< Romans 4 >

1 What then will we say to have discovered Abraham the (ancestor *N+KO) of us according to [the] flesh?
Hessa gish kasse nu Abiramey hayssafe ay go7a demide ginoo?
2 If for Abraham by works was justified, he has ground of boasting but not toward God.
Abiramey ba oothon xiilidako izi ceeqistanayssi deesiko shin; izi Xoossa siinithan ceeqetenas danida7ena.
3 What for the Scripture says? Believed then Abraham in God, and it was reckoned to him for righteousness.
Geeshsha Maxaafay “Abiramey Xoossu ammanidesine iza ammanoy izas xiillotethan qoodetides” gees.
4 To the [one] now working the reward not is reckoned according to grace but according to debt;
Issi uray ootho oothiko izi ekiza miishay izas coo kiyatethi immetizayssa gidontta izades ootho waga gides.
5 To the [one] however not working, believing however on the [One] justifying the ungodly, is reckoned the faith of him for righteousness.
Gido attin ootho oothontta nagarancha ura xiillo kessiza Xoossan ammanizaades iza ammanoy izas xiillotethen taybetteyes.
6 just as also David declares the blessedness of the man to whom God credits righteousness apart from works:
Dawiteykka xiillotethi izas qoodettizay loo7o oothon gidontta asa gishshi hiziges,
7 Blessed [are] they of whom are forgiven the lawless deeds and of whom are covered the sins;
Isttas istta bolla oothoy atto geetetidaytine istta nagaray maretidayt anijjetidayta.
8 blessed [is] [the] man (of whom *N+kO) certainly not may reckon [the] Lord sin.
Iza nagara Goday muleka qoodontadey izi anijjtidade”
9 [Is] the blessing then this on the circumcision or also on the uncircumcision? We are saying for (that: *k) was credited to Abraham the faith as righteousness.
Ha anijjozi qaxarretidaytas xalalayee? woykko qaxaretontaytasaraa? kase koyro nu Aawa Abirame ammanoy izas xiillotethan paydetides gidos.
10 How then was it credited? In circumcision being or in uncircumcision? Not in circumcision but in uncircumcision;
Histin wani izas hessaththo paydetide? Izi qaxaretidape guye? woykko qaxaristanape kassee? Izas xiillotethan paydetiday izi qaxaristanape sinithana.
11 And [the] sign he received of circumcision, a seal of the righteousness of the faith that [he had] [while] in the uncircumcision; for the to be him father of all those believing in uncircumcision, for to be credited also to them the righteousness,
Izi kasse qaxaristanape kasse demmida xiillotethay qaxarisi malata gidida heskka xiillotethas matame ekides. Hessa gish qaxaretontta ammanizaytas xiillotethi paydistana mala wurisotasi izi Aawa.
12 and father of circumcision to those not of circumcision only but also to those walking in the steps during (the *k) uncircumcision (of the *k) faith of the father of us Abraham.
Izi qaxaretidaytaskka Aawa qaxaretidaytas xalala gidontta nu Aawa Abiramey kasse qaxaristanape sinithe izas diza ammano geedo kallizaytas wurisossa.
13 Not for through [the] Law [was] the promise to Abraham or to the descendants of him that heir he being (of the *k) world but through [the] righteousness of faith.
Izi alame latizade gidana mala Abirimeynne iza zereththati ufaysa qaala ekiday waga baggara gidontta ammanon gidida xiillotethankko.
14 If for those of [the] Law [are] heirs, has been made void faith and has been nullified the promise;
Woga nagizayti lattizayta gidiko ammanos go7ay deenna; ufaysikka coo mela gidana shin.
15 For law wrath brings; where (now *N+kO) no there is law, neither [is] transgression.
Wogay hanqqo kalethes. wogay baynidason wogappe adhethi deenna.
16 Therefore it [is] of faith, that [it may be] according to grace, for to be sure the promise to all the seed, not to that of the law only but also to that of [the] faith of Abraham, who is [the] father of all of us —
Hessa gishshi ufaysi ammanon yides. Hessikka iza ufaysay iza kiiyatethan gidanadanine Abirame zerethasi wurisosi ammanetizayssa gidana mala hanides. Hesikka wogan izayta gididaytas xalala gidontta ammanon Abirame nayta gididaytas wurisotaskko. Izikka nuus wurisoskka Aawako.
17 even as it has been written that A father of many nations I have made you, before whom he believed God, who is giving life to the dead and calling the [things] not [into] being as existing;
Hesikka “Ta nena daro dere Aawa oothidis” geeteti xaafetida mala hanides. Izikka hayqidaytas deyo immizaden baynidayssa qasse diza mala oothizaden ammanida Xoossa sinithan izi nuusu Aawakko.
18 who against hope in hope believed for to become him [the] father of many nations according to that spoken; So will be the offspring of you;
Kasse izas “Ne zerethi hessaththo hanana” geetetida mala ayko ufaysikka baynida dishin Abiramey Xoossi hanana gidaysa ammanidi daro dere Aawa gidides.
19 And not having become weak in the faith (not *K) he considered his own body already expired, a hundred years old about being, and the lifelessness of the womb of Sarah,
Abiramesi yelettini xeetu layith gidi kichin Abiramey ba asatethay hayqetha mala gididaysanne sarasi yello wodey aadhi bidaysa erisheka ammanon lepibeyna.
20 About however the promise of God not he did waver through unbelief, but was strengthened in faith, having given glory to God
Gede gujjid ammanon minidi Xoossas boncho immides attin Xoossi gida qaala sidhibeyna.
21 and having been fully assured that what He has promised able He is also to do;
Xoossi izas immida ufaysay polistanaysa kumetha wozinape ammanides.
22 Therefore also it was credited to him unto righteousness.
Hessa gishshi izasi xiillotethan qodetides.
23 Not it was written now on account of him alone that it was credited to him,
“Izas xiillotethan paydetides” giza qaala xaafettiday izas xalala gidena.
24 but also on account of us to whom it is about to be credited, to those believing on the [One] having raised Jesus the Lord of us out from [the] dead,
Gido attin Xoossi nu xiillotetha iza baggara paydiza nu Goda Yesusa hayqope denithidaysan ammaniza nusarakko.
25 who was delivered over for the trespasses of us and was raised for the justification of us.
Izi nu nagara gishshi hayqanasi aadhi immetides. Izi nuna xiillota hisitina hayqope denidides.

< Romans 4 >