< Isaiah 66 >

1 thus to say LORD [the] heaven throne my and [the] land: country/planet footstool foot my where? this house: temple which to build to/for me and where? this place resting my
Itsho njalo iNkosi: Amazulu ayisihlalo sami sobukhosi, lomhlaba uyisenabelo senyawo zami. Ingaphi leyondlu elizangakhela yona? Njalo ingaphi indawo yami yokuphumula?
2 and [obj] all these hand my to make and to be all these utterance LORD and to(wards) this to look to(wards) afflicted and crippled spirit and trembling upon word my
Ngoba zonke lezizinto isandla sami sazenza, lazo zonke lezizinto zikhona, itsho iNkosi. Kodwa kulowo ngizakhangela, kulowo ongumyanga lolomoya odabukileyo, lothuthumela ngelizwi lami.
3 to slaughter [the] cattle to smite man to sacrifice [the] sheep to break the neck dog to ascend: offer up offering blood swine to remember frankincense to bless evil: wickedness also they(masc.) to choose in/on/with way: conduct their and in/on/with abomination their soul their to delight in
Ohlaba inkabi unjengobulala umuntu; onikela umhlatshelo ngewundlu unjengowephula intamo yenja; onikela umnikelo wokudla unjengonikela igazi lengulube; otshisa impepha yesikhumbuzo unjengobusisa isithombe. Yebo, bona bakhethile izindlela zabo, lomphefumulo wabo uthokoza ngezinengiso zabo.
4 also I to choose in/on/with caprice their and fear their to come (in): bring to/for them because to call: call to and nothing to answer to speak: speak and not to hear: hear and to make: do [the] bad: evil in/on/with eye my and in/on/with in which not to delight in to choose
Lami ngizakhetha izigcono zabo, ngibehlisele abakwesabayo; ngoba ngabiza, akwaphendula muntu; ngakhuluma, akwalalela muntu; kodwa benza okubi emehlweni ami, bakhetha lokho engingathokozanga ngakho.
5 to hear: hear word LORD [the] trembling to(wards) word his to say brother: male-sibling your to hate you to put away you because name my to honor: honour LORD and to see: see in/on/with joy your and they(masc.) be ashamed
Zwanini ilizwi leNkosi, lina elithuthumela ngelizwi layo. Abafowenu abalizondayo, abalixotsha ngenxa yebizo lami, bathi: Kayidunyiswe iNkosi; khona sizabona intokozo yenu; bona-ke bazayangeka.
6 voice: sound roar from city voice: sound from temple voice: sound LORD to complete recompense to/for enemy his
Ilizwi lomsindo elivela emzini, ilizwi elivela ethempelini, ilizwi leNkosi elibuyisela izinzuzo ezitheni zayo.
7 in/on/with before to twist: writh in pain to beget in/on/with before to come (in): come pain to/for her and to escape male
Ingakahelelwa, yazala; kungakafiki ubuhlungu bayo, yabeletha owesilisa.
8 who? to hear: hear like/as this who? to see: see like/as these to twist: writh in pain land: country/planet in/on/with day one if: surely no to beget nation beat one for to twist: writh in pain also to beget Zion [obj] son: child her
Ngubani owake wezwa okunje? Ngubani owake wabona izinto ezinje? Umhlaba uzakwenziwa uzale yini ngosuku olulodwa? Kumbe isizwe singabelethwa yini ngesikhathi sinye? Ngoba iZiyoni ithe ihelelwa, yazala abantwana bayo.
9 I to break and not to beget to say LORD if: surely no I [the] to beget and to restrain to say God your
Mina ngizasondeza ekuzalweni, ngingazalisi yini? itsho iNkosi. Ngizazalisa, besengivala yini? utsho uNkulunkulu wakho.
10 to rejoice with Jerusalem and to rejoice in/on/with her all to love: lover her to rejoice with her rejoicing all [the] to mourn upon her
Thokozani kanye leJerusalema, lijabule layo, lina lonke eliyithandayo; thokozani kanye layo ngentokozo, lina lonke eliyililelayo;
11 because to suckle and to satisfy from breast consolation her because to drink deeply and to delight from abundance glory her
ukuze limunye, lisuthe ngamabele ezinduduzo zayo; ukuze limunyisise lizithokozise ngobunengi bodumo lwayo.
12 for thus to say LORD look! I to stretch to(wards) her like/as river peace and like/as torrent: river to overflow glory nation and to suckle upon side to lift: bear and upon knee to delight
Ngoba itsho njalo iNkosi: Khangelani, ngizaqhelisa ukuthula kuye njengomfula, lodumo lwezizwe njengesifula esikhukhulayo; khona lizamunya, lithwalwe enhlangothini, lidlaliswe emadolweni.
13 like/as man which mother his to be sorry: comfort him so I to be sorry: comfort you and in/on/with Jerusalem to be sorry: comfort
Njengalowo unina amduduzayo, ngokunjalo mina ngizaliduduza; njalo lizaduduzeka eJerusalema.
