< Leviticus 24 >

1 and to speak: speak LORD to(wards) Moses to/for to say 2 to command [obj] son: descendant/people Israel and to take: bring to(wards) you oil olive pure beaten to/for light to/for to ascend: offer up lamp continually 3 from outside to/for curtain [the] testimony in/on/with tent meeting to arrange [obj] him Aaron from evening till morning to/for face: before LORD continually statute forever: enduring to/for generation your 4 upon [the] lampstand [the] pure to arrange [obj] [the] lamp to/for face: before LORD continually 5 and to take: take fine flour and to bake [obj] her two ten bun two tenth to be [the] bun [the] one 6 and to set: make [obj] them two row six [the] row upon [the] table [the] pure to/for face: before LORD 7 and to give: put upon [the] row frankincense pure and to be to/for food: bread to/for memorial food offering to/for LORD 8 in/on/with day [the] Sabbath in/on/with day [the] Sabbath to arrange him to/for face: before LORD continually from with son: descendant/people Israel covenant forever: enduring 9 and to be to/for Aaron and to/for son: child his and to eat him in/on/with place holy for holiness holiness he/she/it to/for him from food offering LORD statute: portion forever: enduring 10 and to come out: come son: child woman Israelite and he/she/it son: child man Egyptian in/on/with midst son: descendant/people Israel and to struggle in/on/with camp son: child [the] Israelite and man [the] Israelite 11 and to pierce son: child [the] woman [the] Israelite [obj] [the] name and to lighten and to come (in): bring [obj] him to(wards) Moses and name mother his Shelomith daughter Dibri to/for tribe Dan 12 and to rest him in/on/with custody to/for to declare to/for them upon lip: word LORD 13 and to speak: speak LORD to(wards) Moses to/for to say 14 to come out: send [obj] [the] to lighten to(wards) from outside to/for camp and to support all [the] to hear: hear [obj] hand their upon head his and to stone [obj] him all [the] congregation 15 and to(wards) son: descendant/people Israel to speak: speak to/for to say man man for to lighten God his and to lift: guilt sin his 16 and to curse name LORD to die to die to stone to stone in/on/with him all [the] congregation like/as sojourner like/as born in/on/with to curse he name to die 17 and man: anyone for to smite all soul: life man to die to die 18 and to smite soul: life animal to complete her soul: life underneath: instead soul: life 19 and man: anyone for to give: do blemish in/on/with neighbor his like/as as which to make: do so to make: do to/for him 20 breaking underneath: instead breaking eye underneath: instead eye tooth underneath: instead tooth like/as as which to give: give blemish in/on/with man so to give: give in/on/with him 21 and to smite animal to complete her and to smite man to die 22 justice: judgement one to be to/for you like/as sojourner like/as born to be for I LORD God your 23 and to speak: speak Moses to(wards) son: descendant/people Israel and to come out: send [obj] [the] to lighten to(wards) from outside to/for camp and to stone [obj] him stone and son: descendant/people Israel to make: do like/as as which to command LORD [obj] Moses

< Leviticus 24 >