< Mark 15 >

1 and immediately (upon/to/against the/this/who *k*) early counsel/council to do/make: do the/this/who high-priest with/after the/this/who elder: Elder and scribe and all the/this/who council to bind the/this/who Jesus to carry off and to deliver (the/this/who *k*) Pilate
اَتھَ پْرَبھاتے سَتِ پْرَدھانَیاجَکاح پْرانْچَ اُپادھْیایاح سَرْوّے مَنْتْرِنَشْچَ سَبھاں کرِتْوا یِیشُں بَنْدھَیِتْوَ پِیلاتاکھْیَسْیَ دیشادھِپَتیح سَوِدھَں نِیتْوا سَمَرْپَیاماسُح۔
2 and to question it/s/he the/this/who Pilate you to be the/this/who king the/this/who Jew the/this/who then to answer it/s/he (to say *N(k)O*) you to say
تَدا پِیلاتَسْتَں پرِشْٹَوانْ تْوَں کِں یِہُودِییَلوکاناں راجا؟ تَتَح سَ پْرَتْیُکْتَوانْ سَتْیَں وَدَسِ۔
3 and to accuse it/s/he the/this/who high-priest much
اَپَرَں پْرَدھانَیاجَکاسْتَسْیَ بَہُشُ واکْییشُ دوشَماروپَیانْچَکْرُح کِنْتُ سَ کِمَپِ نَ پْرَتْیُواچَ۔
4 the/this/who then Pilate again (to question *N(k)O*) it/s/he to say no to answer none look! how much/many? you (to accuse *N(K)O*)
تَدانِیں پِیلاتَسْتَں پُنَح پَپْرَچّھَ تْوَں کِں نوتَّرَیَسِ؟ پَشْیَیتے تْوَدْوِرُدّھَں کَتِشُ سادھْییشُ ساکْشَں دَدَتِ۔
5 the/this/who then Jesus no still none to answer so to marvel the/this/who Pilate
کَنْتُ یِیشُسْتَداپِ نوتَّرَں دَدَو تَتَح پِیلاتَ آشْچَرْیَّں جَگامَ۔
6 according to then festival to release: release it/s/he one prisoner (which to refuse/excuse *N(k)O*)
اَپَرَنْچَ کارابَدّھے کَسْتِںشْچِتْ جَنے تَنْمَہوتْسَوَکالے لوکَے رْیاچِتے دیشادھِپَتِسْتَں موچَیَتِ۔
7 to be then the/this/who to say: call Barabbas with/after the/this/who insurrectionist to bind who/which in/on/among the/this/who uprising murder to do/make: do
یے چَ پُورْوَّمُپَپْلَوَمَکارْشُرُپَپْلَوے وَدھَمَپِ کرِتَوَنْتَسْتیشاں مَدھْیے تَدانوں بَرَبّانامَکَ ایکو بَدّھَ آسِیتْ۔
8 and (to ascend *N(K)O*) the/this/who crowd be first to ask as/just as (always *ko*) to do/make: do it/s/he
اَتو ہیتوح پُورْوّاپَرِییاں رِیتِکَتھاں کَتھَیِتْوا لوکا اُچَّیرُوَنْتَح پِیلاتَسْیَ سَمَکْشَں نِویدَیاماسُح۔
9 the/this/who then Pilate to answer it/s/he to say to will/desire to release: release you the/this/who king the/this/who Jew
تَدا پِیلاتَسْتاناچَکھْیَو تَرْہِ کِں یِہُودِییاناں راجانَں موچَیِشْیامِ؟ یُشْمابھِح کِمِشْیَتے؟
10 to know for that/since: that through/because of envy to deliver it/s/he the/this/who high-priest
یَتَح پْرَدھانَیاجَکا اِیرْشْیاتَ ایوَ یِیشُں سَمارْپَیَنِّتِ سَ وِویدَ۔
11 the/this/who then high-priest to incite the/this/who crowd in order that/to more: rather the/this/who Barabbas to release: release it/s/he
کِنْتُ یَتھا بَرَبّاں موچَیَتِ تَتھا پْرارْتھَیِتُں پْرَدھانَیاجَکا لوکانْ پْرَوَرْتَّیاماسُح۔
12 the/this/who then Pilate again to answer (to say *N(k)O*) it/s/he which? therefore/then to will/desire to do/make: do which to say: call (the/this/who *no*) king the/this/who Jew
اَتھَ پِیلاتَح پُنَح پرِشْٹَوانْ تَرْہِ یَں یِہُودِییاناں راجیتِ وَدَتھَ تَسْیَ کِں کَرِشْیامِ یُشْمابھِح کِمِشْیَتے؟
