< Jeremiah 22 >

1 thus to say LORD to go down house: palace king Judah and to speak: speak there [obj] [the] word [the] this
Tā saka Tas Kungs: noej Jūda ķēniņa namā un runā tur šo vārdu
2 and to say to hear: hear word LORD king Judah [the] to dwell upon throne David you(m. s.) and servant/slave your and people your [the] to come (in): come in/on/with gate [the] these
Un saki: klausi Tā Kunga vārdu, Jūda ķēniņ, kas sēdi Dāvida goda krēslā, tu un tavi kalpi un tavi ļaudis, visi, kas ieejat pa šiem vārtiem.
3 thus to say LORD to make: do justice and righteousness and to rescue to plunder from hand: power oppressor and sojourner orphan and widow not to oppress not to injure and blood innocent not to pour: kill in/on/with place [the] this
Tā saka Tas Kungs: nesiet tiesu un taisnību un izglābiet aplaupīto no spaidītāja rokas, un neplēšat svešinieku, bāriņu, atraitni, nedariet varas darbu un neizlejat šai vietā nenoziedzīgas asinis.
4 that if: except if: except to make: do to make: do [obj] [the] word [the] this and to come (in): come in/on/with gate [the] house: palace [the] this king to dwell to/for David upon throne his to ride in/on/with chariot and in/on/with horse he/she/it (and servant/slave his *Q(K)*) and people his
Jo kad jūs tā darīsiet, tad pa šā nama vārtiem ieies ķēniņi, kas sēdēs uz Dāvida goda krēsla, un brauks ar ratiem un zirgiem, pats un viņa kalpi un viņa ļaudis.
5 and if not to hear: obey [obj] [the] word [the] these in/on/with me to swear utterance LORD for to/for desolation to be [the] house: palace [the] this
Bet ja jūs šos vārdus neklausīsiet, tad Es pie Sevis esmu zvērējis, saka Tas Kungs, ka šim namam būs palikt par posta vietu.
6 for thus to say LORD upon house: palace king Judah Gilead you(m. s.) to/for me head: top [the] Lebanon if: surely yes not to set: make you wilderness city not (to dwell *Q(K)*)
Jo tā saka Tas Kungs par Jūda ķēniņa namu: tu Man esi kā Gileāda, kā Lībanus galva, bet tiešām, Es tevi darīšu par tuksnesi un tās pilsētas bez iedzīvotājiem.
7 and to consecrate: prepare upon you to ruin man: anyone and article/utensil his and to cut: cut best cedar your and to fall: fall upon [the] fire
Jo Es pret tevi iecelšu postītājus, ikvienu ar saviem ieročiem; tie nocirtīs tavus labākos ciedru kokus un tos metīs ugunī.
8 and to pass nation many upon [the] city [the] this and to say man: anyone to(wards) neighbor his upon what? to make: do LORD thus to/for city [the] great: large [the] this
Tad daudz pagānu šai pilsētai ies garām un sacīs cits uz citu: kādēļ Tas Kungs šai lielai pilsētai tā darījis?
9 and to say upon which to leave: forsake [obj] covenant LORD God their and to bow to/for God another and to serve: minister them
Un tie sacīs: tādēļ ka tie atstājuši Tā Kunga, sava Dieva, derību un zemē metušies priekš citiem dieviem un tiem kalpojuši.
10 not to weep to/for to die and not to wander to/for him to weep to weep to/for to go: went for not to return: return still and to see: see [obj] land: country/planet relatives his
Neraudiet par nomirušo un nežēlojiet viņu; raudiet raudādami par to, kas aiziet, jo tas neatgriezīsies atpakaļ, redzēt savas dzimtenes zemi.
11 for thus to say LORD to(wards) Shallum son: child Josiah king Judah [the] to reign underneath: instead Josiah father his which to come out: come from [the] place [the] this not to return: return there still
Jo tā saka Tas Kungs par Šallumu, Josijas dēlu, Jūda ķēniņu, kas valda sava tēva Josijas vietā, kas no šās vietas aizgājis: viņš vairs negriezīsies atpakaļ,
12 for in/on/with place which to reveal: remove [obj] him there to die and [obj] [the] land: country/planet [the] this not to see: see still
Bet tai vietā, kurp tie viņu aizveduši, viņš mirs un šo zemi viņš vairs neredzēs.
13 woe! to build house: home his in/on/with not righteousness and upper room his in/on/with not justice in/on/with neighbor his to serve for nothing and work his not to give: pay to/for him
Vai tam, kas savu namu uztaisa ar netaisnību un savas istabas ar viltu, kas savam tuvākam liek velti strādāt, un tam nedod savu algu,
14 [the] to say to build to/for me house: home measure and upper room be wide and to tear to/for him window my and to cover in/on/with cedar and to anoint in/on/with vermilion
Kas domā: es sev uztaisīšu augstu namu un plašas istabas, un liek sev logus izcirst un ar ciedru kokiem apsegt un ar sarkanumu apsvaidīt.
15 to reign for you(m. s.) to contend in/on/with cedar father your not to eat and to drink and to make: do justice and righteousness then be pleasing to/for him
Vai tu domā valdīt, tādēļ ka tu ar ciedru kokiem greznojies? Vai tavs tēvs neēda un nedzēra un darīja tiesu un taisnību? Tad viņam labi klājās.
