< Isaiah 8 >

1 and to say LORD to(wards) me to take: take to/for you tablet great: large and to write upon him in/on/with stylus human to/for Maher-shalal-hash-baz Maher-shalal-hash-baz Maher-shalal-hash-baz Maher-shalal-hash-baz 2 and to testify to/for me witness be faithful [obj] Uriah [the] priest and [obj] Zechariah son: child Jeberechiah 3 and to present: come to(wards) [the] prophetess and to conceive and to beget son: child and to say LORD to(wards) me to call: call by name his Maher-shalal-hash-baz Maher-shalal-hash-baz Maher-shalal-hash-baz Maher-shalal-hash-baz 4 for in/on/with before to know [the] youth to call: call to father my and mother my to lift: bear [obj] strength: rich Damascus and [obj] spoil Samaria to/for face: before king Assyria 5 and to add: again LORD to speak: speak to(wards) me still to/for to say 6 because for to reject [the] people [the] this [obj] water [the] Shiloah [the] to go: walk to/for softly and rejoicing [obj] Rezin and son: child Remaliah 7 and to/for so behold Lord to ascend: establish upon them [obj] water [the] River [the] mighty and [the] many [obj] king Assyria and [obj] all glory his and to ascend: rise upon all channel his and to go: went upon all bank his 8 and to pass in/on/with Judah to overflow and to pass till neck to touch and to be spread wing his fullness width land: country/planet your Immanuel Immanuel 9 to shatter people and to to be dismayed and to listen all distance land: country/planet to gird and to to be dismayed to gird and to to be dismayed 10 to plan counsel and to break to speak: speak word and not to arise: establish for with us God 11 for thus to say LORD to(wards) me like/as strength [the] hand: power and to discipline me from to go: walk in/on/with way: conduct [the] people [the] this to/for to say 12 not to say [emph?] conspiracy to/for all which to say [the] people [the] this conspiracy and [obj] fear his not to fear and not to tremble 13 [obj] LORD Hosts [obj] him to consecrate: consecate and he/she/it fear your and he/she/it to tremble you 14 and to be to/for sanctuary and to/for stone plague and to/for rock stumbling to/for two house: household Israel to/for snare and to/for snare to/for to dwell Jerusalem 15 and to stumble in/on/with them many and to fall: fall and to break and to snare and to capture 16 to constrain testimony to seal instruction in/on/with disciple my 17 and to wait to/for LORD [the] to hide face his from house: household Jacob and to await to/for him 18 behold I and [the] youth which to give: give to/for me LORD to/for sign: miraculous and to/for wonder in/on/with Israel from from with LORD Hosts [the] to dwell in/on/with mountain: mount Zion 19 and for to say to(wards) you to seek to(wards) [the] medium and to(wards) [the] spiritist [the] to whisper and [the] to mutter not people to(wards) God his to seek about/through/for [the] alive to(wards) [the] to die 20 to/for instruction and to/for testimony if not to say like/as Chronicles [the] this which nothing to/for him dawn 21 and to pass in/on/with her to harden and hungry and to be for be hungry and be angry and to lighten in/on/with king his and in/on/with God his and to turn to/for above [to] 22 and to(wards) land: country/planet to look and behold distress and darkness gloom anguish and darkness to banish

< Isaiah 8 >