< Jeremiah 6 >

1 to seek refuge son: descendant/people Benjamin from entrails: among Jerusalem and in/on/with Tekoa to blow trumpet and upon Beth-haccherem Beth-haccherem to lift: raise tribute for distress: harm to look from north and breaking great: large 2 [the] lovely and [the] to delight to resemble daughter Zion 3 to(wards) her to come (in): come to pasture and flock their to blow upon her tent around to pasture man: anyone [obj] hand: monument his 4 to consecrate: prepare upon her battle to arise: rise and to ascend: attack in/on/with midday woe! to/for us for to turn [the] day for to stretch shadow evening 5 to arise: rise and to ascend: attack in/on/with night and to ruin citadel: fortress her 6 for thus to say LORD Hosts to cut: cut tree and to pour: build siege mound upon Jerusalem mound he/she/it [the] city to reckon: punish all her oppression in/on/with entrails: among her 7 like/as to cool (well *Q(K)*) water her so to cool distress: evil her violence and violence to hear: hear in/on/with her upon face my continually sickness and wound 8 to discipline Jerusalem lest to dislocate/hang soul: myself my from you lest to set: make you devastation land: country/planet not to dwell 9 thus to say LORD Hosts to glean to glean like/as vine remnant Israel to return: again hand your like/as to gather/restrain/fortify upon branch 10 upon who? to speak: speak and to testify and to hear: hear behold uncircumcised ear their and not be able to/for to listen behold word LORD to be to/for them to/for reproach not to delight in in/on/with him 11 and with rage LORD to fill be weary to sustain to pour: pour upon infant in/on/with outside and upon counsel youth together for also man: husband with woman: wife to capture old with full day: old 12 and to turn: repell house: home their to/for another land: country and woman: wife together for to stretch [obj] hand my upon to dwell [the] land: country/planet utterance LORD 13 for from small their and till great: large their all his to cut off: to gain unjust-gain and from prophet and till priest all his to make: do deception 14 and to heal [obj] breaking people my upon to lighten to/for to say peace peace and nothing peace 15 be ashamed for abomination to make also be ashamed not be ashamed also be humiliated not to know to/for so to fall: kill in/on/with to fall: kill in/on/with time to reckon: punish them to stumble to say LORD 16 thus to say LORD to stand: stand upon way: road and to see: see and to ask to/for path forever: antiquity where? this way: road [the] pleasant and to go: walk in/on/with her and to find rest to/for soul your and to say not to go: walk 17 and to arise: establish upon you to watch to listen to/for voice: sound trumpet and to say not to listen 18 to/for so to hear: hear [the] nation and to know congregation [obj] which in/on/with them 19 to hear: hear [the] land: country/planet behold I to come (in): bring distress: harm to(wards) [the] people [the] this fruit plot their for upon word my not to listen and instruction my and to reject in/on/with her 20 to/for what? this to/for me frankincense from Sheba to come (in): come and branch: stem [the] pleasant from land: country/planet distance burnt offering your not to/for acceptance and sacrifice your not to please to/for me 21 to/for so thus to say LORD look! I to give: put to(wards) [the] people [the] this stumbling and to stumble in/on/with them father and son: child together neighboring and neighbor his (and to perish *Q(K)*) 22 thus to say LORD behold people to come (in): come from land: country/planet north and nation great: large to rouse from flank land: country/planet 23 bow and javelin to strengthen: hold cruel he/she/it and not to have compassion voice: sound their like/as sea to roar and upon horse to ride to arrange like/as man to/for battle upon you daughter Zion 24 to hear: hear [obj] report his to slacken hand our distress to strengthen: hold us agony like/as to beget 25 not (to come out: come *Q(K)*) [the] land: country and in/on/with way: road not (to go: walk *Q(K)*) for sword to/for enemy terror from around: side 26 daughter people my to gird sackcloth and to wallow in/on/with ashes mourning only to make to/for you mourning bitterness for suddenly to come (in): come [the] to ruin upon us 27 assayer to give: make you in/on/with people my fortification and to know and to test [obj] way: conduct their 28 all their to turn aside: turn aside to rebel to go: went slander bronze and iron all their to ruin they(masc.) 29 to scorch bellow (from fire complete *Q(K)*) lead to/for vanity: vain to refine to refine and bad: evil not to tear 30 silver: money to reject to call: call to to/for them for to reject LORD in/on/with them

< Jeremiah 6 >