< Job 7 >

1 not army: duty to/for human (upon *Q(k)*) land: country/planet and like/as day hired day his
Insan’gha zéminda jewre-japa chékidighan turmush békitilgen emesmu? Uning künliri bir medikarningkige oxshash emesmu?
2 like/as servant/slave to long for shadow and like/as hired to await work his
Qul kechqurunning sayisige teshna bolghandek, Medikar öz emgikining heqqini kütkendek,
3 so to inherit to/for me month vanity: vain and night trouble to count to/for me
Mana bihude aylar manga békitilgen, Gheshlikke tolghan kéchiler manga nésip qilin’ghan.
4 if to lie down: lay down and to say how to arise: rise and to measure evening and to satisfy tossing till twilight
Men yatqinimda: «Qachan qoparmen?» dep oylaymen, Biraq kech uzundin uzun bolidu, Tang atquche pütün bir kéche men tolghinip yatimen.
5 to clothe flesh my worm (and clod *Q(K)*) dust skin my to harden and to flow
Etlirim qurtlar hem topa-changlar bilen qaplandi, Térilirim yérilip, yiringlap ketti.
6 day my to lighten from shuttle and to end: finish in/on/with end hope
Künlirim bapkarning mokisidinmu ittik ötidu, Ular ümidsizlik bilen ayaghlishay dep qaldi.
7 to remember for spirit: breath life my not to return: again eye my to/for to see: see good
[Ah Xuda], méning jénim bir nepesla xalas. Közüm yaxshiliqni qaytidin körmeydighanliqi ésingde bolsun;
8 not to see me eye sight eye your in/on/with me and nothing I
Méni Körgüchining közi ikkinchi qétim manga qarimaydu, Sen neziringni üstümge chüshürginingde, men yoqalghan bolimen.
9 to end: expend cloud and to go: went so to go down hell: Sheol not to ascend: rise (Sheol h7585)
Bulut ghayib bolup, qayta körünmigendek, Oxshashla tehtisaragha chüshken adem qaytidin chiqmaydu. (Sheol h7585)
10 not to return: return still to/for house: home his and not to recognize him still place his
U yene öz öyige qaytmaydu, Öz yurti uni qayta tonumaydu.
11 also I not to withhold lip my to speak: speak in/on/with distress spirit my to muse in/on/with bitter soul my
Shunga men aghzimni yummay, Rohimning derd-elimi bilen söz qilay, Jénimning azabidin zarlaymen.
12 sea I if serpent: monster for to set: make upon me custody
Némishqa Sen üstümdin közet qilisen? Men [xeterlik] bir déngizmu-ya? Yaki déngizdiki bir ejdihamumen?
13 for to say to be sorry: comfort me bed my to lift: forgive in/on/with complaint my bed my
Men: «Ah, yatqan ornum manga rahet béridu, Körpem nale-peryadimgha derman bolidu» — désem,
14 and to to be dismayed me in/on/with dream and from vision to terrify me
Emdi Sen chüshler bilen méni qorqutiwatisen, Ghayibane alametler bilen manga wehime salisen.
15 and to choose strangling soul: myself my death from bone my
Shuning üchün boghulushumni, ölümni, Bu söngeklirimge qarap olturushtin artuq bilimen.
16 to reject not to/for forever: enduring to live to cease from me for vanity day my
Men öz jénimdin toydum; Méning menggüge yashighum yoq, Méni meylimge qoyiwetkin, Méning künlirim bihudidur.
17 what? human for to magnify him and for to set: make to(wards) him heart your
Insan balisi némidi? Sen némishqa uni chong bilisen, Néme dep uninggha köngül bérisen?
18 and to reckon: visit him to/for morning to/for moment to test him
Her etigende uni sürüshtürüp kélisen, Her nepes uni sinaysen!
19 like/as what? not to gaze from me not to slacken me till to swallow up I spittle my
Qachan’ghiche méningdin neziringni almaysen, Manga qachan’ghiche aghzimdiki sériq suni yutuwalghudek aram bermeysen?
20 to sin what? to work to/for you to watch [the] man to/for what? to set: make me to/for target to/for you and to be upon me to/for burden
Men gunah qilghan bolsammu, i insaniyetni Közetküchi, Sanga néme qiliptimen?! Men Sanga yük bolup qaldimmu? Buning bilen méni Özüngge zerbe nishani qilghansenmu?
21 and what? not to lift: forgive transgression my and to pass: bring [obj] iniquity: crime my for now to/for dust to lie down: be dead and to seek me and nothing I
Sen némishqa méning itaetsizlikimni kechürüm qilip, Gunahimni saqit qilmaysen? Chünki men pat arida topining ichide uxlaymen; Sen méni izdep kélisen, lékin men mewjut bolmaymen».

< Job 7 >