< Isaiah 51 >

1 to hear: hear to(wards) me to pursue righteousness to seek LORD to look to(wards) rock to hew and to(wards) hole pit to dig 2 to look to(wards) Abraham father your and to(wards) Sarah to twist: give birth you for one to call: call to him and to bless him and to multiply him 3 for to be sorry: comfort LORD Zion to be sorry: comfort all desolation her and to set: make wilderness her like/as Eden and plain her like/as garden LORD rejoicing and joy to find in/on/with her thanksgiving and voice melody 4 to listen to(wards) me people my and people my to(wards) me to listen for instruction from with me to come out: speak and justice my to/for light people to rest 5 near righteousness my to come out: come salvation my and arm my people to judge to(wards) me coastland to await and to(wards) arm my to wait: hope [emph?] 6 to lift: look to/for heaven eye your and to look to(wards) [the] land: country/planet from underneath: under for heaven like/as smoke to dissipate and [the] land: country/planet like/as garment to become old and to dwell her like gnat to die [emph?] and salvation my to/for forever: enduring to be and righteousness my not to to be dismayed 7 to hear: hear to(wards) me to know righteousness people instruction my in/on/with heart their not to fear reproach human and from reviling their not to to be dismayed 8 for like/as garment to eat them moth and like/as wool to eat them moth and righteousness my to/for forever: enduring to be and salvation my to/for generation generation 9 to rouse to rouse to clothe strength arm LORD to rouse like/as day front: old generation forever: antiquity not you(f. s.) he/she/it [the] to hew Rahab monster to bore serpent: monster 10 not you(f. s.) he/she/it [the] to dry sea water abyss many [the] to set: make deep sea way: road to/for to pass to redeem: redeem 11 and to ransom LORD to return: return [emph?] and to come (in): come Zion in/on/with cry and joy forever: enduring upon head their rejoicing and joy to overtake [emph?] to flee sorrow and sighing 12 I I he/she/it to be sorry: comfort you who? you(f. s.) and to fear from human to die and from son: child man grass to give: make 13 and to forget LORD to make you to stretch heaven and to found land: country/planet and to dread continually all [the] day from face of rage [the] to press like/as as which to establish: establish to/for to ruin and where? rage [the] to press 14 to hasten to march to/for to open and not to die to/for Pit: hell and not to lack food: bread his (questioned) 15 and I LORD God your to disturb [the] sea and to roar heap: wave his LORD Hosts name his 16 and to set: put word my in/on/with lip your and in/on/with shadow hand: power my to cover you to/for to plant heaven and to/for to found land: country/planet and to/for to say to/for Zion people my you(m. s.) 17 to rouse to rouse to arise: establish Jerusalem which to drink from hand LORD [obj] cup rage his [obj] dreg cup [the] reeling to drink to drain 18 nothing to guide to/for her from all son: child to beget and nothing to strengthen: hold in/on/with hand her from all son: child to magnify 19 two they(fem.) to encounter: chanced you who? to wander to/for you [the] violence and [the] breaking and [the] famine and [the] sword who? to be sorry: comfort you 20 son: child your to enwrap to lie down: lay down in/on/with head: top all outside like/as antelope net [the] full rage LORD rebuke God your 21 to/for so to hear: hear please this afflicted and be drunk and not from wine 22 thus to say lord your LORD and God your to contend people his behold to take: take from hand your [obj] cup [the] reeling [obj] dreg cup rage my not to add: again to/for to drink her still 23 and to set: put her in/on/with hand to suffer you which to say to/for soul: myself your to bow and to pass and to set: make like/as land: soil back your and like/as outside to/for to pass

< Isaiah 51 >