< Jonah 4 >

1 and be evil to(wards) Jonah distress: evil great: large and to be incensed to/for him
Et afflictus est Jonas afflictione magna, et iratus est:
2 and to pray to(wards) LORD and to say Please! LORD not this word: speaking my till to be I upon land: country my upon so to meet to/for to flee Tarshish [to] for to know for you(m. s.) God gracious and compassionate slow face: anger and many kindness and to be sorry: relent upon [the] distress: harm
et oravit ad Dominum, et dixit: Obsecro, Domine, numquid non hoc est verbum meum cum adhuc essem in terra mea? propter hoc præoccupavi ut fugerem in Tharsis: scio enim quia tu Deus clemens et misericors es, patiens et multæ miserationis, et ignoscens super malitia.
3 and now LORD to take: take please [obj] soul: life my from me for pleasant death my from life my
Et nunc, Domine, tolle, quæso, animam meam a me, quia melior est mihi mors quam vita.
4 and to say LORD be good to be incensed to/for you
Et dixit Dominus: Putasne bene irasceris tu?
5 and to come out: come Jonah from [the] city and to dwell from front: east to/for city and to make to/for him there booth and to dwell underneath: under her in/on/with shadow till which to see: see what? to be in/on/with city
Et egressus est Jonas de civitate, et sedit contra orientem civitatis: et fecit sibimet umbraculum ibi, et sedebat subter illud in umbra, donec videret quid accideret civitati.
6 and to count LORD God plant and to ascend: rise from upon to/for Jonah to/for to be shadow upon head his to/for to rescue to/for him from distress: harm his and to rejoice Jonah upon [the] plant joy great: large
Et præparavit Dominus Deus hederam, et ascendit super caput Jonæ, ut esset umbra super caput ejus, et protegeret eum (laboraverat enim): et lætatus est Jonas super hedera lætitia magna.
7 and to count [the] God worm in/on/with to ascend: rise [the] dawn to/for morrow and to smite [obj] [the] plant and to wither
Et paravit Deus vermen ascensu diluculi in crastinum: et percussit hederam, et exaruit.
8 and to be like/as to rise [the] sun and to count God spirit: breath east scorching and to smite [the] sun upon head Jonah and to enwrap and to ask [obj] soul: myself his to/for to die and to say pleasant death my from life my
Et cum ortus fuisset sol, præcepit Dominus vento calido et urenti: et percussit sol super caput Jonæ, et æstuabat: et petivit animæ suæ ut moreretur, et dixit: Melius est mihi mori quam vivere.
9 and to say God to(wards) Jonah be good to be incensed to/for you upon [the] plant and to say be good to be incensed to/for me till death
Et dixit Dominus ad Jonam: Putasne bene irasceris tu super hedera? Et dixit: Bene irascor ego usque ad mortem.
10 and to say LORD you(m. s.) to pity upon [the] plant which not to toil in/on/with him and not to magnify him which/that son: type of night to be and son: type of night to perish
Et dixit Dominus: Tu doles super hederam in qua non laborasti, neque fecisti ut cresceret; quæ sub una nocte nata est, et sub una nocte periit:
11 and I not to pity upon Nineveh [the] city [the] great: large which there in/on/with her to multiply from two ten ten thousand man which not to know between right his to/for left his and animal many
et ego non parcam Ninive, civitati magnæ, in qua sunt plus quam centum viginti millia hominum qui nesciunt quid sit inter dexteram et sinistram suam, et jumenta multa?

< Jonah 4 >