< Malachi 2 >

1 and now to(wards) you [the] commandment [the] this [the] priest 2 if not to hear: hear and if not to set: consider upon heart to/for to give: give glory to/for name my to say LORD Hosts and to send: depart in/on/with you [obj] [the] curse and to curse [obj] blessing your and also to curse her for nothing you to set: consider upon heart 3 look! I to rebuke to/for you [obj] [the] seed: children and to scatter refuse upon face your refuse feast your and to lift: bear [obj] you to(wards) him 4 and to know for to send: depart to(wards) you [obj] [the] commandment [the] this to/for to be covenant my with Levi to say LORD Hosts 5 covenant my to be with him [the] life and [the] peace and to give: give them to/for him fear and to fear: revere me and from face: because name my to to be dismayed he/she/it 6 instruction truth: true to be in/on/with lip his and injustice not to find in/on/with lips his in/on/with peace and in/on/with plain to go: walk with me and many to return: repent from iniquity: crime 7 for lips priest to keep: guard knowledge and instruction to seek from lip his for messenger LORD Hosts he/she/it 8 and you(m. p.) to turn aside: turn aside from [the] way: conduct to stumble many in/on/with instruction to ruin covenant [the] Levi to say LORD Hosts 9 and also I to give: make [obj] you to despise and low to/for all [the] people like/as lip: according which nothing you to keep: obey [obj] way: conduct my and to lift: kindness face: kindness in/on/with instruction 10 not father one to/for all our not God one to create us why? to act treacherously man: anyone in/on/with brother: compatriot his to/for to profane/begin: profane covenant father our 11 to act treacherously Judah and abomination to make in/on/with Israel and in/on/with Jerusalem for to profane/begin: profane Judah holiness LORD which to love: lover and rule: to marry daughter god foreign 12 to cut: eliminate LORD to/for man which to make: do her to rouse and to answer from tent Jacob and to approach: bring offering to/for LORD Hosts 13 and this second to make: do to cover tears [obj] altar LORD weeping and groaning from nothing still to turn to(wards) [the] offering and to/for to take: recieve acceptance from hand: power your 14 and to say upon what? upon for LORD to testify between you and between woman: wife youth your which you(m. s.) to act treacherously in/on/with her and he/she/it consort your and woman: wife covenant your 15 and not one to make and remnant spirit to/for him and what? [the] one to seek seed: children God and to keep: guard in/on/with spirit your and in/on/with woman: wife youth your not to act treacherously 16 for to hate to send: divorce to say LORD God Israel and to cover violence upon clothing his to say LORD Hosts and to keep: guard in/on/with spirit your and not to act treacherously 17 be weary/toil LORD in/on/with word your and to say in/on/with what? be weary/toil in/on/with to say you all to make: do bad: evil pleasant in/on/with eye: seeing LORD and in/on/with them he/she/it to delight in or where? God [the] justice

< Malachi 2 >