13 the/this/who then again to cry to crucify it/s/he
تَدا تے پُنَرَپِ پْروچَّیح پْروچُسْتَں کْرُشے ویدھَیَ۔
14 the/this/who then Pilate to say it/s/he which? for to do/make: do evil/harm: evil the/this/who then (excessively *N(k)O*) to cry to crucify it/s/he
تَسْماتْ پِیلاتَح کَتھِتَوانْ کُتَح؟ سَ کِں کُکَرْمَّ کرِتَوانْ؟ کِنْتُ تے پُنَشْچَ رُوَنْتو وْیاجَہْرُسْتَں کْرُشے ویدھَیَ۔
15 the/this/who then Pilate to plan the/this/who crowd the/this/who sufficient to do/make: do to release: release it/s/he the/this/who Barabbas and to deliver the/this/who Jesus to whip in order that/to to crucify
تَدا پِیلاتَح سَرْوّالّوکانْ توشَیِتُمِچّھَنْ بَرَبّاں موچَیِتْوا یِیشُں کَشابھِح پْرَہرِتْیَ کْرُشے ویدّھُں تَں سَمَرْپَیامْبَبھُووَ۔
16 the/this/who then soldier to lead away it/s/he in/inner/inwardly the/this/who palace/courtyard which to be praetorium and to call together all the/this/who band
اَنَنْتَرَں سَینْیَگَنوٹّالِکامْ اَرْتھادْ اَدھِپَتے رْگرِہَں یِیشُں نِیتْوا سینانِوَہَں سَماہُیَتْ۔
17 and (to dress *N(k)O*) it/s/he purple cloth and to put on it/s/he to weave thorny crown
پَشْچاتْ تے تَں دھُومَلَوَرْنَوَسْتْرَں پَرِدھاپْیَ کَنْٹَکَمُکُٹَں رَچَیِتْوا شِرَسِ سَماروپْیَ
18 and be first to pay respects to it/s/he to rejoice (the/this/who *o*) (king *N(k)O*) the/this/who Jew
ہے یِہُودِییاناں راجَنْ نَمَسْکارَ اِتْیُکْتْوا تَں نَمَسْکَرْتّاماریبھِرے۔
19 and to strike it/s/he the/this/who head reed/stick/pen and to spit on/at it/s/he and to place the/this/who a knee to worship it/s/he
تَسْیوتَّمانْگے ویتْراگھاتَں چَکْرُسْتَدْگاتْرے نِشْٹھِیوَنْچَ نِچِکْشِپُح، تَتھا تَسْیَ سَمُّکھے جانُپاتَں پْرَنومُح
20 and when to mock it/s/he to strip it/s/he the/this/who purple cloth and to put on it/s/he the/this/who clothing (it/s/he *N(K)O*) and to lead out it/s/he in order that/to (to crucify *NK(o)*) it/s/he
اِتّھَمُپَہَسْیَ دھُومْرَوَرْنَوَسْتْرَمْ اُتّارْیَّ تَسْیَ وَسْتْرَں تَں پَرْیَّدھاپَیَنْ کْرُشے ویدّھُں بَہِرْنِنْیُشْچَ۔
21 and to force to pass one Simon Cyrene to come/go away from field the/this/who father Alexander and Rufus in order that/to to take up the/this/who cross it/s/he
تَتَح پَرَں سیکَنْدَرَسْیَ رُپھَسْیَ چَ پِتا شِمونّاما کُرِینِییَلوکَ ایکَح کُتَشْچِدْ گْرامادیتْیَ پَتھِ یاتِ تَں تے یِیشوح کْرُشَں ووڈھُں بَلادْ دَدھْنُح۔
22 and to bear/lead it/s/he upon/to/against (the/this/who *no*) Golgotha place which to be (to mean *NK(o)*) Skull place
اَتھَ گُلْگَلْتا اَرْتھاتْ شِرَحکَپالَنامَکَں سْتھانَں یِیشُمانِییَ
23 and to give it/s/he (to drink *K*) to mix with myrrh wine (which *N(k)O*) then no to take
تے گَنْدھَرَسَمِشْرِتَں دْراکْشارَسَں پاتُں تَسْمَے دَدُح کِنْتُ سَ نَ جَگْراہَ۔
24 and (to crucify *N(k)O*) it/s/he (and *no*) (to divide *N(k)O*) the/this/who clothing it/s/he to throw: throw lot upon/to/against it/s/he which? which? to take up
تَسْمِنْ کْرُشے وِدّھے سَتِ تیشامیکَیکَشَح کِں پْراپْسْیَتِیتِ نِرْنَیایَ
25 to be then hour third and to crucify it/s/he
تَسْیَ پَرِدھییاناں وِبھاگارْتھَں گُٹِکاپاتَں چَکْرُح۔
