< Ecclesiastes 9 >

1 for [obj] all this to give: put to(wards) heart my and to/for to explain [obj] all this which [the] righteous and [the] wise and work their in/on/with hand: power [the] God also love also hating nothing to know [the] man [the] all to/for face: before their 2 [the] all like/as as which to/for all accident one to/for righteous and to/for wicked to/for pleasant (and to/for bad: evil *X*) and to/for pure and to/for unclean and to/for to sacrifice and to/for which nothing he to sacrifice like/as pleasant like/as to sin [the] to swear like/as as which oath afraid 3 this bad: evil in/on/with all which to make: do underneath: under [the] sun for accident one to/for all and also heart son: child [the] man full bad: evil and madness in/on/with heart their in/on/with life their and after him to(wards) [the] to die 4 for who? which (to unite *Q(K)*) to(wards) all [the] alive there trust for to/for dog alive he/she/it pleasant from [the] lion [the] to die 5 for [the] alive to know which/that to die and [the] to die nothing they to know anything and nothing still to/for them wages for to forget memorial their 6 also love their also hating their also jealousy their already to perish and portion nothing to/for them still to/for forever: enduring in/on/with all which to make: do underneath: under [the] sun 7 to go: went to eat in/on/with joy food: bread your and to drink in/on/with heart pleasant wine your for already to accept [the] God [obj] deed your 8 in/on/with all time to be garment your white and oil upon head your not to lack 9 to see: enjoy life with woman: wife which to love: lover all day life vanity your which to give: give to/for you underneath: under [the] sun all day vanity your for he/she/it portion your in/on/with life and in/on/with trouble your which you(m. s.) laborious underneath: under [the] sun 10 all which to find hand your to/for to make: do in/on/with strength your to make: do for nothing deed: work and explanation and knowledge and wisdom in/on/with hell: Sheol which you(m. s.) to go: went there [to] (Sheol h7585) 11 to return: again and to see: see underneath: under [the] sun for not to/for swift [the] race and not to/for mighty man [the] battle and also not to/for wise food: bread and also not to/for to understand riches and also not to/for to know favor for time and chance to meet [obj] all their 12 for also not to know [the] man [obj] time his like/as fish which/that to grasp in/on/with net bad: evil and like/as bird [the] to grasp in/on/with snare like/as them to snare son: child [the] man to/for time bad: evil like/as which/that to fall: fall upon them suddenly 13 also this to see: see wisdom underneath: under [the] sun and great: large he/she/it to(wards) me 14 city small and human in/on/with her little and to come (in): come to(wards) her king great: large and to turn: surround [obj] her and to build upon her siegework great: large 15 and to find in/on/with her man poor wise and to escape he/she/it [obj] [the] city in/on/with wisdom his and man not to remember [obj] [the] man [the] poor ([the] he/she/it *L(abh)*) 16 and to say I pleasant wisdom from might and wisdom [the] poor to despise and word his nothing they to hear: hear 17 word wise in/on/with quietness to hear: hear from outcry to rule in/on/with fool 18 pleasant wisdom from article/utensil battle and to sin one to perish welfare to multiply

< Ecclesiastes 9 >