< Ezekiel 27 >

1 and to be word LORD to(wards) me to/for to say 2 and you(m. s.) son: child man to lift: raise upon Tyre dirge 3 and to say to/for Tyre ([the] to dwell *Q(K)*) upon entry sea to trade [the] people to(wards) coastland many thus to say Lord YHWH/God Tyre you(f. s.) to say I entire beauty 4 in/on/with heart sea border: boundary your to build you to perfect beauty your 5 cypress from Senir to build to/for you [obj] all tablet cedar from Lebanon to take: take to/for to make mast upon you 6 oak from Bashan to make oar your board your to make tooth: ivory daughter pine from coastland (Cyprus *Q(k)*) 7 linen in/on/with embroidery from Egypt to be spreading your to/for to be to/for you to/for ensign blue and purple from coastland Elishah to be covering your 8 to dwell Sidon and Arvad to be to row to/for you wise your Tyre to be in/on/with you they(masc.) pilot your 9 old: elder Gebal and wise her to be in/on/with you to strengthen: strengthen breach your all fleet [the] sea and mariner their to be in/on/with you to/for to pledge merchandise your 10 Persia and Lud and Put to be in/on/with strength: soldiers your human battle your shield and helmet to hang in/on/with you they(masc.) to give: give glory your 11 son: descendant/people Arvad and Helech upon wall your around and Gamaddim in/on/with tower your to be shield their to hang upon wall your around they(masc.) to perfect beauty your 12 Tarshish to trade your from abundance all substance in/on/with silver: money iron tin and lead to give: give ware your 13 Greece Tubal and Meshech they(masc.) to trade your in/on/with soul: life man and article/utensil bronze to give: give merchandise your 14 from Beth-(togarmah) (Beth)-togarmah horse and horse and mule to give: give ware your 15 son: descendant/people Dedan to trade your coastland many merchandise hand: themselves your horn tooth: ivory (and ebony *Q(k)*) to return: return gift your 16 Syria to trade your from abundance deed: work your in/on/with emerald purple and embroidery and fine linen and coral and ruby to give: give in/on/with ware your 17 Judah and land: country/planet Israel they(masc.) to trade your in/on/with wheat Minnith and cake and honey and oil and balsam to give: give merchandise your 18 Damascus to trade your in/on/with abundance deed: work your from abundance all substance in/on/with wine Helbon and wool Sahar 19 casks and Greece from Uzal in/on/with ware your to give: give iron smooth cassia and branch: calamus in/on/with merchandise your to be 20 Dedan to trade your in/on/with garment spread to/for riding 21 Arabia and all leader Kedar they(masc.) to trade hand: themselves your in/on/with ram and ram and goat in/on/with them to trade your 22 to trade Sheba and Raamah they(masc.) to trade your in/on/with head: top all spice and in/on/with all stone precious and gold to give: give ware your 23 Haran and Canneh and Eden to trade Sheba Assyria Chilmad to trade your 24 they(masc.) to trade your (in/on/with perfection *LA(bh)*) in/on/with garment blue and embroidery and in/on/with treasury rich apparel in/on/with cord to saddle/tie and reinforced in/on/with market your 25 fleet Tarshish to travel your merchandise your and to fill and to honor: heavy much (in/on/with heart *LB(ah)*) sea 26 in/on/with water many to come (in): bring you [the] to row [obj] you spirit: breath [the] east to break you in/on/with heart sea 27 substance your and ware your merchandise your mariner your and pilot your to strengthen: strengthen breach your and to pledge merchandise your and all human battle your which in/on/with you and in/on/with all assembly your which in/on/with midst your to fall: fall in/on/with heart sea in/on/with day carcass your 28 to/for voice: sound outcry pilot your to shake pasture 29 and to go down from fleet their all to capture oar mariner all pilot [the] sea to(wards) [the] land: country/planet to stand: stand 30 and to hear: proclaim upon you in/on/with voice their and to cry out bitter and to ascend: establish dust upon head their in/on/with ashes to wallow 31 and to make bald to(wards) you bald spot and to gird sackcloth and to weep to(wards) you in/on/with bitter soul mourning bitter 32 and to lift: raise to(wards) you in/on/with wailing their dirge and to chant upon you who? like/as Tyre like/as destroyed in/on/with midst [the] sea 33 in/on/with to come out: come ware your from sea to satisfy people many in/on/with abundance substance your and merchandise your to enrich king land: country/planet 34 time to break from sea in/on/with deep water merchandise your and all assembly your in/on/with midst your to fall: fall 35 all to dwell [the] coastland be desolate: appalled upon you and king their to shudder shuddering to thunder face 36 to trade in/on/with people to whistle upon you terror to be and nothing you till forever: enduring

< Ezekiel 27 >