< 2 Chronicles 9 >

1 and Queen (of Sheba) Sheba to hear: hear [obj] report Solomon and to come (in): come to/for to test [obj] Solomon in/on/with riddle in/on/with Jerusalem in/on/with strength: rich heavy much and camel to lift: bear spice and gold to/for abundance and stone precious and to come (in): come to(wards) Solomon and to speak: speak with him [obj] all which to be with heart her 2 and to tell to/for her Solomon [obj] all word: thing her and not to conceal word: thing from Solomon which not to tell to/for her 3 and to see: see Queen (of Sheba) Sheba [obj] wisdom Solomon and [the] house: home which to build 4 and food table his and seat servant/slave his and office to minister him and garment their and cupbearer his and garment their and upper room his which to ascend: offer up house: temple LORD and not to be still in/on/with her spirit: breath 5 and to say to(wards) [the] king truth: true [the] word which to hear: hear in/on/with land: country/planet my upon word your and upon wisdom your 6 and not be faithful to/for word their till which to come (in): come and to see: see eye my and behold not to tell to/for me half greatness wisdom your to add upon [the] tidings which to hear: hear 7 blessed human your and blessed servant/slave your these [the] to stand: stand to/for face: before your continually and to hear: hear [obj] wisdom your 8 to be LORD God your to bless which to delight in in/on/with you to/for to give: put you upon throne his to/for king to/for LORD God your in/on/with to love: lover God your [obj] Israel to/for to stand: stand him to/for forever: enduring and to give: make you upon them to/for king to/for to make: do justice and righteousness 9 and to give: give to/for king hundred and twenty talent gold and spice to/for abundance much and stone precious and not to be like/as spice [the] he/she/it which to give: give Queen (of Sheba) Sheba to/for king Solomon 10 and also servant/slave (Hiram *Q(K)*) and servant/slave Solomon which to come (in): bring gold from Ophir to come (in): bring tree: wood algum and stone precious 11 and to make [the] king [obj] tree: wood [the] algum highway to/for house: temple LORD and to/for house: home [the] king and lyre and harp to/for to sing and not to see: see like/as them to/for face: before in/on/with land: country/planet Judah 12 and [the] king Solomon to give: give to/for Queen (of Sheba) Sheba [obj] all pleasure her which to ask from to/for alone: besides which to come (in): bring to(wards) [the] king and to overturn and to go: walk to/for land: country/planet her he/she/it and servant/slave her 13 and to be weight [the] gold which to come (in): come to/for Solomon in/on/with year one six hundred and sixty and six talent gold 14 to/for alone from human [the] to spy and [the] to trade to come (in): bring and all king Arabia and governor [the] land: country/planet to come (in): bring gold and silver: money to/for Solomon 15 and to make [the] king Solomon hundred shield gold beaten six hundred gold beaten to ascend: rise upon [the] shield [the] one 16 and three hundred shield gold beaten three hundred gold to ascend: rise upon [the] shield [the] one and to give: put them [the] king in/on/with House (of the Forests of Lebanon) (House of) the Forest [the] (House of the Forest of) Lebanon 17 and to make [the] king throne tooth: ivory great: large and to overlay him gold pure 18 and six step to/for throne and footstool in/on/with gold to/for throne to grasp and hand from this and from this upon place [the] seat and two lion to stand: stand beside [the] hand 19 and two ten lion to stand: stand there upon six [the] step from this and from this not to make so to/for all kingdom 20 and all article/utensil irrigation [the] king Solomon gold and all article/utensil House (of the Forests of Lebanon) (House of) the Forest [the] (House of the Forest of) Lebanon gold to shut nothing silver: money to devise: count in/on/with day Solomon to/for anything 21 for fleet to/for king to go: went Tarshish with servant/slave Hiram one to/for three year to come (in): come fleet Tarshish to lift: bear gold and silver: money ivory and ape and peacock 22 and to magnify [the] king Solomon from all king [the] land: country/planet to/for riches and wisdom 23 and all king [the] land: country/planet to seek [obj] face Solomon to/for to hear: hear [obj] wisdom his which to give: put [the] God in/on/with heart his 24 and they(masc.) to come (in): bring man: anyone offering: gift his article/utensil silver: money and article/utensil gold and garment weapon and spice horse and mule word: portion year in/on/with year 25 and to be to/for Solomon four thousand stall horse and chariot and two ten thousand horseman and to rest them in/on/with city [the] chariot and with [the] king in/on/with Jerusalem 26 and to be to rule in/on/with all [the] king from [the] River and till land: country/planet Philistine and till border: boundary Egypt 27 and to give: make [the] king [obj] [the] silver: money in/on/with Jerusalem like/as stone and [obj] [the] cedar to give: make like/as sycamore which in/on/with Shephelah to/for abundance 28 and to come out: send horse from Egypt to/for Solomon and from all [the] land: country/planet 29 and remnant word: deed Solomon [the] first and [the] last not they(masc.) to write upon word: deed Nathan [the] prophet and upon prophecy Ahijah [the] Shilonite and in/on/with vision (Iddo *Q(K)*) [the] seer upon Jeroboam son: child Nebat 30 and to reign Solomon in/on/with Jerusalem upon all Israel forty year 31 and to lie down: be dead Solomon with father his and to bury him in/on/with city David father his and to reign Rehoboam son: child his underneath: instead him

< 2 Chronicles 9 >