16 to judge judgment afflicted and needy then be pleasing not he/she/it [the] knowledge [obj] me utterance LORD
Viņš izdeva tiesu nabagam un bēdīgam, tad viņam labi klājās. Vai tas nav mani atzīt? saka Tas Kungs.
17 for nothing eye your and heart your that if: except if: except upon unjust-gain your and upon blood [the] innocent to/for to pour: kill and upon [the] oppression and upon [the] oppression to/for to make: do
Bet tavas acis un tava sirds uz citu neskatās kā vien mantu krāt un nenoziedzīgas asinis izliet, apspiest un darīt varas darbu.
18 to/for so thus to say LORD to(wards) Jehoiakim son: child Josiah king Judah not to mourn to/for him woe! brother: male-sibling my and woe! sister not to mourn to/for him woe! lord and woe! (splendor his *Q(K)*)
Tādēļ, tā saka Tas Kungs par Jojaķimu, Josijas, Jūda ķēniņa dēlu: par to nevaidēs: vai, mans brāli! Vai, mana māsa! par to nevaidēs: vai, kungs! Vai, cienīgais.
19 tomb donkey to bury to drag and to throw from further to/for gate Jerusalem
Bet kā ēzeli aprok, tā viņu apraks, un viņš taps rauts un izmests tālu no Jeruzālemes vārtiem.
20 to ascend: rise [the] Lebanon and to cry and in/on/with Bashan to give: cry out voice your and to cry from Abarim for to break all to love: lover you
Kāp uz Lībanu un sauc un pacel savu balsi Basanā un brēc no Abarima, jo visi tavi mīluļi ir satriekti.
21 to speak: speak to(wards) you in/on/with ease your to say not to hear: hear this way: conduct your from youth your for not to hear: obey in/on/with voice my
Es runāju uz tevi, kad tev vēl labi klājās, bet tu sacīji: es neklausīšu. Tas ir tavs ceļš no pašas jaunības, ka tu Manu balsi neesi klausījis
22 all to pasture your to pasture spirit: breath and to love: lover you in/on/with captivity to go: went for then be ashamed and be humiliated from all distress: evil your
Vējš aizraus visus tavus ganus, un tavi mīluļi ies cietumā; tad tu tiešām tapsi kaunā un par apsmieklu visas savas blēdības dēļ.
23 (to dwell *Q(K)*) in/on/with Lebanon (to make a nest *Q(k)*) in/on/with cedar what? to sigh in/on/with to come (in): come to/for you pain agony like/as to beget
Tu uz Lībanus dzīvo un ciedru kokos taisi ligzdas, kā tev klāsies, kad tev sāpes uzies, mokas, kā dzemdētājai?
24 alive I utterance LORD that if: except if: except to be Coniah son: child Jehoiakim king Judah signet upon hand right my for from there to tear you
Tik tiešām kā Es dzīvoju, saka Tas Kungs: kaut arī Kanija, Jojaķima dēls, Jūda ķēniņš, būtu pie Manas labās rokas spiežamais gredzens, tomēr Es tevi no tejienes aizraušu.
25 and to give: give you in/on/with hand: power to seek soul: life your and in/on/with hand: power which you(m. s.) fearing from face of their and in/on/with hand: power Nebuchadnezzar king Babylon and in/on/with hand: power [the] Chaldea
Un Es tevi nodošu rokā tiem, kas tavu dvēseli meklē, un tiem rokā, priekš kā vaiga tu bīsties, proti Nebukadnecera, Bābeles ķēniņa, un Kaldeju rokā.
26 and to cast [obj] you and [obj] mother your which to beget you upon [the] land: country/planet another which not to beget there and there to die
Un Es izmetīšu tevi un tavu māti, kas tevi dzemdējusi, uz citu zemi, kur jūs neesiet dzimuši, un tur jums būs jāmirst.
27 and upon [the] land: country/planet which they(masc.) to lift: trust [obj] soul: appetite their to/for to return: return there there [to] not to return: return
Un tai zemē, kurp viņu dvēselei gribēsies atpakaļ griezties, turp tie neatgriezīsies.
28 vessel to despise to shatter [the] man [the] this Coniah if: surely yes article/utensil nothing pleasure in/on/with him why? to cast he/she/it and seed: children his and to throw upon [the] land: country/planet which not to know
Vai šis vīrs Kanija ir viens nieka sadauzāms pods, jeb vai viņš trauks, kas nevienam nepatīk? Kāpēc viņš un viņa dzimums atmesti uz to zemi, ko tie nepazīst?
29 land: country/planet land: country/planet land: country/planet to hear: hear word LORD
Ak zeme, zeme, zeme! Klausi Tā Kunga vārdu!
30 thus to say LORD to write [obj] [the] man [the] this childless great man not to prosper in/on/with day his for not to prosper from seed: children his man: anyone to dwell upon throne David and to rule still in/on/with Judah
Tā saka Tas Kungs: pieraksti šo vīru par neauglīgu, par vīru, kam savu mūžu labi neizdosies. Jo nevienam no viņa dzimuma labi neklāsies, kas varētu sēdēt uz Dāvida goda krēsla un turpmāk valdīt pār Jūdu.

< Jeremiah 22 >