14 and to see: see and to rejoice heart your and bone your like/as grass to sprout and to know hand: power LORD with servant/slave his and be indignant [obj] enemy his
Lapho libona lokhu, inhliziyo yenu izathokoza, lamathambo enu ahlume njengohlaza; lesandla seNkosi sizakwaziwa ngasezincekwini zayo, njalo izakuba lolaka ngasezitheni zayo.
15 for behold LORD in/on/with fire to come (in): come and like/as whirlwind chariot his to/for to return: turn back in/on/with rage face: anger his and rebuke his in/on/with flame fire
Ngoba khangela, iNkosi izafika ngomlilo, lezinqola zayo njengesivunguzane, ukubuyisela intukuthelo yayo ngokufutheka, lokukhuza kwayo ngamalangabi omlilo.
16 for in/on/with fire LORD to judge and in/on/with sword his with all flesh and to multiply slain: killed LORD
Ngoba ngomlilo langenkemba yayo iNkosi izangena ekwahluleleni layo yonke inyama, lababuleweyo beNkosi bazakuba banengi.
17 [the] to consecrate: consecate and [the] be pure to(wards) [the] garden after (one *Q(K)*) in/on/with midst to eat flesh [the] swine and [the] detestation and [the] mouse together to cease utterance LORD
Labo abazingcwelisayo, bazihlambulule ezivandeni ngemva kwesihlahla esisodwa esiphakathi, besidla inyama yezingulube, lesinengiso, legundwane, bazaqedwa kanyekanye, itsho iNkosi.
18 and I deed their and plot their to come (in): come to/for to gather [obj] all [the] nation and [the] tongue: language and to come (in): come and to see: see [obj] glory my
Ngoba mina ngiyayazi imisebenzi yabo lemicabango yabo; kuzafika ukuthi ngibuthe zonke izizwe lezinlimi; njalo zizafika, zibone udumo lwami.
19 and to set: make in/on/with them sign: indicator and to send: depart from them survivor to(wards) [the] nation Tarshish Pul and Lud to draw bow Tubal and Greece [the] coastland [the] distant which not to hear: hear [obj] report my and not to see: see [obj] glory my and to tell [obj] glory my in/on/with Gentile
Ngizabeka-ke isibonakaliso phakathi kwazo, ngithume abaphunyukileyo babo baye ezizweni, eTarshishi, iPhuli, leLudi, abadonsa idandili, eThubhali, leJavani, izihlenge ezikhatshana ezingakezwa indumela yami, lezingakaboni udumo lwami; njalo zizamemezela udumo lwami phakathi kwezizwe.
20 and to come (in): bring [obj] all brother: compatriot your from all [the] nation offering to/for LORD in/on/with horse and in/on/with chariot and in/on/with litter and in/on/with mule and in/on/with dromedary upon mountain: mount holiness my Jerusalem to say LORD like/as as which to come (in): bring son: descendant/people Israel [obj] [the] offering in/on/with article/utensil pure house: temple LORD
Bazaletha-ke bonke abafowenu babe ngumnikelo eNkosini bephuma kuzo zonke izizwe bephezu kwamabhiza, langezinqola, langamathala, laphezu kwezimbongolo, laphezu kwezinyamazana ezilejubane, entabeni yami engcwele eJerusalema, itsho iNkosi, njengabantwana bakoIsrayeli beletha umnikelo ngesitsha esihlambulukileyo endlini yeNkosi.
21 and also from them to take: take to/for priest to/for Levi to say LORD
Ngizathatha-ke lakubo babe ngabapristi njalo babe ngamaLevi, itsho iNkosi.
22 for like/as as which [the] heaven [the] new and [the] land: country/planet [the] new which I to make to stand: stand to/for face: before my utterance LORD so to stand: stand seed: children your and name your
Ngoba njengamazulu amatsha lomhlaba omutsha engizakwenza kuzakuma phambi kwami, itsho iNkosi, ngokunjalo inzalo yakho lebizo lakho kuzakuma.
23 and to be from sufficiency month: new moon in/on/with month: new moon his and from sufficiency Sabbath in/on/with Sabbath his to come (in): come all flesh to/for to bow to/for face: before my to say LORD
Kuzakuthi-ke ekuthwaseni kwenye inyanga kusiya kwenye, njalo kusukela kwelinye isabatha kusiya kwelinye, yonke inyama izakuzakhonza phambi kwami, itsho iNkosi.
24 and to come out: come and to see: see in/on/with corpse [the] human [the] to transgress in/on/with me for worm their not to die and fire their not to quench and to be abhorrence to/for all flesh
Bazaphuma-ke, babone izidumbu zabantu abaphambeke bemelene lami; ngoba impethu yabo kayiyikufa, lomlilo wabo kawuyikucitsha; njalo bazakuba yisinengiso kuyo yonke inyama.

< Isaiah 66 >