< 2 Peter 1 >

1 (Simeon *NK(o)*) Peter slave and apostle Jesus Christ the/this/who equally valuable me to choose by lot faith in/on/among righteousness the/this/who God me and savior Jesus Christ
Iyesus Krstossh guutsonat woshef wottso Sim'on P'et'rosoke, Noko Izar Izewernat no ato Iyesus Krstosoke fa'a kááw imnetiyok'o mangts imnetiyo daatstswots itsh,
2 grace you and peace to multiply in/on/among knowledge the/this/who God and Jesus the/this/who lord: God me
Ik'onat nodoonz Iyesusi danon s'aatonat jeenon itsh ayowe.
3 as/when all me the/this/who divine power it/s/he the/this/who to/with life and piety to give through/because of the/this/who knowledge the/this/who to call: call me (one's own/private *N(K)O*) (glory *N(k)O*) and (virtue *N(k)O*)
B́mangonat b́dowon noon s'eegtso bín nodantsatse tuutson b́ Ik'i angon kashonat Ik'o aroosh geyitu jamo noosh imre.
4 through/because of which the/this/who precious and great me a promise to give in order that/to through/because of this/he/she/it to be divine participant nature to escape the/this/who in/on/among (the/this/who *no*) world in/on/among desire corruption
B́ mangonat b́ dowonn mangts k'awntso detstsonat ayidek't een wotts no jangiru aap'wotsi daatsdek'rone, janigiyets aap'anotsatse tuutson gond tewnatse datsanatse fa'a t'afotse k'ay keer Ik'i doyo kaydek'irwotsi it wotishee.
5 and it/s/he this/he/she/it then diligence all to supply to supply in/on/among the/this/who faith you the/this/who virtue in/on/among then the/this/who virtue the/this/who knowledge
Manatse tuutson keewanots itsh bodabeetwok'o kup'ore, imnetiyatse doo woto, doo wotaatse dano,
6 in/on/among then the/this/who knowledge the/this/who self-control in/on/among then the/this/who self-control the/this/who perseverance in/on/among then the/this/who perseverance the/this/who piety
danatse b́took keewdek'o, b́ took kordek'atse k'amoon kup'dek'o, k'amoon kup'dek'ats Ik' aro,
7 in/on/among then the/this/who piety the/this/who brotherly love in/on/among then the/this/who brotherly love the/this/who love
sheeng beeyats eshu eshwi shunewo, eshu eshuwi shuneeyatse shuno dabwere.
8 this/he/she/it for you be already and to increase no idle nor unfruitful to appoint/conduct toward the/this/who the/this/who lord: God me Jesus Christ knowledge
Keewanots ayaarr itsh bobere itdetsal nodoonz Iyesus Krstosi danosh woteraw shuu deshawwotsi itwoterawok'o iti kotetúne.
9 which for not be present this/he/she/it blind to be be nearsighted forgetfulness to take the/this/who cleansing the/this/who of old it/s/he (sin *NK(o)*)
Keewanotsi deshawonmó wokts keewo bek'ofalaw aaw dooge, beshts b́morratsnowere b́s'ayintsok'o batk'rere.
10 therefore more: rather brother be eager firm you the/this/who calling and selecting to do/make: do this/he/she/it for to do/make: do no not to stumble once/when
Eshe ti eshwotso! its'eegeyonat itmarat'etsok'o arikon b́woto kitsosh baltsoniyere iki bogo kup'ore, man itk'aliyal b́ jamon gandeyar dihratste.
11 thus(-ly) for richly to supply you the/this/who entry toward the/this/who eternal kingdom the/this/who lord: God me and savior Jesus Christ (aiōnios g166)
Mank'oon dúre dúrik wotts nodoonznat no aton Iyesus Krstos mengstots kindo s'eenon itsh imetwe. (aiōnios g166)
12 therefore (to ensue *N(K)O*) always you to remind about this/he/she/it although to know and to establish in/on/among the/this/who be present truth
Keewanotsi danfte wotiyalor, it detsts arikeewon itkúp'yalor hanots jango úni aawo itsh gawiyo fal k'ayaatse.
13 just then to govern upon/to/against just as/how much to be in/on/among this/he/she/it the/this/who tent to arouse you in/on/among remembrance
Dunkaniyok'o wotts tiatsanitse t befetsosh úni aawo itsh gawiyo kááw araatniye taash b́be'eyiri.
14 to know that/since: that quick to be the/this/who removal the/this/who tent me as/just as and the/this/who lord: God me Jesus Christ to make clear me
No doonz Iyesus Krstos taash b́ kiitstsok'on datsanatse káári k'iron tk'aletwok'o danfee.
15 be eager then and always to have/be you with/after the/this/who I/we departure the/this/who this/he/she/it remembrance to do/make: do
And taa t kup'ir kááron itatse tk'aleyakon dab keewanotsi úni aawo gawdek'o it falitwok'owe.
16 no for to make wise myth to follow to make known you the/this/who the/this/who lord: God me Jesus Christ power and coming but eyewitness to be the/this/who that majesty
Nodoonz Iyesus Krstos kúp'onat gitlo aanar b́weyi jango itsh nokeewor, notookon, eeno b́woto no ááwon bek'aat gawirwotsi bako ash weri gondon k'aniyets tururi jafro shoydek'atniyaaliye.
17 to take for from/with/beside God father honor and glory voice/sound: voice to bear/lead it/s/he such as this by/under: by the/this/who majestic glory the/this/who son me the/this/who beloved (me *NO*) this/he/she/it to be toward which I/we to delight
«Tmaac' k'eeztso tshunts na'o haniye» etiru k'ááro mangts Ik'oke bísh b́woor, Ik'o nihoke mangonat een woton dek're.
18 and this/he/she/it the/this/who voice/sound: voice me to hear out from heaven to bear/lead with it/s/he to be in/on/among the/this/who holy (the/this/who *ko*) mountain
S'ayin guro abaatse bínton noteshor darotse waats k'ááran no notokon shishrone.
19 and to have/be firm the/this/who prophetic word which well to do/make: do to watch out as/when lamp to shine/appear in/on/among dingy place until which day through/because of to see and light-bearing to rise in/on/among the/this/who heart you
Jaman nebiyiwots bo keewtso arik b́ wottsok'oniye noosh bogshdek't bo kitsiri, mansh t'alwi beyoke fa'a c'eshosh sheengshde'er it kotfok'o nebiyiwots keewtsono sheengshde'er koto itn geyiyitwe, manowere it k'alit maargoyo b́ gatsfetsosh, datsgatsi mozofu it nibots b́ be'efetsoniye.
20 this/he/she/it first to know that/since: that all prophecy a writing one's own/private explanation no to be
Jamoniyere shino t'iwintso itsh geytwo S'ayin mas'aafotse fa'o kon naari bek'on keewetso konwor b tookon b́ gawirwok'o bitsosh b́ falawok'oniye.
21 no for will/desire a human to bear/lead prophecy once/when but by/under: by spirit/breath: spirit holy to bear/lead to speak (the/this/who *k*) (away from *N(K)O*) God a human
Kon naari bek'o b́jamon ash shunon waratse, ernmó bek'o shayiron jisheyiru ashuwots Ik'oke dek'tinye bokeewi.

< 2 Peter 1 >