< 1 Chronicles 4 >

1 son: descendant/people Judah Perez Hezron and Carmi and Hur and Shobal 2 and Reaiah son: child Shobal to beget [obj] Jahath and Jahath to beget [obj] Ahumai and [obj] Lahad these family [the] Zorathite 3 and these father Etam Jezreel and Ishma and Idbash and name sister their Hazzelelponi 4 and Penuel father Gedor and Ezer father Hushah these son: child Hur firstborn Ephrathah father Bethlehem Bethlehem 5 and to/for Ashhur father Tekoa to be two woman: wife Helah and Naarah 6 and to beget to/for him Naarah [obj] Ahuzzam and [obj] Hepher and [obj] Temeni and [obj] Haahashtari these son: child Naarah 7 and son: child Helah Zereth (and Zohar *Q(K)*) and Ethnan 8 and Koz to beget [obj] Anub and [obj] [the] Zobebah and family Aharhel son: child Harum 9 and to be Jabez to honor: honour from brother: male-sibling his and mother his to call: call by name his Jabez to/for to say for to beget in/on/with pain 10 and to call: call to Jabez to/for God Israel to/for to say if: surely yes to bless to bless me and to multiply [obj] border: boundary my and to be hand: power your with me and to make: do from distress: harm to/for lest to hurt me and to come (in): fulfill God [obj] which to ask 11 and Chelub brother: male-sibling Shuhah to beget [obj] Mehir he/she/it father Eshton 12 and Eshton to beget [obj] Beth-rapha Beth-rapha and [obj] Paseah and [obj] Tehinnah father Ir- (Ir)-nahash these human Recah 13 and son: child Kenaz Othniel and Seraiah and son: child Othniel Hathath (and Meonothai *X*) 14 and Meonothai to beget [obj] Ophrah and Seraiah to beget [obj] Joab father Ge (Ge)-harashim for artificer to be 15 and son: child Caleb son: child Jephunneh Iru Elah and Naam and son: child Elah and Kenaz 16 and son: child Jehallelel Ziph and Ziphah Tiria and Asarel 17 and son: child Ezrah Jether and Mered and Epher and Jalon and to conceive [obj] Miriam and [obj] Shammai and [obj] Ishbah father Eshtemoa 18 and woman: wife his [the] Judahite wife to beget [obj] Jered father Gedor and [obj] Heber father Soco and [obj] Jekuthiel father Zanoah and these son: child Bithiah daughter Pharaoh which to take: marry Mered 19 and son: child woman: wife Hodiah sister Naham father Keilah [the] Garmite and Eshtemoa [the] Maacathite 20 and son: child Shimon Amnon and Rinnah Ben-hanan Ben-hanan (and Tilon *Q(K)*) and son: descendant/people Ishi Zoheth and Ben-zoheth Ben-zoheth 21 son: child Shelah son: child Judah Er father Lecah and Laadah father Mareshah and family Beth-(ashbea) service: work [the] fine linen to/for Beth-(ashbea) (Beth)-ashbea 22 and Jokim and human Cozeba and Joash and Saraph which rule: to rule to/for Moab and Lehem Lehem and [the] word: deed ancient/taken 23 they(masc.) [the] to form: potter and to dwell Netaim and Gederah with [the] king in/on/with work his to dwell there 24 son: child Simeon Nemuel and Jamin Jarib Zerah Shaul 25 Shallum son: child his Mibsam son: child his Mishma son: child his 26 and son: descendant/people Mishma Hammuel son: descendant/people his Zaccur son: descendant/people his Shimei son: descendant/people his 27 and to/for Shimei son: child six ten and daughter six and to/for brother: male-sibling his nothing son: child many and all family their not to multiply till son: descendant/people Judah 28 and to dwell in/on/with Beersheba Beersheba and Moladah and Hazar-shual Hazar-shual 29 and in/on/with Bilhah and in/on/with Ezem and in/on/with Tolad 30 and in/on/with Bethuel and in/on/with Hormah and in/on/with Ziklag 31 and in/on/with Beth-marcaboth Beth-marcaboth and in/on/with Hazar-susim Hazar-susim and in/on/with Beth-biri Beth-biri and in/on/with Shaaraim these city their till to reign David 32 and court their Etam and Ain Rimmon and Tochen and Ashan city five 33 and all court their which around [the] city [the] these till Baal this seat their and to enroll they to/for them 34 and Meshobab and Jamlech and Joshah son: child Amaziah 35 and Joel and Jehu son: child Joshibiah son: child Seraiah son: child Asiel 36 and Elioenai and Jaakobah and Jeshohaiah and Asaiah and Adiel and Jesimiel and Benaiah 37 and Ziza son: child Shiphi son: child Allon son: child Jedaiah son: child Shimri son: child Shemaiah 38 these [the] to come (in): come in/on/with name leader in/on/with family their and house: household father their to break through to/for abundance 39 and to go: went to/for entrance Gedor till to/for east [the] valley to/for to seek pasture to/for flock their 40 and to find pasture rich and pleasant and [the] land: country/planet broad: wide hand: to and to quiet and at ease for from Ham [the] to dwell there to/for face: before 41 and to come (in): come these [the] to write in/on/with name in/on/with day Hezekiah king Judah and to smite [obj] tent their and [obj] ([the] Meunite *Q(K)*) which to find there [to] and to devote/destroy them till [the] day: today [the] this and to dwell underneath: stand them for pasture to/for flock their there 42 and from them from son: descendant/people Simeon to go: went to/for mountain: mount (Mount) Seir human five hundred and Pelatiah and Neariah and Rephaiah and Uzziel son: child Ishi in/on/with head: leader their 43 and to smite [obj] remnant [the] survivor to/for Amalek and to dwell there till [the] day: today [the] this

< 1 Chronicles 4 >