< Ezra 4 >

1 and to hear: hear enemy Judah and Benjamin for son: type of [the] captivity to build temple to/for LORD God Israel 2 and to approach: approach to(wards) Zerubbabel and to(wards) head: leader [the] father and to say to/for them to build with you for like/as you to seek to/for God your (and to/for him *Q(K)*) we to sacrifice from day Esarhaddon Esarhaddon king Assyria [the] to ascend: establish [obj] us here 3 and to say to/for them Zerubbabel and Jeshua and remnant head: leader [the] father to/for Israel not to/for you and to/for us to/for to build house: temple to/for God our for we unitedness to build to/for LORD God Israel like/as as which to command us [the] king Cyrus king Persia 4 and to be people [the] land: country/planet to slacken hand people Judah (and to dismay *Q(K)*) [obj] them to/for to build 5 and to hire upon them to advise to/for to break counsel their all day Cyrus king Persia and till royalty Darius king Persia 6 and in/on/with royalty Ahasuerus in/on/with beginning royalty his to write accusation upon to dwell Judah and Jerusalem 7 and in/on/with day Artaxerxes to write Bishlam Mithredath Tabeel and remnant (associate his *Q(K)*) upon (Artaxerxes *Q(k)*) king Persia and writing [the] letter to write Aramaic and to translate Aramaic 8 Rehum commander command and Shimshai scribe [the] to write letter one since Jerusalem to/for Artaxerxes king [the] thus 9 then Rehum commander command and Shimshai scribe [the] and remainder associate their judge [the] and govenors [the] officials [the] Persia [the] (Erech [the] *Q(K)*) Babylonian [the] Susa [the] (Dehavite [the] *Q(K)*) Elamite [the] 10 and remainder people [the] that to reveal Osnappar great [the] and honorable [the] and to dwell they in/on/with town that Samaria and remainder beyond River [the] and now 11 this copy letter [the] that to send since him since Artaxerxes king [the] (servant/slave your *Q(K)*) man beyond River [the] and now 12 to know to be to/for king [the] that Jew [the] that to ascend from with you since us to come to/for Jerusalem town [the] rebellious [the] (and bad [the] *Q(k)*) to build (and wall [the] to complete *Q(K)*) and foundation [the] to repair 13 now to know to be to/for king [the] that if town [the] this to build and wall [the] to complete tribute tribute and toll not to give: pay and revenue king to suffer injury 14 now like/as to/for before: because that salt temple: palace [the] to eat salt and dishonor king [the] not (be proper *LB(ah)*) to/for us to/for to see since this to send and to know to/for king [the] 15 that to enquire in/on/with scroll record [the] that father your and to find in/on/with scroll record [the] and to know that town [the] this town rebellious and to suffer injury king and province and sedition to make in/on/with midst her from day perpetuity [the] since this town [the] this be wasted 16 to know we to/for king [the] that if town [the] this to build and wall [the] to complete to/for before this portion in/on/with beyond River [the] not there is to/for you 17 edict [the] to send king [the] since Rehum commander command and Shimshai scribe [the] and remainder associate their that to dwell in/on/with Samaria and remainder beyond River [the] peace and now 18 document [the] that to send since us to make clear to read before me 19 and from me to set: make command and to enquire and to find that town [the] this from day perpetuity [the] since king to lift and rebellion and sedition to make in/on/with her 20 and king strong to be since Jerusalem and ruling in/on/with all beyond River [the] and tribute tribute and toll to give to/for them 21 now to set: make command to/for to cease man [the] these and town [the] this not to build till from me command [the] to set: make 22 and to take heed to be neglect to/for to make since this to/for what? to grow great harm [the] to/for to suffer injury king 23 then from that copy document [the] that (Artaxerxes *Q(k)*) king [the] to read before Rehum and Shimshai scribe [the] and associate their to go in/on/with hastely to/for Jerusalem since Jew [the] and to cease they in/on/with force and strength 24 in/on/with then to cease service house god [the] that in/on/with Jerusalem and to be to cease till year two to/for kingdom Darius king Persia

< Ezra 4 >