< Ecclesiastes 5 >

1 to keep: guard (foot your *Q(K)*) like/as as which to go: went to(wards) house: temple [the] God and to present: come to/for to hear: hear from to give: give [the] fool sacrifice for nothing they to know to/for to make: do bad: evil 2 not to dismay upon lip your and heart your not to hasten to/for to come out: speak word to/for face: before [the] God for [the] God in/on/with heaven and you(m. s.) upon [the] land: country/planet upon so to be word your little 3 for to come (in): come [the] dream in/on/with abundance task and voice fool in/on/with abundance word 4 like/as as which to vow vow to/for God not to delay to/for to complete him for nothing pleasure in/on/with fool [obj] which to vow to complete 5 pleasant which not to vow (from which/that to vow *L(abh)*) and not to complete 6 not to give: allow [obj] lip your to/for to sin [obj] flesh your and not to say to/for face: before [the] messenger for unintentionally he/she/it to/for what? be angry [the] God upon voice your and to destroy [obj] deed: work hand your 7 for in/on/with abundance dream and vanity and word to multiply for [obj] [the] God to fear: revere 8 if oppression be poor and robbery justice and righteousness to see: see in/on/with province not to astounded upon [the] pleasure for high from upon high to keep: look at and high upon them 9 and advantage land: country/planet in/on/with all (he/she/it *Q(K)*) king to/for land: country to serve: labour 10 to love: lover silver: money not to satisfy silver: money and who? to love: lover in/on/with crowd not produce also this vanity 11 in/on/with to multiply [the] welfare to multiply to eat her and what? skill to/for master her that if: except if: except (sight *Q(K)*) eye his 12 sweet sleep [the] to serve: labour if little and if to multiply to eat and [the] abundance to/for rich nothing he to rest to/for him to/for to sleep 13 there distress: evil be weak: grieved to see: see underneath: under [the] sun riches to keep: guard to/for master his to/for distress: harm his 14 and to perish [the] riches [the] he/she/it in/on/with task bad: harmful and to beget son: child and nothing in/on/with hand his anything 15 like/as as which to come out: come from belly: womb mother his naked to return: again to/for to go: went like/as which/that to come (in): come and anything not to lift: raise in/on/with trouble his which/that to go: take in/on/with hand his 16 and also this distress: evil be weak: grieved all close which/that to come (in): come so to go: went and what? advantage to/for him which/that to toil to/for spirit: breath 17 also all day his in/on/with darkness to eat and to provoke to multiply and sickness his and wrath 18 behold which to see: see I pleasant which beautiful to/for to eat and to/for to drink and to/for to see: enjoy welfare in/on/with all trouble his which/that to toil underneath: under [the] sun number day (life his *Q(k)*) which to give: give to/for him [the] God for he/she/it portion his 19 also all [the] man which to give: give to/for him [the] God riches and wealth and to domineer him to/for to eat from him and to/for to lift: bear [obj] portion his and to/for to rejoice in/on/with trouble his this gift God he/she/it 20 for not to multiply to remember [obj] day life his for [the] God to afflict in/on/with joy heart his

< Ecclesiastes 5 >