< Hebrews 2 >

1 through/because of this/he/she/it be necessary more excessively to watch out me the/this/who to hear not once/when (to drift away *N+kO) 2 if for the/this/who through/because of angel to speak word to be firm and all transgression and disobedience to take just recompense 3 how! me to escape so great to neglect salvation who/which beginning to take to speak through/because of the/this/who lord: God by/under: by the/this/who to hear toward me to confirm 4 to testify with the/this/who God sign and/both and wonders and various power and spirit/breath: spirit holy division according to the/this/who it/s/he will 5 no for angel to subject the/this/who world the/this/who to ensue about which to speak 6 to testify solemnly then somewhere one to say which? to be a human that/since: that to remember it/s/he or son a human that/since: that to visit/care for it/s/he 7 to make less it/s/he little one from/with/beside angel glory and honor to crown it/s/he (and to appoint/conduct it/s/he upon/to/against the/this/who work the/this/who hand you *KO) 8 all to subject under the/this/who foot it/s/he in/on/among the/this/who for to subject it/s/he the/this/who all none to release: leave it/s/he insubordinate now then not yet to see: see it/s/he the/this/who all to subject 9 the/this/who then little one from/with/beside angel to make less to see Jesus through/because of the/this/who suffering the/this/who death glory and honor to crown that (grace *NK+O) God above/for all to taste death 10 be proper for it/s/he through/because of which the/this/who all and through/because of which the/this/who all much son toward glory to bring the/this/who founder the/this/who salvation it/s/he through/because of suffering to perfect 11 the/this/who and/both for to sanctify and the/this/who to sanctify out from one all through/because of which cause/charge no be ashamed of brother it/s/he to call: call 12 to say to announce the/this/who name you the/this/who brother me in/on/among midst assembly to praise you 13 and again I/we to be to persuade upon/to/against it/s/he and again look! I/we and the/this/who child which me to give the/this/who God 14 since therefore/then the/this/who child to participate blood and flesh and it/s/he similarly to share the/this/who it/s/he in order that/to through/because of the/this/who death to abate the/this/who the/this/who power to have/be the/this/who death this/he/she/it to be the/this/who devilish/the Devil 15 and to release this/he/she/it just as/how much fear death through/because of all the/this/who to live liable for to be slavery 16 no for so somewhere angel to catch but seed: offspring Abraham to catch 17 whence to owe according to all the/this/who brother to liken in order that/to merciful to be and faithful high-priest the/this/who to/with the/this/who God toward the/this/who to propitiate the/this/who sin the/this/who a people 18 in/on/among which for to suffer it/s/he to test/tempt: tempt be able the/this/who to test/tempt: tempt to help

< Hebrews 2 >