26 and to be the/this/who inscription the/this/who cause/charge it/s/he to write on the/this/who king the/this/who Jew
اَپَرَمْ ایشَ یِہُودِییاناں راجیتِ لِکھِتَں دوشَپَتْرَں تَسْیَ شِرَاُورْدْوَّمْ آروپَیانْچَکْرُح۔
27 and with it/s/he to crucify two robber/rebel one out from right and one out from left/south it/s/he
تَسْیَ وامَدَکْشِنَیو رْدْوَو چَورَو کْرُشَیو رْوِوِدھاتے۔
28 (and to fulfill the/this/who a writing the/this/who to say and with/after lawless to count *K*)
تینَیوَ "اَپَرادھِجَنَیح سارْدّھَں سَ گَنِتو بھَوِشْیَتِ،" اِتِ شاسْتْروکْتَں وَچَنَں سِدّھَمَبھُوتَ۔
29 and the/this/who to pass by/through to blaspheme it/s/he to move the/this/who head it/s/he and to say aha! the/this/who to destroy/lodge the/this/who temple and to build in/on/among Three day
اَنَنْتَرَں مارْگے یے یے لوکا گَمَناگَمَنے چَکْرُسْتے سَرْوَّ ایوَ شِراںسْیانْدولْیَ نِنْدَنْتو جَگَدُح، رے مَنْدِرَناشَکَ رے دِنَتْرَیَمَدھْیے تَنِّرْمّایَکَ،
30 to save you (and *k*) (to come/go down *N(k)O*) away from the/this/who cross
اَدھُناتْمانَمْ اَوِتْوا کْرُشادَوَروہَ۔
31 similarly (then *k*) and the/this/who high-priest to mock to/with one another with/after the/this/who scribe to say another to save themself no be able to save
کِنْچَ پْرَدھانَیاجَکا اَدھْیاپَکاشْچَ تَدْوَتْ تِرَسْکرِتْیَ پَرَسْپَرَں چَچَکْشِرے ایشَ پَراناوَتْ کِنْتُ سْوَمَوِتُں نَ شَکْنوتِ۔
32 the/this/who Christ the/this/who king (the/this/who *k*) Israel to come/go down now away from the/this/who cross in order that/to to perceive: see and to trust (in) (it/s/he *O*) and the/this/who to crucify with (with *no*) it/s/he to revile it/s/he
یَدِیسْراییلو راجابھِشِکْتَسْتْراتا بھَوَتِ تَرْہْیَدھُنَینَ کْرُشادَوَروہَتُ وَیَں تَدْ درِشْٹْوا وِشْوَسِشْیامَح؛ کِنْچَ یَو لوکَو تینَ سارْدّھَں کْرُشے وِدھْییتاں تاوَپِ تَں نِرْبھَرْتْسَیاماسَتُح۔
33 (and *no*) to be (then *k*) hour sixth darkness to be upon/to/against all the/this/who earth: country until hour ninth (hour)
اَتھَ دْوِتِییَیاماتْ ترِتِییَیامَں یاوَتْ سَرْوّو دیشَح سانْدھَکاروبھُوتْ۔
34 and the/this/who ninth (hour) (the/this/who *k*) hour to cry out the/this/who Jesus voice/sound: voice great (to say *k*) Eloi Eloi why? sabachthani which to be to mean the/this/who God me the/this/who God me toward which? to leave behind me
تَتَسْترِتِییَپْرَہَرے یِیشُرُچَّیرَوَدَتْ ایلِی ایلِی لاما شِوَکْتَنِی اَرْتھادْ "ہے مَدِیشَ مَدِیشَ تْوَں پَرْیَّتْیاکْشِیح کُتو ہِ ماں؟"
35 and one the/this/who to stand by to hear to say (look! *N(k)O*) Elijah to call
تَدا سَمِیپَسْتھَلوکاناں کیچِتْ تَدْواکْیَں نِشَمْیاچَکھْیُح پَشْیَیشَ ایلِیَمْ آہُویَتِ۔
36 to run then (one *N(k)O*) and to fill sponge vinegar to put on (and/both *k*) reed/stick/pen to water it/s/he to say to release: leave to perceive: see if to come/go Elijah to take down it/s/he
تَتَ ایکو جَنو دھاوِتْواگَتْیَ سْپَنْجے مْلَرَسَں پُورَیِتْوا تَں نَڈاگْرے نِدھایَ پاتُں تَسْمَے دَتّواوَدَتْ تِشْٹھَ ایلِیَ اینَمَوَروہَیِتُمْ ایتِ نَ ویتِ پَشْیامِ۔
