< 2 Chronicles 5 >

1 and to complete all [the] work which to make: do Solomon to/for house: temple LORD and to come (in): bring Solomon [obj] holiness David father his and [obj] [the] silver: money and [obj] [the] gold and [obj] all [the] article/utensil to give: put in/on/with treasure house: temple [the] God 2 then to gather Solomon [obj] old: elder Israel and [obj] all head: leader [the] tribe leader [the] father to/for son: descendant/people Israel to(wards) Jerusalem to/for to ascend: establish [obj] ark covenant LORD from city David he/she/it Zion 3 and to gather to(wards) [the] king all man Israel in/on/with feast he/she/it [the] month [the] seventh 4 and to come (in): come all old: elder Israel and to lift: raise [the] Levi [obj] [the] ark 5 and to ascend: establish [obj] [the] ark and [obj] tent meeting and [obj] all article/utensil [the] holiness which in/on/with tent to ascend: establish [obj] them [the] priest [the] Levi 6 and [the] king Solomon and all congregation Israel [the] to appoint upon him to/for face: before [the] ark to sacrifice flock and cattle which not to recount and not to count from abundance 7 and to come (in): bring [the] priest [obj] ark covenant LORD to(wards) place his to(wards) sanctuary [the] house: home to(wards) Most Holy Place [the] Most Holy Place to(wards) underneath: under wing [the] cherub 8 and to be [the] cherub to spread wing upon place [the] ark and to cover [the] cherub upon [the] ark and upon alone: pole his from to/for above [to] 9 and to prolong [the] alone: pole and to see: see head: top [the] alone: pole from [the] ark upon face: before [the] sanctuary and not to see: see [the] outside [to] and to be there till [the] day [the] this 10 nothing in/on/with ark except two [the] tablet which to give: put Moses in/on/with Horeb which to cut: make(covenant) LORD with son: descendant/people Israel in/on/with to come out: come they from Egypt 11 and to be in/on/with to come out: come [the] priest from [the] Holy Place for all [the] priest [the] to find to consecrate: consecate nothing to/for to keep: careful to/for division 12 and [the] Levi [the] to sing to/for all their to/for Asaph to/for Heman to/for Jeduthun and to/for son: child their and to/for brother: male-relative their to clothe fine linen in/on/with cymbal and in/on/with harp and lyre to stand: stand east to/for altar and with them priest to/for hundred and twenty (to blow *Q(k)*) in/on/with trumpet 13 and to be like/as one (to/for to blow *Q(k)*) and to/for to sing to/for to hear: hear voice: [sound of] one to/for to boast: praise and to/for to give thanks to/for LORD and like/as to exalt voice: [sound of] in/on/with trumpet and in/on/with cymbal and in/on/with article/utensil [the] song and in/on/with to boast: praise to/for LORD for pleasant for to/for forever: enduring kindness his and [the] house: home to fill cloud house: temple LORD 14 and not be able [the] priest to/for to stand: stand to/for to minister from face: because [the] cloud for to fill glory LORD [obj] house: temple [the] God

< 2 Chronicles 5 >