< Isaiah 31 >

1 woe! [the] to go down Egypt to/for help upon horse to lean and to trust upon chariot for many and upon horseman for be vast much and not to gaze upon holy Israel and [obj] LORD not to seek
وَيْلٌ لِلْمُنْحَدِرِينَ إِلَى مِصْرَ طَلَباً لِلْعَوْنِ، الْمُتَوَكِّلِينَ عَلَى الْخَيْلِ، الْوَاثِقِينَ بِكَثْرَةِ الْمَرْكَبَاتِ وَبِبَأْسِ الْفُرْسَانِ، مِنْ غَيْرِ أَنْ يَلْتَفِتُوا إِلَى قُدُّوسِ إِسْرَائِيلَ، أَوْ يَطْلُبُوا مَشُورَةَ الرَّبِّ.١
2 and also he/she/it wise and to come (in): bring bad: evil and [obj] word his not to turn aside: turn aside and to arise: rise upon house: household be evil and upon help to work evil: wickedness
وَمَعَ ذَلِكَ فَهُوَ حَكِيمٌ يَجْلِبُ الشَّرَّ، وَلاَ يَنْقُضُ كَلاَمَهُ بَلْ سَيَهُبُّ لِيُعَاقِبَ بَيْتَ الأَشْرَارِ وَنَاصِري فَعَلَةِ الإِثْمِ.٢
3 and Egypt man and not God and horse their flesh and not spirit and LORD to stretch hand his and to stumble to help and to fall: fall to help and together all their to end: destroy [emph?]
لَيْسَ الْمِصْرِيُّونَ آلِهَةً بَلْ بَشَراً، وَخُيُولُهُمْ مُجَرَّدُ أَجْسَادٍ وَلَيْسَتْ أَرْوَاحاً، وَعِنْدَمَا يَمُدُّ الرَّبُّ يَدَهُ، يَتَعَثَّرُ الْمُعِينُ وَيَسْقُطُ الْمُسْتَعِينُ، وَيَهْلِكَانِ كِلاَهُمَا مَعاً.٣
4 for thus to say LORD to(wards) me like/as as which to mutter [the] lion and [the] lion upon prey his which to call: call to upon him fullness to pasture from voice their not to to be dismayed and from crowd their not to afflict so to go down LORD Hosts to/for to serve upon mountain: mount Zion and upon hill her
لأَنَّهُ هَكَذَا قَالَ الرَّبُّ لِي: «كَمَا يُزَمْجِرُ الأَسَدُ أَوِ الشِّبْلُ عَلَى فَرِيسَتِهِ، مِنْ غَيْرِ أَنْ يَخْشَى مِنْ صَرَخَاتِ جَمَاعَةِ الرُّعَاةِ الْمُتَأَلِّبِينَ عَلَيْهِ، أَوْ يَفْزَعَ مِنْ جَلَبَتِهِمْ، هَكَذَا يُقْبِلُ الرَّبُّ الْقَدِيرُ لِيُحَارِبَ عَنْ جَبَلِ صِهْيَوْنَ.٤
5 like/as bird to fly so to defend LORD Hosts upon Jerusalem to defend and to rescue to pass and to escape
وَيَرِفُّ الرَّبُّ الْقَدِيرُ عَلَى أُورُشَلِيمَ لِحِمَايَتِهَا كَالطُّيُورِ الْحَائِمَةِ فَوْقَ أَعْشَاشِهَا، فَيَحْمِي وَيُنْقِذُ وَيَعْفُو وَيُخَلِّصُ.٥
6 to return: return to/for which be deep revolt son: child Israel
ارْجِعُوا أَيُّهَا الإِسْرَائِيلِيُّونَ إِلَى مَنْ تَمَرَّدْتُمْ عَلَيْهِ أَشَدَّ التَّمَرُّدِ،٦
7 for in/on/with day [the] he/she/it to reject [emph?] man: anyone idol silver: money his and idol gold his which to make to/for you hand your sin
لأَنَّهُ فِي ذَلِكَ الْيَوْمِ يَنْبِذُ كُلُّ وَاحِدٍ أَصْنَامَهُ الْفِضِّيَّةَ وَأَوْثَانَهُ الذَّهَبِيَّةَ الَّتِي صَنَعَهَا بِيَدِهِ الْخَاطِئَةِ.٧
8 and to fall: kill Assyria in/on/with sword not man and sword not man to eat him and to flee to/for him from face: before sword and youth his to/for taskworker to be
وَيُصْرَعُ الأَشُورِيُّونَ وَيُلْتَهَمُونَ، وَلَكِنْ لَيْسَ بِسَيْفِ بَشَرٍ، وَيَفِرُّونَ مِنْ أَمَامِ السَّيْفِ، وَيُسَاقُ فِتْيَانُهُمْ إِلَى الأَعْمَالِ الشَّاقَّةِ،٨
9 and crag his from terror to pass and to to be dismayed from ensign ruler his utterance LORD which flame to/for him in/on/with Zion and oven to/for him in/on/with Jerusalem
وَتَفْنَى صُخُورُهُمْ مِنَ الْفَزَعِ، وَيُوَلِّي قَادَتُهُمُ الأَدْبَارَ عِنْدَمَا يَرَوْنَ عَلَمَ إِسْرَائِيلَ». هَذَا مَا يَقُولُهُ الرَّبُّ الَّذِي نَارُهُ فِي صِهْيَوْنَ، وَتَنُّورُهُ فِي أُورُشَلِيمَ.٩

< Isaiah 31 >