< 1 Corinthians 10 >

1 no to will/desire (for *N(k)O*) you be ignorant brother that/since: that the/this/who father me all by/under: under the/this/who cloud to be and all through/because of the/this/who sea to pass through
he bhrātaraḥ, asmatpitṛpuruṣānadhi yūyaṁ yadajñātā na tiṣṭhateti mama vāñchā, te sarvve meghādhaḥsthitā babhūvuḥ sarvve samudramadhyena vavrajuḥ,
2 and all toward the/this/who Moses (to baptize *N(k)O*) in/on/among the/this/who cloud and in/on/among the/this/who sea
sarvve mūsāmuddiśya meghasamudrayo rmajjitā babhūvuḥ
3 and all the/this/who it/s/he spiritual food to eat
sarvva ekam ātmikaṁ bhakṣyaṁ bubhujira ekam ātmikaṁ peyaṁ papuśca
4 and all the/this/who it/s/he spiritual to drink drink to drink for out from spiritual to follow rock the/this/who rock then to be the/this/who Christ
yataste'nucarata ātmikād acalāt labdhaṁ toyaṁ papuḥ so'calaḥ khrīṣṭaeva|
5 but no in/on/among the/this/who greater it/s/he to delight the/this/who God be thrown down for in/on/among the/this/who deserted
tathā satyapi teṣāṁ madhye'dhikeṣu lokeṣvīśvaro na santutoṣeti hetoste prantare nipātitāḥ|
6 this/he/she/it then mark/example me to be toward the/this/who not to exist me one who desires evil/harm: evil as/just as and that to long for
etasmin te 'smākaṁ nidarśanasvarūpā babhūvuḥ; ataste yathā kutsitābhilāṣiṇo babhūvurasmābhistathā kutsitābhilāṣibhi rna bhavitavyaṁ|
7 nor idolater to be as/just as one it/s/he (just as *N(k)O*) to write to seat the/this/who a people to eat and to drink and to arise to play
likhitamāste, lokā bhoktuṁ pātuñcopaviviśustataḥ krīḍitumutthitā itayanena prakāreṇa teṣāṁ kaiścid yadvad devapūjā kṛtā yuṣmābhistadvat na kriyatāṁ|
8 nor to sin sexually as/just as one it/s/he to sin sexually and to collapse (in/on/among *k*) one day twenty Three thousand
aparaṁ teṣāṁ kaiścid yadvad vyabhicāraḥ kṛtastena caikasmin dine trayoviṁśatisahasrāṇi lokā nipātitāstadvad asmābhi rvyabhicāro na karttavyaḥ|
9 nor to test/tempt the/this/who (Christ *NK(O)*) as/just as (and *k*) one it/s/he to test/tempt: test and by/under: by the/this/who snake (to destroy *N(k)O*)
teṣāṁ kecid yadvat khrīṣṭaṁ parīkṣitavantastasmād bhujaṅgai rnaṣṭāśca tadvad asmābhiḥ khrīṣṭo na parīkṣitavyaḥ|
10 nor to murmur (just as *N(k)O*) (and *k*) one it/s/he to murmur and to destroy by/under: by the/this/who destroyer
teṣāṁ kecid yathā vākkalahaṁ kṛtavantastatkāraṇāt hantrā vināśitāśca yuṣmābhistadvad vākkalaho na kriyatāṁ|
11 this/he/she/it then (all *K*) (figuratively to happen *N(k)O*) that to write then to/with admonition me toward which the/this/who goal/tax the/this/who an age: age (to come to *N(k)O*) (aiōn g165)
tān prati yānyetāni jaghaṭire tānyasmākaṁ nidarśanāni jagataḥ śeṣayuge varttamānānām asmākaṁ śikṣārthaṁ likhitāni ca babhūvuḥ| (aiōn g165)
12 so the/this/who to think to stand to see not to collapse
ataeva yaḥ kaścid susthiraṁmanyaḥ sa yanna patet tatra sāvadhāno bhavatu|
13 temptation/testing: temptation you no to take if: not not human faithful then the/this/who God which no to allow you to test/tempt: tempt above/for which be able but to do/make: do with the/this/who temptation/testing: temptation and the/this/who way out the/this/who be able (you *k*) to endure
mānuṣikaparīkṣātiriktā kāpi parīkṣā yuṣmān nākrāmat, īśvaraśca viśvāsyaḥ so'tiśaktyāṁ parīkṣāyāṁ patanāt yuṣmān rakṣiṣyati, parīkṣā ca yad yuṣmābhiḥ soḍhuṁ śakyate tadarthaṁ tayā saha nistārasya panthānaṁ nirūpayiṣyati|
14 for beloved me to flee away from the/this/who idolatry
he priyabhrātaraḥ, devapūjāto dūram apasarata|
15 as/when thoughtful to say to judge you which to assert
ahaṁ yuṣmān vijñān matvā prabhāṣe mayā yat kathyate tad yuṣmābhi rvivicyatāṁ|
16 the/this/who cup the/this/who praise which to praise/bless not! participation to be the/this/who blood the/this/who Christ the/this/who bread which to break not! participation the/this/who body the/this/who Christ to be
yad dhanyavādapātram asmābhi rdhanyaṁ gadyate tat kiṁ khrīṣṭasya śoṇitasya sahabhāgitvaṁ nahi? yaśca pūpo'smābhi rbhajyate sa kiṁ khrīṣṭasya vapuṣaḥ sahabhāgitvaṁ nahi?
