< Exodus 1 >

1 and these name son: child Israel [the] to come (in): come Egypt [to] with Jacob man: anyone and house: household his to come (in): come
Ovo su imena Izraelovih sinova koji su s Jakovom sišli u Egipat, svaki sa svojim domom:
2 Reuben Simeon Levi and Judah
Ruben, Šimun, Levi i Juda;
3 Issachar Zebulun and Benjamin
Jisakar, Zebulun i Benjamin;
4 Dan and Naphtali Gad and Asher
Dan i Naftali; Gad i Ašer.
5 and to be all soul: person to come out: produce thigh Jacob seventy soul: person and Joseph to be in/on/with Egypt
U svemu Jakovljevih potomaka bijaše sedamdeset duša. A Josip je već bio u Egiptu.
6 and to die Joseph and all brother: male-sibling his and all [the] generation [the] he/she/it
I umre Josip, a pomru i sva njegova braća i sav onaj naraštaj.
7 and son: descendant/people Israel be fruitful and to swarm and to multiply and be vast in/on/with much much and to fill [the] land: country/planet with them
Ali su Izraelci bili rodni, namnožili se i silno ojačali, tako da su napučili zemlju.
8 and to arise: rise king new upon Egypt which not to know [obj] Joseph
Uto u Egiptu zavlada novi kralj koji nije poznavao Josipa.
9 and to say to(wards) people his behold people son: descendant/people Israel many and mighty from us
I reče on svome puku: “Eto, sinovi su Izraelovi postali narod brojan i moćniji od nas.
10 to give [emph?] be wise to/for him lest to multiply and to be for to encounter: chanced battle and to add also he/she/it upon to hate us and to fight in/on/with us and to ascend: rise from [the] land: country/planet
Hajde, postupimo mudro s njima: spriječimo im porast, da se u slučaju rata ne pridruže našim neprijateljima, da ne udare na nas i napokon ne odu iz zemlje.”
11 and to set: appoint upon him ruler taskworker because to afflict him in/on/with burden their and to build city storage to/for Pharaoh [obj] Pithom and [obj] Raamses
I postaviše nad njima nadglednike da ih tlače teškim radovima. Tako su faraonu sagradili gradove-skladišta: Pitom i Ramses.
12 and like/as as which to afflict [obj] him so to multiply and so to break through and to loathe from face: because son: descendant/people Israel
Ali što su ih više tlačili, oni se još više množili, napredovali i širili se, tako da su Egipćani strahovali od Izraelaca.
13 and to serve Egyptian [obj] son: descendant/people Israel in/on/with severity
I Egipćani se okrutno obore na Izraelce.
14 and to provoke [obj] life their in/on/with service severe in/on/with clay and in/on/with brick and in/on/with all service: work in/on/with land: country [obj] all service: work their which to serve in/on/with them in/on/with severity
Ogorčavali su im život teškim radovima: pravljenjem meljte i opeke, različitim poljskim poslovima i svakovrsnim naporima koje im nemilosrdno nametahu.
15 and to say king Egypt to/for to beget [the] Hebrew which name [the] one Shiphrah and name [the] second Puah
Egipatski se kralj obrati i na hebrejske babice, od kojih jednoj bijaše ime Šifra, a drugoj Pua, pa im naredi:
16 and to say in/on/with to beget you [obj] [the] Hebrew and to see: see upon [the] wheel if son: child he/she/it and to die [obj] him and if daughter he/she/it and to live
“Kad u porodu pomažete Hebrejkama, dobro pogledajte oba kamena sjedala: ako je muško dijete, ubijte ga; ako je žensko, neka živi.
17 and to fear: revere [the] to beget [obj] [the] God and not to make: do like/as as which to speak: speak to(wards) them king Egypt and to live [obj] [the] youth
Ali su se babice bojale Boga i nisu činile kako im je naredio egipatski kralj, nego su ostavljale na životu mušku djecu.
18 and to call: call to king Egypt to/for to beget and to say to/for them why? to make: do [the] word: thing [the] this and to live [obj] [the] youth
Stoga egipatski kralj pozove babice pa im rekne: “Zašto ste tako radile i na životu ostavljale mušku djecu?”
19 and to say [the] to beget to(wards) Pharaoh for not like/as woman [the] Egyptian [the] Hebrew for vigorous they(fem.) in/on/with before to come (in): come to(wards) them [the] to beget and to beget
Nato babice odgovore faraonu: “Hebrejke nisu kao egipatske žene. One su životne. Prije nego babica dođe k njima, one već rode.”
20 and be good God to/for to beget and to multiply [the] people and be vast much
Bog je to babicama za dobro primio. Narod se množio i silno porastao.
21 and to be for to fear: revere [the] to beget [obj] [the] God and to make: offer to/for them house: household
A kako su se babice bojale Boga, on ih obdari potomstvom.
22 and to command Pharaoh to/for all people his to/for to say all [the] son: child [the] born [the] Nile [to] to throw him and all [the] daughter to live [emph?]
Onda faraon izda naredbu svemu svome narodu: “Svako muško dijete koje se rodi Hebrejima bacite u Rijeku! Na životu ostavite samo žensku djecu.”

< Exodus 1 >