< Joshua 1 >

1 and to be after death Moses servant/slave LORD and to say LORD to(wards) Joshua son: child Nun to minister Moses to/for to say
Poslije smrti Mojsija, sluge Jahvina, reče Jahve Jošui, sinu Nunovu, pomoćniku Mojsijevu:
2 Moses servant/slave my to die and now to arise: rise to pass [obj] [the] Jordan [the] this you(m. s.) and all [the] people [the] this to(wards) [the] land: country/planet which I to give: give to/for them to/for son: descendant/people Israel
“Moj je sluga Mojsije umro; zato sada ustani, prijeđi preko toga Jordana, ti i sav taj narod, u zemlju koju dajem sinovima Izraelovim.
3 all place which to tread palm: sole foot your in/on/with him to/for you to give: give him like/as as which to speak: promise to(wards) Moses
Svako mjesto na koje stupi vaša noga dajem vam, kao što obećah Mojsiju.
4 from [the] wilderness and [the] Lebanon [the] this and till [the] river [the] Great (Sea) river Euphrates all land: country/planet [the] Hittite and till [the] sea [the] Great (Sea) entrance [the] sun to be border: area your
Od pustinje i od Libanona pa do Velike rijeke, rijeke Eufrata, i sve do Velikog mora na sunčanom zapadu - sve će to biti vaše područje.
5 not to stand man: anyone to/for face: before your all day life your like/as as which to be with Moses to be with you not to slacken you and not to leave: forsake you
Nitko neće odoljeti pred tobom u sve dane tvog života; ja ću biti s tobom, kao što sam bio s Mojsijem, i nikada te neću napustiti niti ću te ostaviti.
6 to strengthen: strengthen and to strengthen for you(m. s.) to inherit [obj] [the] people [the] this [obj] [the] land: country/planet which to swear to/for father their to/for to give: give to/for them
Budi odvažan i hrabar jer ćeš ti uvesti narod ovaj da primi u baštinu zemlju za koju se zakleh ocima njihovim da ću im je dati.
7 except to strengthen: strengthen and to strengthen much to/for to keep: careful to/for to make: do like/as all [the] instruction which to command you Moses servant/slave my not to turn aside: turn aside from him right and left because be prudent in/on/with all which to go: went
Samo budi odvažan i hrabar da sve učiniš vjerno prema naredbama koje ti je dao Mojsije, sluga moj. Ne skreći od toga ni desno ni lijevo da bi ti bilo sretno sve što poduzmeš.
8 not to remove scroll: book [the] instruction [the] this from lip your and to mutter in/on/with him by day and night because to keep: careful to/for to make: do like/as all [the] to write in/on/with him for then to prosper [obj] way: journey your and then be prudent
Neka knjiga Zakona bude na ustima tvojim: razmišljaj o njoj danju i noću, kako bi vjerno držao sve što je u njoj napisano: samo ćeš tada biti sretan i uspjet ćeš u pothvatima. Nisam li ti zapovjedio:
9 not to command you to strengthen: strengthen and to strengthen not to tremble and not to to be dismayed for with you LORD God your in/on/with all which to go: went
odvaži se i budi hrabar? Ne boj se i ne strahuj, jer kuda god pođeš, s tobom je Jahve, Bog tvoj.”
10 and to command Joshua [obj] official [the] people to/for to say
Tada zapovijedi Jošua glavarima narodnim:
11 to pass in/on/with entrails: among [the] camp and to command [obj] [the] people to/for to say to establish: prepare to/for you provision for in/on/with still three day you(m. p.) to pass [obj] [the] Jordan [the] this to/for to come (in): come to/for to possess: take [obj] [the] land: country/planet which LORD God your to give: give to/for you to/for to possess: take her
“Prođite kroz tabor i proglasite puku ovu zapovijed: 'Spremite sebi brašnenice jer ćete za tri dana prijeći preko Jordana da biste primili u posjed zemlju koju vam Jahve, Bog vaš, daje u baštinu.'”
12 and to/for Reubenite and to/for Gad and to/for half tribe [the] Manasseh to say Joshua to/for to say
Zatim reče Jošua plemenu Rubenovu i Gadovu i polovini plemena Manašeova:
13 to remember [obj] [the] word which to command [obj] you Moses servant/slave LORD to/for to say LORD God your to rest to/for you and to give: give to/for you [obj] [the] land: country/planet [the] this
“Sjetite se onoga što vam je zapovjedio Mojsije, sluga Jahvin, kada vam je rekao: 'Jahve, Bog vaš, hoće da počinete i daje vam ovu zemlju.
14 woman: wife your child your and livestock your to dwell in/on/with land: country/planet which to give: give to/for you Moses in/on/with side: beyond [the] Jordan and you(m. p.) to pass armed to/for face: before brother: compatriot your all mighty man [the] strength and to help [obj] them
Vaše žene, djeca i stada mogu ostati u zemlji koju vam je dao Mojsije s onu stranu Jordana. Vi pak ratnici, za boj spremni, morate naoružani poći pred svojom braćom da im pomognete,
15 till which to rest LORD to/for brother: compatriot your like/as you and to possess: take also they(masc.) [obj] [the] land: country/planet which LORD God your to give: give to/for them and to return: return to/for land: country/planet possession your and to possess: take [obj] her which to give: give to/for you Moses servant/slave LORD in/on/with side: beyond [the] Jordan east [the] sun
sve dok Jahve ne dade da počinu i vaša braća, kao i vi, i dok ne zaposjednu zemlju koju im daje Jahve, Bog vaš. Tada se možete vratiti u zemlju koja vam pripada i koju vam je dao Jahvin sluga Mojsije, na drugoj strani Jordana, prema istoku sunca.'”
16 and to answer [obj] Joshua to/for to say all which to command us to make: do and to(wards) all which to send: depart us to go: went
Oni odgovore Jošui: “Sve što nam zapovjediš, učinit ćemo, i kuda nas god pošalješ, poći ćemo.
17 like/as all which to hear: obey to(wards) Moses so to hear: obey to(wards) you except to be LORD God your with you like/as as which to be with Moses
Kao što smo slušali Mojsija, tako ćemo se pokoravati i tebi. Samo neka Jahve, Bog tvoj, bude s tobom kao što bijaše s Mojsijem!
18 all man which to rebel [obj] lip: word your and not to hear: obey [obj] word your to/for all which to command him to die except to strengthen: strengthen and to strengthen
Tko se god usprotivi tvome glasu i ne posluša tvojih riječi u svemu što mu zapovjediš neka bude pogubljen. Samo ti budi odvažan i hrabar!”

< Joshua 1 >