< Jeremiah 22 >

1 thus to say LORD to go down house: palace king Judah and to speak: speak there [obj] [the] word [the] this
2 and to say to hear: hear word LORD king Judah [the] to dwell upon throne David you(m. s.) and servant/slave your and people your [the] to come (in): come in/on/with gate [the] these
3 thus to say LORD to make: do justice and righteousness and to rescue to plunder from hand: power oppressor and sojourner orphan and widow not to oppress not to injure and blood innocent not to pour: kill in/on/with place [the] this
4 that if: except if: except to make: do to make: do [obj] [the] word [the] this and to come (in): come in/on/with gate [the] house: palace [the] this king to dwell to/for David upon throne his to ride in/on/with chariot and in/on/with horse he/she/it (and servant/slave his *Q(K)*) and people his
5 and if not to hear: obey [obj] [the] word [the] these in/on/with me to swear utterance LORD for to/for desolation to be [the] house: palace [the] this
6 for thus to say LORD upon house: palace king Judah Gilead you(m. s.) to/for me head: top [the] Lebanon if: surely yes not to set: make you wilderness city not (to dwell *Q(K)*)
耶和華論到猶大王的家如此說: 我看你如基列, 如黎巴嫩頂; 然而,我必使你變為曠野, 為無人居住的城邑。
7 and to consecrate: prepare upon you to ruin man: anyone and article/utensil his and to cut: cut best cedar your and to fall: fall upon [the] fire
我要預備行毀滅的人, 各拿器械攻擊你; 他們要砍下你佳美的香柏樹, 扔在火中。
8 and to pass nation many upon [the] city [the] this and to say man: anyone to(wards) neighbor his upon what? to make: do LORD thus to/for city [the] great: large [the] this
9 and to say upon which to leave: forsake [obj] covenant LORD God their and to bow to/for God another and to serve: minister them
10 not to weep to/for to die and not to wander to/for him to weep to weep to/for to go: went for not to return: return still and to see: see [obj] land: country/planet relatives his
不要為死人哭號; 不要為他悲傷, 卻要為離家出外的人大大哭號; 因為他不得再回來, 也不得再見他的本國。
11 for thus to say LORD to(wards) Shallum son: child Josiah king Judah [the] to reign underneath: instead Josiah father his which to come out: come from [the] place [the] this not to return: return there still
12 for in/on/with place which to reveal: remove [obj] him there to die and [obj] [the] land: country/planet [the] this not to see: see still
13 woe! to build house: home his in/on/with not righteousness and upper room his in/on/with not justice in/on/with neighbor his to serve for nothing and work his not to give: pay to/for him
那行不義蓋房、行不公造樓、 白白使用人的手工不給工價的有禍了!
14 [the] to say to build to/for me house: home measure and upper room be wide and to tear to/for him window my and to cover in/on/with cedar and to anoint in/on/with vermilion
他說:我要為自己蓋廣大的房、寬敞的樓, 為自己開窗戶。 這樓房的護牆板是香柏木的, 樓房是丹色油漆的。
15 to reign for you(m. s.) to contend in/on/with cedar father your not to eat and to drink and to make: do justice and righteousness then be pleasing to/for him
難道你作王是在乎造香柏木樓房爭勝嗎? 你的父親豈不是也吃也喝、 也施行公平和公義嗎? 那時他得了福樂。
16 to judge judgment afflicted and needy then be pleasing not he/she/it [the] knowledge [obj] me utterance LORD
他為困苦和窮乏人伸冤, 那時就得了福樂。 認識我不在乎此嗎? 這是耶和華說的。
17 for nothing eye your and heart your that if: except if: except upon unjust-gain your and upon blood [the] innocent to/for to pour: kill and upon [the] oppression and upon [the] oppression to/for to make: do
惟有你的眼和你的心專顧貪婪, 流無辜人的血, 行欺壓和強暴。
18 to/for so thus to say LORD to(wards) Jehoiakim son: child Josiah king Judah not to mourn to/for him woe! brother: male-sibling my and woe! sister not to mourn to/for him woe! lord and woe! (splendor his *Q(K)*)
所以,耶和華論到猶大王約西亞的兒子約雅敬如此說: 人必不為他舉哀說: 哀哉!我的哥哥; 或說:哀哉!我的姊姊; 也不為他舉哀說: 哀哉!我的主; 或說:哀哉!我主的榮華。
19 tomb donkey to bury to drag and to throw from further to/for gate Jerusalem
他被埋葬,好像埋驢一樣, 要拉出去扔在耶路撒冷的城門之外。
20 to ascend: rise [the] Lebanon and to cry and in/on/with Bashan to give: cry out voice your and to cry from Abarim for to break all to love: lover you
你要上黎巴嫩哀號, 在巴珊揚聲, 從亞巴琳哀號, 因為你所親愛的都毀滅了。
21 to speak: speak to(wards) you in/on/with ease your to say not to hear: hear this way: conduct your from youth your for not to hear: obey in/on/with voice my
你興盛的時候,我對你說話; 你卻說:我不聽。 你自幼年以來總是這樣, 不聽從我的話。
22 all to pasture your to pasture spirit: breath and to love: lover you in/on/with captivity to go: went for then be ashamed and be humiliated from all distress: evil your
你的牧人要被風吞吃, 你所親愛的必被擄去; 那時你必因你一切的惡抱愧蒙羞。
23 (to dwell *Q(K)*) in/on/with Lebanon (to make a nest *Q(k)*) in/on/with cedar what? to sigh in/on/with to come (in): come to/for you pain agony like/as to beget
你這住黎巴嫩、在香柏樹上搭窩的, 有痛苦臨到你, 好像疼痛臨到產難的婦人, 那時你何等可憐!
24 alive I utterance LORD that if: except if: except to be Coniah son: child Jehoiakim king Judah signet upon hand right my for from there to tear you
25 and to give: give you in/on/with hand: power to seek soul: life your and in/on/with hand: power which you(m. s.) fearing from face of their and in/on/with hand: power Nebuchadnezzar king Babylon and in/on/with hand: power [the] Chaldea
26 and to cast [obj] you and [obj] mother your which to beget you upon [the] land: country/planet another which not to beget there and there to die
27 and upon [the] land: country/planet which they(masc.) to lift: trust [obj] soul: appetite their to/for to return: return there there [to] not to return: return
28 vessel to despise to shatter [the] man [the] this Coniah if: surely yes article/utensil nothing pleasure in/on/with him why? to cast he/she/it and seed: children his and to throw upon [the] land: country/planet which not to know
哥尼雅這人是被輕看、破壞的器皿嗎? 是無人喜愛的器皿嗎? 他和他的後裔為何被趕到不認識之地呢?
29 land: country/planet land: country/planet land: country/planet to hear: hear word LORD
30 thus to say LORD to write [obj] [the] man [the] this childless great man not to prosper in/on/with day his for not to prosper from seed: children his man: anyone to dwell upon throne David and to rule still in/on/with Judah
耶和華如此說: 要寫明這人算為無子, 是平生不得亨通的; 因為他後裔中再無一人得亨通, 能坐在大衛的寶座上治理猶大。

< Jeremiah 22 >