< 1 Chronicles 9 >

1 and all Israel to enroll and behold they to write upon scroll: book king Israel and Judah to reveal: remove to/for Babylon in/on/with unfaithfulness their 2 and [the] to dwell [the] first which in/on/with possession their in/on/with city their Israel [the] priest [the] Levi and [the] temple servant 3 and in/on/with Jerusalem to dwell from son: descendant/people Judah and from son: descendant/people Benjamin and from son: descendant/people Ephraim and Manasseh 4 Uthai son: child Ammihud son: child Omri son: child Imri son: child (Bani from *Q(K)*) son: descendant/people Perez son: child Judah 5 and from [the] Shilonite Asaiah [the] firstborn and son: child his 6 and from son: child Zerah Jeuel and brother: male-relative their six hundred and ninety 7 and from son: descendant/people Benjamin Sallu son: child Meshullam son: child Hodaviah son: child [the] Senaah 8 and Ibneiah son: child Jeroham and Elah son: child Uzzi son: child Michri and Meshullam son: child Shephatiah son: child Reuel son: child Ibnijah 9 and brother: male-relative their to/for generation their nine hundred and fifty and six all these human head: leader father to/for house: household father their 10 and from [the] priest Jedaiah and Jehoiarib and Jachin 11 and Azariah son: child Hilkiah son: child Meshullam son: child Zadok son: child Meraioth son: child Ahitub leader house: temple [the] God 12 and Adaiah son: child Jeroham son: child Pashhur son: child Malchijah and Maasai son: child Adiel son: child Jahzerah son: child Meshullam son: child Meshillemith son: child Immer 13 and brother: male-relative their head: leader to/for house: household father their thousand and seven hundred and sixty mighty man strength work service: ministry house: temple [the] God 14 and from [the] Levi Shemaiah son: child Hasshub son: child Azrikam son: child Hashabiah from son: child Merari 15 and Bakbakkar Heresh and Galal and Mattaniah son: child Mica son: child Zichri son: child Asaph 16 and Obadiah son: child Shemaiah son: child Galal son: child Jeduthun and Berechiah son: child Asa son: child Elkanah [the] to dwell in/on/with village Netophathite 17 and [the] gatekeeper Shallum and Akkub and Talmon and Ahiman and brother: male-relative their Shallum [the] head: leader 18 and till here/thus in/on/with gate [the] king east [to] they(masc.) [the] gatekeeper to/for camp son: descendant/people Levi 19 and Shallum son: child Kore son: child Ebiasaph son: child Korah and brother: male-relative his to/for house: household father his [the] Korahite upon work [the] service: ministry to keep: guard [the] threshold to/for tent and father their upon camp LORD to keep: guard [the] entrance 20 and Phinehas son: child Eleazar leader to be upon them to/for face: before LORD with him 21 Zechariah son: child Meshelemiah gatekeeper entrance to/for tent meeting 22 all their [the] to purify to/for gatekeeper in/on/with threshold hundred and two ten they(masc.) in/on/with village their to enroll they they(masc.) to found David and Samuel [the] seer in/on/with faithfulness their 23 and they(masc.) and son: descendant/people their upon [the] gate to/for house: temple LORD to/for house: home [the] tent to/for charge 24 to/for four spirit: side to be [the] gatekeeper east sea: west [to] north [to] and south [to] 25 and brother: male-relative their in/on/with village their to/for to come (in): come to/for seven [the] day from time to(wards) time with these 26 for in/on/with faithfulness they(masc.) four mighty man [the] gatekeeper they(masc.) [the] Levi and to be upon [the] chamber and upon [the] treasure house: temple [the] God 27 and around house: temple [the] God to lodge for upon them charge and they(masc.) upon [the] key and to/for morning to/for morning 28 and from them upon article/utensil [the] service: ministry for in/on/with number to come (in): bring them and in/on/with number to come out: send them 29 and from them to count upon [the] article/utensil and upon all article/utensil [the] holiness and upon [the] fine flour and [the] wine and [the] oil and [the] frankincense and [the] spice 30 and from son: child [the] priest to mix [the] ointment to/for spice 31 and Mattithiah from [the] Levi he/she/it [the] firstborn to/for Shallum [the] Korahite in/on/with faithfulness upon deed: work [the] flatbread 32 and from son: descendant/people [the] Kohathite from brother: male-relative their upon food: bread [the] row to/for to establish: prepare Sabbath Sabbath 33 and these [the] to sing head: leader father to/for Levi in/on/with chamber (to separate *Q(K)*) for by day and night upon them in/on/with work 34 these head: leader [the] father to/for Levi to/for generation their head: leader these to dwell in/on/with Jerusalem 35 and in/on/with Gibeon to dwell father of Gibeon (Jeiel *Q(K)*) and name woman: wife his Maacah 36 and son: child his [the] firstborn Abdon and Zur and Kish and Baal and Ner and Nadab 37 and Gedor and Ahio and Zechariah and Mikloth 38 and Mikloth to beget [obj] Shimeam and also they(masc.) before brother: male-relative their to dwell in/on/with Jerusalem with brother: male-relative their 39 and Ner to beget [obj] Kish and Kish to beget [obj] Saul and Saul to beget [obj] Jonathan and [obj] Malchi-shua Malchi-shua and [obj] Abinadab and [obj] Eshbaal 40 and son: child Jonathan Merib-baal Merib-baal and Merib-baal Merib-baal to beget [obj] Micah 41 and son: child Micah Pithon and Melech and Tahrea (and Ahaz *X*) 42 and Ahaz to beget [obj] Jarah and Jarah to beget [obj] Alemeth and [obj] Azmaveth and [obj] Zimri and Zimri to beget [obj] Moza 43 and Moza to beget [obj] Binea and Rephaiah son: child his Eleasah son: child his Azel son: child his 44 and to/for Azel six son: child and these name their Azrikam Bocheru and Ishmael and Sheariah and Obadiah and Hanan these son: child Azel

< 1 Chronicles 9 >