilgeadh chrann air, fiach de a gheibheadh gach aon.
25 to be then hour third and to crucify it/s/he
Agus bi an treasamh uair a bh' ann, agus cheus iad e.
26 and to be the/this/who inscription the/this/who cause/charge it/s/he to write on the/this/who king the/this/who Jew
'S bha chuis-dhitidh sgriobhte os a chionn: RIGH NAN IUDHACH.
27 and with it/s/he to crucify two robber/rebel one out from right and one out from left/south it/s/he
Agus cheus iad da mheirleach comhla ris, fear air a laimh dheis, is fear air a laimh chli.
28 (and to fulfill the/this/who a writing the/this/who to say and with/after lawless to count *K*)
Agus choimhlionadh an sgriobtur, a tha ag radh: Agus bha e air a mheas am measg nan eucorach.
29 and the/this/who to pass by/through to blaspheme it/s/he to move the/this/who head it/s/he and to say aha! the/this/who to destroy/lodge the/this/who temple and to build in/on/among Three day
Agus thug iadsan a bha dol seachad toibheum dha, a crathadh an cinn, 's ag radh: O thusa, a leagas an teampull, 'sa thogas e rithist ann an tri latha:
30 to save you (and *k*) (to come/go down *N(k)O*) away from the/this/who cross
Teasraig thu fhein agus thig a nuas bhon chrois.
31 similarly (then *k*) and the/this/who high-priest to mock to/with one another with/after the/this/who scribe to say another to save themself no be able to save
Mar an ciadna bha na h-ard-shagairt a magadh air, agus maille ris na Sgriobhaich a cantuinn ri cheile: Shabhail e feadhainn eile, e fhein chan urrainn e shabhaladh.
32 the/this/who Christ the/this/who king (the/this/who *k*) Israel to come/go down now away from the/this/who cross in order that/to to perceive: see and to trust (in) (it/s/he *O*) and the/this/who to crucify with (with *no*) it/s/he to revile it/s/he
Thigeadh Criosda righ Israil a nuas a nis bhon chrois, chum gum faic agus gun creid sinn. Is rinn iadsan, a cheusadh maille ris, taire air.
33 (and *no*) to be (then *k*) hour sixth darkness to be upon/to/against all the/this/who earth: country until hour ninth (hour)
'S nuair a thainig an t-siathamh uair, bha dorchadas air an talamh gus an naoitheamh uair.
34 and the/this/who ninth (hour) (the/this/who *k*) hour to cry out the/this/who Jesus voice/sound: voice great (to say *k*) Eloi Eloi why? sabachthani which to be to mean the/this/who God me the/this/who God me toward which? to leave behind me
Agus aig an naoitheamh uair dh' eigh Iosa le guth ard, ag radh: Eloi, Eloi, lamma sabacthani? se sin air eadar-theangachadh: Mo Dhia, mo Dhia, carson a threig thu mi?
35 and one the/this/who to stand by to hear to say (look! *N(k)O*) Elijah to call
Agus thuirt cuid den fheadhainn a bha 'nan seasamh mun cuairt, nuair a chual iad e: Seall, tha e gairm Eliais.
36 to run then (one *N(k)O*) and to fill sponge vinegar to put on (and/both *k*) reed/stick/pen to water it/s/he to say to release: leave to perceive: see if to come/go Elijah to take down it/s/he
Agus ruith fear, 'sa lionadh spuing le fion-geur, s ga cur air cuilc thug e dha ri ol ag radh: Leigibh leam, faicemid an tig Elias gus a thoirt a nuas.
37 the/this/who then Jesus to release: leave voice/sound: voice great to expire
Agus Iosa ag eigheach le guth ard, thug e suas an anail.
38 and the/this/who curtain the/this/who temple to split toward two away from from above/again until under
Agus sthracadh brat an teampuill na dha leth bho bhraighe gu iochdar.
39 to perceive: see then the/this/who centurion the/this/who to stand by out from hostile it/s/he that/since: that thus(-ly) (to cry *KO*) to expire to say truly this/he/she/it the/this/who a human son God to be
Agus nuair a chunnaic an ceannard-ciad, a bha 'na sheasamh mu choinneamh, gun do dh'eug e ag eigheach mar sin, thuirt e: Gu firinneach b'e an duine so Mac Dhe.
40 to be then and woman away from from afar to see/experience in/on/among which (to be *ko*) and Mary the/this/who Magdalene and Mary the/this/who (the/this/who *k*) James the/this/who small and Joseph mother and Salome
Agus bha boirionnaich cuideachd a coimhead air na thachair ach fad as: nam measg bha Mairi Magdalen, agus Mairi mathair Sheumais is lugha is Ioseiph, agus Salome:
41 which (and *ko*) when to be in/on/among the/this/who Galilee to follow it/s/he and to serve it/s/he and another much the/this/who to ascend with it/s/he toward Jerusalem
A lean e nuair a bha e ann an Galile, 'sa fhreasdail air, agus moran bhoirionnach eile, a bh' air direadh gu Ierusalem maille ris.
42 and already evening to be since to be Preparation which to be to/with Sabbath
'S nuair thainig am feasgar, a chionn gum be an t-uidheamachadh a bh' ann, se sin an latha romh 'n t-sabaid,
43 (to come/go *N(k)O*) Joseph the/this/who away from Arimathea proper member of a council which and it/s/he to be to wait for/welcome the/this/who kingdom the/this/who God be bold to enter to/with (the/this/who *no*) Pilate and to ask the/this/who body the/this/who Jesus
Thainig Ioseph bho Arimatea, comhairleach urramach, aig an robh suil e fhein ri rioghachd Dhe, is chaidh e stigh gu dana go Pilat, agus dh' iarr e corp Iosa.
44 the/this/who then Pilate to marvel if already to die/be dead and to call to/summon the/this/who centurion to question it/s/he if (of old *NK(o)*) to die
'S bha ioghnadh air Pilat gun robh e cheana marbh. 'Sa gairm a cheannaird-chiad, dh' fharraid e dheth an robh e cheana marbh.
45 and to know away from the/this/who centurion to give the/this/who (corpse *N(k)O*) the/this/who Joseph
'S nuair fhuair e fios bhon cheannard-chiad, thug e an corp do Ioseph.
46 and to buy linen (and *k*) to take down it/s/he to enwrap the/this/who linen and (to place *NK(O)*) it/s/he in/on/among (grave *NK(o)*) which to be to hew out from rock and to roll before stone upon/to/against the/this/who door the/this/who grave
Agus cheannaich Ioseph lion-anart, 's ga thoirt a nuas, shuain e san lion-anart e, agus chuir e ann an uaigh e, a bh' air a gearradh as a chraig, agus charaich e clach gu dorus na h-uaighe.
47 the/this/who then Mary the/this/who Magdalene and Mary the/this/who Joseph to see/experience where? (to place *N(k)O*)
'S bha Mairi Magdalen agus Mairi mathair Ioseiph a gabhail beachd caite an do chuireadh e.

< Mark 15 >