< Acts 26 >

1 Agrippa then to/with the/this/who Paul to assert to permit you (about *N(k)O*) you to say then the/this/who Paul to stretch out the/this/who hand to defend oneself 2 about all which to accuse by/under: by Jew king Agrippa to govern I/we blessed upon/to/against you to ensue today to defend oneself 3 especially expert in to be you all the/this/who according to Jew (custom *NK(o)*) and/both and a question/dispute therefore to pray (you *k*) patiently to hear me 4 the/this/who on the other hand therefore/then lifestyle me the/this/who out from youth the/this/who away from beginning to be in/on/among the/this/who Gentiles me in/on/among (and/both *no*) Jerusalem to know all the/this/who Jew 5 to know/choose me from above/again if to will/desire to testify that/since: that according to the/this/who strictest sect the/this/who I/we religion to live Pharisee 6 and now upon/to/against hope the/this/who (toward *N(k)O*) the/this/who father me promise to be by/under: by the/this/who God to stand to judge 7 toward which the/this/who twelve tribes me in/on/among earnestness night and day to minister to hope/expect to come to about which hope to accuse (Agrippa *K*) by/under: by (the/this/who *k*) Jew king 8 which? unbelieving to judge from/with/beside you if: surely the/this/who God dead to arise 9 I/we on the other hand therefore/then to think I/we to/with the/this/who name Jesus the/this/who Nazareth be necessary much hostile to do/require 10 which and to do/make: do in/on/among Jerusalem and much (and/both *no*) the/this/who holy: saint I/we (in/on/among *no*) prison/watch: prison to lock up the/this/who from/with/beside the/this/who high-priest authority to take to kill and/both it/s/he to vote against stone: vote 11 and according to all the/this/who synagogue often to punish it/s/he to compel to blaspheme excessively and/both be enraged it/s/he to pursue until and toward the/this/who out/outside(r) city 12 in/on/among which (and *k*) to travel toward the/this/who Damascus with/after authority and commission the/this/who (from/with/beside *k*) the/this/who high-priest 13 day midst according to the/this/who road to perceive: see king from heaven above/for the/this/who brightness the/this/who sun to shine around me light and the/this/who with I/we to travel 14 all (and/both *N(k)O*) to fall down me toward the/this/who earth: soil to hear voice/sound: voice (to say *N(k)O*) to/with me (and to say *k*) the/this/who Hebrew language Saul Saul which? me to pursue hard you to/with sting to kick 15 I/we then to say which? to be lord: God the/this/who then (lord: God *no*) to say I/we to be Jesus which you to pursue 16 but to arise and to stand upon/to/against the/this/who foot you toward this/he/she/it for to appear you to appoint you servant and witness which and/both to perceive: see (me *NO*) which and/both to appear you 17 to take out/select you out from the/this/who a people and (out from *no*) the/this/who Gentiles toward which (I/we *N(K)O*) to send you 18 to open eye it/s/he the/this/who (to turn *NK(o)*) away from darkness toward light and the/this/who authority the/this/who Satan upon/to/against the/this/who God the/this/who to take it/s/he forgiveness sin and lot in/on/among the/this/who to sanctify faith the/this/who toward I/we 19 whence king Agrippa no to be disobedient the/this/who heavenly vision 20 but the/this/who in/on/among Damascus first (and/both *no*) and Jerusalem (toward *k*) all and/both the/this/who country the/this/who Judea and the/this/who Gentiles (to announce *N(k)O*) to repent and to turn upon/to/against the/this/who God worthy the/this/who repentance work to do/require 21 because of this/he/she/it me (the/this/who *k*) Jew to seize/conceive/help (to be *n*) in/on/among the/this/who temple to try to kill 22 help therefore/then to obtain/happen the/this/who (away from *N(k)O*) the/this/who God until the/this/who day this/he/she/it to stand (to testify *N(k)O*) small and/both and great none outside/except to say which and/both the/this/who prophet to speak to ensue to be and Moses 23 if: surely suffering the/this/who Christ if: surely first out from resurrection dead light to ensue to proclaim the/this/who (and/both *no*) a people and the/this/who Gentiles 24 this/he/she/it then it/s/he to defend oneself the/this/who Festus great the/this/who voice/sound: voice (to assert *N(k)O*) to rave Paul the/this/who much you something written toward insanity to drive insane 25 the/this/who then (Paul *no*) no to rave to assert excellent Festus but truth and mental soundness declaration to declare 26 to know/understand for about this/he/she/it the/this/who king to/with which and to preach boldly to speak be hidden for it/s/he one this/he/she/it no to persuade none no for to be in/on/among corner to do/require this/he/she/it 27 to trust (in) king Agrippa the/this/who prophet to know that/since: that to trust (in) 28 the/this/who then Agrippa to/with the/this/who Paul (to assert *k*) in/on/among little/few me to persuade Christian (to do/make: do *N(k)O*) 29 the/this/who then Paul (to say *k*) to pray/wish for if the/this/who God and in/on/among little/few and in/on/among (great *N(k)O*) no alone you but and all the/this/who to hear me today to be such as this what sort? and I/we to be except the/this/who chain this/he/she/it 30 (and this/he/she/it to say it/s/he *K*) to arise (and/both *no*) the/this/who king and the/this/who ruler the/this/who and/both Bernice and the/this/who to sit with it/s/he 31 and to leave to speak to/with one another to say that/since: that none death or chain worthy (one *NO*) to do/require the/this/who a human this/he/she/it 32 Agrippa then the/this/who Festus to assert to release: release be able the/this/who a human this/he/she/it if: not not to call (on)/name Caesar

< Acts 26 >