< 1 Chronicles 11 >

1 and to gather all Israel to(wards) David Hebron [to] to/for to say behold bone your and flesh your we 2 also yesterday also three days ago also in/on/with to be Saul king you(m. s.) [the] to come out: send and [the] to come (in): bring [obj] Israel and to say LORD God your to/for you you(m. s.) to pasture [obj] people my [obj] Israel and you(m. s.) to be leader upon people my Israel 3 and to come (in): come all old: elder Israel to(wards) [the] king Hebron [to] and to cut: make(covenant) to/for them David covenant in/on/with Hebron to/for face: before LORD and to anoint [obj] David to/for king upon Israel like/as word LORD in/on/with hand: by Samuel 4 and to go: went David and all Israel Jerusalem he/she/it Jebus and there [the] Jebusite to dwell [the] land: country/planet 5 and to say to dwell Jebus to/for David not to come (in): come here/thus and to capture David [obj] fortress Zion he/she/it city David 6 and to say David all to smite Jebusite in/on/with first to be to/for head: leader and to/for ruler and to ascend: rise in/on/with first Joab son: child Zeruiah and to be to/for head: leader 7 and to dwell David in/on/with stronghold upon so to call: call by to/for him city David 8 and to build [the] city from around from [the] Millo and till [the] around and Joab to live [obj] remnant [the] city 9 and to go: continue David to go: continue and to magnify and LORD Hosts with him 10 and these head: leader [the] mighty man which to/for David [the] to strengthen: strengthen with him in/on/with royalty his with all Israel to/for to reign him like/as word LORD upon Israel 11 and these number [the] mighty man which to/for David Jashobeam son: descendant/people Hachmonite head: leader ([the] officer *Q(K)*) he/she/it to rouse [obj] spear his upon three hundred slain: killed in/on/with beat one 12 and after him Eleazar son: child Dodo [the] Ahohite he/she/it in/on/with three [the] mighty man 13 he/she/it to be with David in/on/with Pas-dammim Pas-dammim and [the] Philistine to gather there to/for battle and to be portion [the] land: soil full barley and [the] people: soldiers to flee from face: before Philistine 14 and to stand in/on/with midst [the] portion and to rescue her and to smite [obj] Philistine and to save LORD deliverance: victory great: large 15 and to go down three from [the] thirty head: leader upon [the] rock to(wards) David to(wards) cave Adullam and camp Philistine to camp in/on/with Valley (of Rephaim) (Valley of) Rephaim 16 and David then in/on/with fortress and garrison Philistine then in/on/with Bethlehem Bethlehem 17 (and to desire *Q(k)*) David and to say who? to water: drink me water from pit Bethlehem Bethlehem which in/on/with gate 18 and to break up/open [the] three in/on/with camp Philistine and to draw water from pit Bethlehem Bethlehem which in/on/with gate and to lift: raise and to come (in): bring to(wards) David and not be willing David to/for to drink them and to pour [obj] them to/for LORD 19 and to say forbid to/for me from God my from to make: do this blood [the] human [the] these to drink in/on/with soul: life their for in/on/with soul: life their to come (in): bring them and not be willing to/for to drink them these to make: do three [the] mighty man 20 and Abishai brother: male-sibling Joab he/she/it to be head: leader [the] three and he/she/it to rouse [obj] spear his upon three hundred slain: killed (and to/for him *Q(K)*) name in/on/with three 21 from [the] three in/on/with two to honor: honour and to be to/for them to/for ruler and till [the] three not to come (in): come 22 Benaiah son: child Jehoiada son: descendant/people man strength many work from Kabzeel he/she/it to smite [obj] two Ariel Moab and he/she/it to go down and to smite [obj] [the] lion in/on/with midst [the] pit in/on/with day [the] snow 23 and he/she/it to smite [obj] [the] man [the] Egyptian man measure five in/on/with cubit and in/on/with hand [the] Egyptian spear like/as loom-beam to weave and to go down to(wards) him in/on/with tribe: staff and to plunder [obj] [the] spear from hand [the] Egyptian and to kill him in/on/with spear his 24 these to make: do Benaiah son: child Jehoiada and to/for him name in/on/with three [the] mighty man 25 from [the] thirty look! he to honor: honour he/she/it and to(wards) [the] three not to come (in): come and to set: appoint him David upon guard his 26 and mighty man [the] strength Asahel Asahel brother: male-sibling Joab Elhanan son: child Dodo from Bethlehem Bethlehem 27 Shammoth [the] Harod Helez [the] Pelonite 28 Ira son: child Ikkesh [the] Tekoa Abiezer [the] Anathoth 29 Sibbecai [the] Hushathite Ilai [the] Ahohite 30 Maharai [the] Netophathite Heled son: child Baanah [the] Netophathite 31 Ittai son: child Ribai from Gibeah son: descendant/people Benjamin Benaiah [the] Pirathon 32 Hurai from torrent: river Gaash Abiel [the] Arbathite 33 Azmaveth [the] Baharumite Eliahba [the] Shaalbonite 34 son: child Hashem [the] Gizonite Jonathan son: child Shagee [the] Hararite 35 Ahiam son: child Sachar [the] Hararite Eliphal son: child Ur 36 Hepher [the] Mecherathite Ahijah [the] Pelonite 37 Hezro [the] Carmelite Naarai son: child Ezbai 38 Joel brother: male-sibling Nathan Mibhar son: child Hagri 39 Zelek [the] Ammon Naharai [the] Beeroth to lift: bearing(armour) article/utensil Joab son: child Zeruiah 40 Ira [the] Ithrite Gareb [the] Ithrite 41 Uriah [the] Hittite Zabad son: child Ahlai 42 Adina son: child Shiza [the] Reubenite head: leader to/for Reubenite and upon him thirty 43 Hanan son: child Maacah and Joshaphat [the] Mithnite 44 Uzzia [the] Ashterathite Shama (and Jeiel *Q(K)*) son: child Hotham [the] Aroerite 45 Jediael son: child Shimri and Joha brother: male-sibling his [the] Tizite 46 Eliel [the] Mahavite and Jeribai and Joshaviah son: child Elnaam and Ithmah [the] Moabite 47 Eliel and Obed and Jaasiel [the] Mezobaite

< 1 Chronicles 11 >