37 the/this/who then Jesus to release: leave voice/sound: voice great to expire
اَتھَ یِیشُرُچَّیح سَماہُویَ پْرانانْ جَہَو۔
38 and the/this/who curtain the/this/who temple to split toward two away from from above/again until under
تَدا مَنْدِرَسْیَ جَوَنِکورْدْوّادَدھَحرْیَّنْتا وِدِیرْنا دْوِکھَنْڈابھُوتْ۔
39 to perceive: see then the/this/who centurion the/this/who to stand by out from hostile it/s/he that/since: that thus(-ly) (to cry *KO*) to expire to say truly this/he/she/it the/this/who a human son God to be
کِنْچَ اِتّھَمُچَّیراہُویَ پْرانانْ تْیَجَنْتَں تَں درِشْدْوا تَدْرَکْشَنایَ نِیُکْتو یَح سیناپَتِراسِیتْ سووَدَتْ نَرویَمْ اِیشْوَرَپُتْرَ اِتِ سَتْیَمْ۔
40 to be then and woman away from from afar to see/experience in/on/among which (to be *ko*) and Mary the/this/who Magdalene and Mary the/this/who (the/this/who *k*) James the/this/who small and Joseph mother and Salome
تَدانِیں مَگْدَلِینِی مَرِسَمْ کَنِشْٹھَیاکُوبو یوسیشْچَ ماتانْیَمَرِیَمْ شالومِی چَ یاح سْتْرِیو
41 which (and *ko*) when to be in/on/among the/this/who Galilee to follow it/s/he and to serve it/s/he and another much the/this/who to ascend with it/s/he toward Jerusalem
گالِیلْپْرَدیشے یِیشُں سیوِتْوا تَدَنُگامِنْیو جاتا اِماسْتَدَنْیاشْچَ یا اَنیکا نارْیو یِیشُنا سارْدّھَں یِرُوشالَمَمایاتاسْتاشْچَ دُوراتْ تانِ دَدرِشُح۔
42 and already evening to be since to be Preparation which to be to/with Sabbath
اَتھاسادَنَدِنَسْیارْتھادْ وِشْرامَواراتْ پُورْوَّدِنَسْیَ سایَںکالَ آگَتَ
43 (to come/go *N(k)O*) Joseph the/this/who away from Arimathea proper member of a council which and it/s/he to be to wait for/welcome the/this/who kingdom the/this/who God be bold to enter to/with (the/this/who *no*) Pilate and to ask the/this/who body the/this/who Jesus
اِیشْوَرَراجْیاپیکْشْیَرِمَتھِییَیُوشَپھَناما مانْیَمَنْتْرِی سَمیتْیَ پِیلاتَسَوِدھَں نِرْبھَیو گَتْوا یِیشورْدیہَں یَیاچے۔
44 the/this/who then Pilate to marvel if already to die/be dead and to call to/summon the/this/who centurion to question it/s/he if (of old *NK(o)*) to die
کِنْتُ سَ اِدانِیں مرِتَح پِیلاتَ اِتْیَسَمْبھَوَں مَتْوا شَتَسیناپَتِماہُویَ سَ کَدا مرِتَ اِتِ پَپْرَچّھَ۔
45 and to know away from the/this/who centurion to give the/this/who (corpse *N(k)O*) the/this/who Joseph
شَتَسیمَناپَتِمُکھاتْ تَجّناتْوا یُوشَپھے یِیشورْدیہَں دَدَو۔
46 and to buy linen (and *k*) to take down it/s/he to enwrap the/this/who linen and (to place *NK(O)*) it/s/he in/on/among (grave *NK(o)*) which to be to hew out from rock and to roll before stone upon/to/against the/this/who door the/this/who grave
پَشْچاتْ سَ سُوکْشْمَں واسَح کْرِیتْوا یِیشوح کایَمَوَروہْیَ تینَ واسَسا ویشْٹایِتْوا گِرَو کھاتَشْمَشانے سْتھاپِتَوانْ پاشانَں لوٹھَیِتْوا دْوارِ نِدَدھے۔
47 the/this/who then Mary the/this/who Magdalene and Mary the/this/who Joseph to see/experience where? (to place *N(k)O*)
کِنْتُ یَتْرَ سوسْتھاپْیَتَ تَتَ مَگْدَلِینِی مَرِیَمْ یوسِماترِمَرِیَمْ چَ دَدرِشَترِح۔

< Mark 15 >