< Romans 4 >

1 What then will we say to have discovered Abraham the (ancestor *N+KO) of us according to [the] flesh?
Egaa Abrahaam inni fooniin abbaa keenya taʼe sun haala kanaan maal argate jenna ree?
2 If for Abraham by works was justified, he has ground of boasting but not toward God.
Abrahaam utuu hojiin qajeelaa taasifamee jiraatee silaa waan ittiin of jaju qaba ture; fuula Waaqaa duratti garuu akkas miti.
3 What for the Scripture says? Believed then Abraham in God, and it was reckoned to him for righteousness.
Katabbiin Qulqulluun maal jedha? “Abrahaam Waaqa amane; kunis qajeelummaatti lakkaaʼameef.”
4 To the [one] now working the reward not is reckoned according to grace but according to debt;
Nama hojjetu tokkoof Mindaan gatiidha malee akka kennaa tolaatti hin hedamu.
5 To the [one] however not working, believing however on the [One] justifying the ungodly, is reckoned the faith of him for righteousness.
Taʼus nama hin hojjenne, kan Waaqa isa nama hamaa qajeelaa taasisu amanatu garuu amantiin isaa qajeelummaatti lakkaaʼamaaf.
6 just as also David declares the blessedness of the man to whom God credits righteousness apart from works:
Daawitis akka namni Waaqni qajeelummaa hojii malee argamu lakkaaʼuuf eebbifamaa taʼe yommuu dubbatu akkana jedha:
7 Blessed [are] they of whom are forgiven the lawless deeds and of whom are covered the sins;
“Warri yakki isaanii dhiifameef, kanneen cubbuun isaanii haguugameef eebbifamoo dha.
8 blessed [is] [the] man (of whom *N+kO) certainly not may reckon [the] Lord sin.
Namni Gooftaan cubbuu isaa itti hin lakkoofne eebbifamaa dha.”
9 [Is] the blessing then this on the circumcision or also on the uncircumcision? We are saying for (that: *k) was credited to Abraham the faith as righteousness.
Eebbi kun warra dhagna qabatan qofaaf moo warra dhagna hin qabatiniifis? Abrahaamiif amantiin isaa qajeelummaatti lakkaaʼame jenneerraatii.
10 How then was it credited? In circumcision being or in uncircumcision? Not in circumcision but in uncircumcision;
Kun egaa akkamitti isaaf lakkaaʼame ree? Erga inni dhagna qabatee moo duraanii? Durumaan malee erga dhagna qabate miti!
11 And [the] sign he received of circumcision, a seal of the righteousness of the faith that [he had] [while] in the uncircumcision; for the to be him father of all those believing in uncircumcision, for to be credited also to them the righteousness,
Inni mallattoo dhagna qabaa fudhate; kunis chaappaa qajeelummaa inni utuu dhagna hin qabatin dura amantiin argate sanaa ti. Kanaafis inni warra utuu dhagna hin qabatin amanan kanneen amantiin isaanii qajeelummaatti lakkaaʼameef hundaaf abbaa dha.
12 and father of circumcision to those not of circumcision only but also to those walking in the steps during (the *k) uncircumcision (of the *k) faith of the father of us Abraham.
Akkasumas inni warra dhagna qabataniif, dhagna qabachuu qofas utuu hin taʼin warra karaa amantii abbaan keenya Abrahaam utuu dhagna hin qabatiniin dura fudhate sana duukaa buʼan hundaaf abbaa dha.
13 Not for through [the] Law [was] the promise to Abraham or to the descendants of him that heir he being (of the *k) world but through [the] righteousness of faith.
Abrahaamii fi sanyiin isaa waadaa akka inni dhaaltuu addunyaa taʼu kenname sana karaa qajeelummaa amantiin dhufuutiin argatan malee karaa seeraatiin miti.
14 If for those of [the] Law [are] heirs, has been made void faith and has been nullified the promise;
Yoo warri seeratti bulan dhaaltota taʼan, amantiin gatii hin qabu; waadaanis homaa hin fayyaduutii;
15 For law wrath brings; where (now *N+kO) no there is law, neither [is] transgression.
kunis sababii seerri dheekkamsa fiduuf. Lafa seerri hin jirre yakki hin jiruutii.
16 Therefore it [is] of faith, that [it may be] according to grace, for to be sure the promise to all the seed, not to that of the law only but also to that of [the] faith of Abraham, who is [the] father of all of us —
Kanaafuu waadaan kun akka ayyaanaan taʼuu fi akka sanyii isaa hundaaf wabii taʼuuf amantii irratti hundeeffame; innis warra akka Abrahaam amananiif malee warra seeratti bulan qofaaf miti; Abrahaam abbaa hunduma keenyaa ti.
17 even as it has been written that A father of many nations I have made you, before whom he believed God, who is giving life to the dead and calling the [things] not [into] being as existing;
Kunis akkuma, “Ani abbaa saboota baayʼee si taasiseera” jedhamee barreeffamee dha. Abrahaam Waaqa amanate; innis Waaqa warra duʼaniif jireenya kennuu fi isa waan hin jirre akka waan jiruutti waamu sana duratti abbaa keenya.
18 who against hope in hope believed for to become him [the] father of many nations according to that spoken; So will be the offspring of you;
Abrahaamis akkuma, “Sanyiin kee akkas ni taʼa” jedhametti utuu abdiin tokko iyyuu hin jiraatin abdiidhaan amanee abbaa saboota baayʼee taʼe.
19 And not having become weak in the faith (not *K) he considered his own body already expired, a hundred years old about being, and the lifelessness of the womb of Sarah,
Innis akka umuriin isaa gara waggaa dhibbaa gaʼee dhagni isaa duʼe, akkasumas akka gadameessi Saaraa duʼe beeku illee amantii isaatti hin laafne.
20 About however the promise of God not he did waver through unbelief, but was strengthened in faith, having given glory to God
Inni amantii isaatti jabaachuun Waaqaaf ulfina kenne malee amantii dhabuun waadaa Waaqaa hin shakkine;
21 and having been fully assured that what He has promised able He is also to do;
akka Waaqni waan waadaa gale raawwachuu dandaʼus guutumaan guutuutti hubateera.
22 Therefore also it was credited to him unto righteousness.
Kanaafuu, “Amantiin isaa qajeelummaatti isaaf lakkaaʼame.”
23 Not it was written now on account of him alone that it was credited to him,
Dubbiin, “Qajeelummaatti isaaf lakkaaʼame” jedhu kun Abrahaam qofaaf hin barreeffamne;
24 but also on account of us to whom it is about to be credited, to those believing on the [One] having raised Jesus the Lord of us out from [the] dead,
nuufis, warra Waaqa Gooftaa keenya Yesuusin warra duʼan keessaa kaase sanatti amannuufis, qajeelummaatti ni lakkaaʼama.
25 who was delivered over for the trespasses of us and was raised for the justification of us.
Yesuus cubbuu keenyaaf dabarfamee duʼatti kenname; qajeeltota nu taasisuuf immoo duʼaa kaafame.

< Romans 4 >