< Exodus 1 >

1 and these name son: child Israel [the] to come (in): come Egypt [to] with Jacob man: anyone and house: household his to come (in): come
La-ke ngamabizo amadodana kaIsrayeli afika eGibhithe loJakobe; afika, ileyo laleyo lomuzi wayo,
2 Reuben Simeon Levi and Judah
uRubeni, uSimeyoni, uLevi, loJuda,
3 Issachar Zebulun and Benjamin
uIsakari, uZebuluni, loBhenjamini,
4 Dan and Naphtali Gad and Asher
uDani, loNafithali, uGadi, loAsheri.
5 and to be all soul: person to come out: produce thigh Jacob seventy soul: person and Joseph to be in/on/with Egypt
Njalo yonke imiphefumulo eyaphuma ekhalweni lukaJakobe yayiyimiphefumulo engamatshumi ayisikhombisa. Kodwa uJosefa wayeseGibhithe.
6 and to die Joseph and all brother: male-sibling his and all [the] generation [the] he/she/it
UJosefa wasesifa labo bonke abafowabo, lalesosizukulwana sonke.
7 and son: descendant/people Israel be fruitful and to swarm and to multiply and be vast in/on/with much much and to fill [the] land: country/planet with them
Njalo abantwana bakoIsrayeli bazalana, baba banengi, banda, baba lamandla kakhulukazi, ilizwe laze lagcwaliswa yibo.
8 and to arise: rise king new upon Egypt which not to know [obj] Joseph
Kwasekuvela inkosi entsha phezu kweGibhithe eyayingamazi uJosefa.
9 and to say to(wards) people his behold people son: descendant/people Israel many and mighty from us
Yasisithi esizweni sayo: Khangela, isizwe sabantwana bakoIsrayeli sinengi, futhi silamandla kulathi.
10 to give [emph?] be wise to/for him lest to multiply and to be for to encounter: chanced battle and to add also he/she/it upon to hate us and to fight in/on/with us and to ascend: rise from [the] land: country/planet
Wozani, asisihlakanipheleni, hlezi sande, njalo kuzakuthi lapho kusehla impi, laso sihlangane lezitha zethu, silwe simelene lathi, senyuke sisuke elizweni.
11 and to set: appoint upon him ruler taskworker because to afflict him in/on/with burden their and to build city storage to/for Pharaoh [obj] Pithom and [obj] Raamses
Ngakho bamisa phezu kwaso izinduna zesibhalo ukusihlupha ngemithwalo yabo. Njalo samakhela uFaro imizi eyiziphala, iPithoma leRamesesi.
12 and like/as as which to afflict [obj] him so to multiply and so to break through and to loathe from face: because son: descendant/people Israel
Kodwa kwathi ekusihlupheni kwaso kwang'khona sisanda, kwang'khona sisabalala. Ngakho banengwa ngabantwana bakoIsrayeli.
13 and to serve Egyptian [obj] son: descendant/people Israel in/on/with severity
Njalo amaGibhithe abasebenzisa abantwana bakoIsrayeli ngochuku,
14 and to provoke [obj] life their in/on/with service severe in/on/with clay and in/on/with brick and in/on/with all service: work in/on/with land: country [obj] all service: work their which to serve in/on/with them in/on/with severity
aze enza impilo zabo zababa ngomsebenzi onzima, ngodaka langezitina, langawo wonke umsebenzi emasimini; ngomsebenzi wabo wonke, ababenza bawenza ngodlakela.
15 and to say king Egypt to/for to beget [the] Hebrew which name [the] one Shiphrah and name [the] second Puah
Inkosi yeGibhithe yasikhuluma lababelethisi amaHebherukazi, obizo lowokuqala lalinguShifira, lebizo lowesibili lalinguPhuwa,
16 and to say in/on/with to beget you [obj] [the] Hebrew and to see: see upon [the] wheel if son: child he/she/it and to die [obj] him and if daughter he/she/it and to live
yasisithi: Nxa libelethisa amaHebherukazi, lapho libabona ezihlalweni zokubeletha, uba kuyindodana, liyibulale; kodwa uba kuyindodakazi, iyekeleni iphila.
17 and to fear: revere [the] to beget [obj] [the] God and not to make: do like/as as which to speak: speak to(wards) them king Egypt and to live [obj] [the] youth
Kodwa ababelethisi babemesaba uNkulunkulu, kabenzanga njengalokho yakhuluma kubo inkosi yeGibhithe, kodwa babayekela abafana baphila.
18 and to call: call to king Egypt to/for to beget and to say to/for them why? to make: do [the] word: thing [the] this and to live [obj] [the] youth
Inkosi yeGibhithe yasibiza ababelethisi, yathi kubo: Liyenzeleni linto ukuthi liyekele abafana baphile?
19 and to say [the] to beget to(wards) Pharaoh for not like/as woman [the] Egyptian [the] Hebrew for vigorous they(fem.) in/on/with before to come (in): come to(wards) them [the] to beget and to beget
Ababelethisi basebesithi kuFaro: Ngoba amaHebherukazi kawanjengabafazi bamaGibhithe; ngoba alamandla, umbelethisi engakafiki kuwo, asebelethile.
20 and be good God to/for to beget and to multiply [the] people and be vast much
Ngalokhu uNkulunkulu wabenzela ababelethisi okuhle, labantu banda, baba lamandla kakhulu.
21 and to be for to fear: revere [the] to beget [obj] [the] God and to make: offer to/for them house: household
Kwasekusithi, ngoba ababelethisi bamesaba uNkulunkulu, wabakhela imizi.
22 and to command Pharaoh to/for all people his to/for to say all [the] son: child [the] born [the] Nile [to] to throw him and all [the] daughter to live [emph?]
UFaro waselaya isizwe sakhe sonke esithi: Yonke indodana ezalwayo liyiphosele emfuleni, kodwa yonke indodakazi liyiyekele iphile.

< Exodus 1 >