17 that/since: since one bread one body the/this/who much to be the/this/who for all out from the/this/who one bread to share
vayaṁ bahavaḥ santo'pyekapūpasvarūpā ekavapuḥsvarūpāśca bhavāmaḥ, yato vayaṁ sarvva ekapūpasya sahabhāginaḥ|
18 to see the/this/who Israel according to flesh (no *N(k)O*) the/this/who to eat the/this/who sacrifice participant the/this/who altar to be
yūyaṁ śārīrikam isrāyelīyavaṁśaṁ nirīkṣadhvaṁ| ye balīnāṁ māṁsāni bhuñjate te kiṁ yajñavedyāḥ sahabhāgino na bhavanti?
19 which? therefore/then to assert that/since: that sacrificed to idols one to be or that/since: that idol one to be
ityanena mayā kiṁ kathyate? devatā vāstavikī devatāyai balidānaṁ vā vāstavikaṁ kiṁ bhavet?
20 but that/since: that which (to sacrifice *N(k)O*) (the/this/who *ko*) (Gentiles *KO*) demon and no God (to sacrifice *N(k)O*) no to will/desire then you participant the/this/who demon to be
tannahi kintu bhinnajātibhi rye balayo dīyante ta īśvarāya tannahi bhūtebhyaeva dīyante tasmād yūyaṁ yad bhūtānāṁ sahabhāgino bhavathetyahaṁ nābhilaṣāmi|
21 no be able cup lord: God to drink and cup demon no be able table lord: God to share and table demon
prabhoḥ kaṁsena bhūtānāmapi kaṁsena pānaṁ yuṣmābhirasādhyaṁ; yūyaṁ prabho rbhojyasya bhūtānāmapi bhojyasya sahabhāgino bhavituṁ na śaknutha|
22 or to make envious the/this/who lord: God not strong it/s/he to be
vayaṁ kiṁ prabhuṁ sparddhiṣyāmahe? vayaṁ kiṁ tasmād balavantaḥ?
23 all (me *K*) be permitted but no all be profitable all (me *K*) be permitted but no all to build
māṁ prati sarvvaṁ karmmāpratiṣiddhaṁ kintu na sarvvaṁ hitajanakaṁ sarvvam apratiṣiddhaṁ kintu na sarvvaṁ niṣṭhājanakaṁ|
24 nothing the/this/who themself to seek but the/this/who the/this/who other (each *K*)
ātmahitaḥ kenāpi na ceṣṭitavyaḥ kintu sarvvaiḥ parahitaśceṣṭitavyaḥ|
25 all the/this/who in/on/among meat market to sell to eat nothing to investigate through/because of the/this/who conscience
āpaṇe yat krayyaṁ tad yuṣmābhiḥ saṁvedasyārthaṁ kimapi na pṛṣṭvā bhujyatāṁ
26 the/this/who lord: God for the/this/who earth: planet and the/this/who fulfillment it/s/he
yataḥ pṛthivī tanmadhyasthañca sarvvaṁ parameśvarasya|
27 if (then *k*) one to call: call you the/this/who unbelieving and to will/desire to travel all the/this/who to set before you to eat nothing to investigate through/because of the/this/who conscience
aparam aviśvāsilokānāṁ kenacit nimantritā yūyaṁ yadi tatra jigamiṣatha tarhi tena yad yad upasthāpyate tad yuṣmābhiḥ saṁvedasyārthaṁ kimapi na pṛṣṭvā bhujyatāṁ|
28 if then one you to say this/he/she/it (sacrificed to idols *N(k)O*) to be not to eat through/because of that the/this/who to disclose and the/this/who conscience (the/this/who for lord: God the/this/who earth: planet and the/this/who fulfillment it/s/he *K*)
kintu tatra yadi kaścid yuṣmān vadet bhakṣyametad devatāyāḥ prasāda iti tarhi tasya jñāpayituranurodhāt saṁvedasyārthañca tad yuṣmābhi rna bhoktavyaṁ| pṛthivī tanmadhyasthañca sarvvaṁ parameśvarasya,
29 conscience then to say not! the/this/who themself but the/this/who the/this/who other in order that/to which? for the/this/who freedom me to judge by/under: by another conscience
satyametat, kintu mayā yaḥ saṁvedo nirddiśyate sa tava nahi parasyaiva|
30 if (then *k*) I/we grace to share which? to blaspheme above/for which I/we to thank
anugrahapātreṇa mayā dhanyavādaṁ kṛtvā yad bhujyate tatkāraṇād ahaṁ kuto nindiṣye?
31 whether therefore/then to eat whether to drink whether one to do/make: do all toward glory God to do/make: do
tasmād bhojanaṁ pānam anyadvā karmma kurvvadbhi ryuṣmābhiḥ sarvvameveśvarasya mahimnaḥ prakāśārthaṁ kriyatāṁ|
32 not giving offence and Jew to be and Greek, Gentile and the/this/who assembly the/this/who God
yihūdīyānāṁ bhinnajātīyānām īśvarasya samājasya vā vighnajanakai ryuṣmābhi rna bhavitavyaṁ|
33 as/just as I/we and all all to please not to seek the/this/who I/we (be profitable *N(k)O*) but the/this/who the/this/who much in order that/to to save
ahamapyātmahitam aceṣṭamāno bahūnāṁ paritrāṇārthaṁ teṣāṁ hitaṁ ceṣṭamānaḥ sarvvaviṣaye sarvveṣāṁ tuṣṭikaro bhavāmītyanenāhaṁ yadvat khrīṣṭasyānugāmī tadvad yūyaṁ mamānugāmino bhavata|

< 1 Corinthians 10 >