< Amos 3 >

1 to hear: hear [obj] [the] word [the] this which to speak: speak LORD upon you son: descendant/people Israel upon all [the] family which to ascend: establish from land: country/planet Egypt to/for to say 2 except [obj] you to know from all family [the] land: planet upon so to reckon: punish upon you [obj] all iniquity: crime your 3 to go: walk two together lest if: surely no to appoint 4 to roar lion in/on/with wood and prey nothing to/for him to give: cry out lion voice his from habitation his lest if: until to capture 5 to fall: fall bird upon snare [the] land: country/planet and snare nothing to/for her to ascend: rise snare from [the] land: soil and to capture not to capture 6 if: surely yes to blow trumpet in/on/with city and people not to tremble if: until to be distress: harm in/on/with city and LORD not to make: do 7 for not to make: do Lord YHWH/God word: thing that if: except if: except to reveal: reveal counsel his to(wards) servant/slave his [the] prophet 8 lion to roar who? not to fear Lord YHWH/God to speak: speak who? not to prophesy 9 to hear: proclaim upon citadel: fortress in/on/with Ashdod and upon citadel: fortress in/on/with land: country/planet Egypt and to say to gather upon mountain: mount Samaria and to see: see tumult many in/on/with midst her and oppression in/on/with entrails: among her 10 and not to know to make: do upright utterance LORD [the] to store violence and violence in/on/with citadel: fortress their 11 to/for so thus to say Lord YHWH/God enemy and around [the] land: country/planet and to go down from you strength your and to plunder citadel: fortress your 12 thus to say LORD like/as as which to rescue [the] to pasture from lip [the] lion two leg or piece ear so to rescue son: descendant/people Israel [the] to dwell in/on/with Samaria in/on/with side bed and in/on/with silk bed 13 to hear: hear and to testify in/on/with house: household Jacob utterance Lord YHWH/God God [the] army 14 for in/on/with day to reckon: punish I transgression Israel upon him and to reckon: punish upon altar Bethel Bethel and to cut down/off horn [the] altar and to fall: fall to/for land: soil 15 and to smite house: home [the] autumn upon house: home [the] summer and to perish house: home [the] tooth: ivory and to snatch house: home many utterance LORD

< Amos 3 >