< Romans 4 >

1 What then will we say to have discovered Abraham the (ancestor *N(K)O*) of us according to [the] flesh?
Ninia fi aowa A: ibalaha: me ea hou amola ea hawa: hamosu, amo ninia ba: mu da defea.
2 If for Abraham by works was justified, he has ground of boasting but not toward (*k*) God.
E da hi hou moloidafa hamoiba: le, Gode da e moloidafa hamoi ganiaba, e da gasa fi hou hamomu da defea gala: loba. Be dunu da gasa fi hamomu, amo Gode da higa: i hodosa.
3 What for the Scripture says? Believed then Abraham in God, and it was reckoned to him for righteousness.
Gode Sia: da agoane dedei diala, “A: ibalaha: me da Gode Ea hou dafawaneyale dawa: i. Amaiba: le, Gode da A: ibalaha: me afadenene moloidafa hamoi ba: i.”
4 To the [one] now working the reward not is reckoned according to grace but according to (*k*) debt;
Hawa: hamosu dunu da hawa: hamobeba: le, bidi laha. Be ea bidi lai da hahawane dogolegele iasu hame. E da hawa: hamobeba: le fawane lasa.
5 To the [one] however not working, believing however on the [One] justifying the ungodly, is reckoned the faith of him for righteousness.
Gode da wadela: i hamosu dunu lale, afadenene, dunu moloidafa hamomusa: dawa: Osobo bagade dunu da hi hawa: hamobe amo mae dawa: le, amo dafawaneyale dawa: sea, Gode da amo dunu ea hou afadenene, bu moloidafa hamoi ba: sa.
6 just as also David declares the blessedness of the man to whom God credits righteousness apart from works:
Amo hou Da: ibidi da amane olelei, nowa dunu da mae hawa: hamone, udigili Gode Ea hanaiba: le afadenei moloidafa ba: sa, amo dunu da hahawane bagade.
7 Blessed [are] they of whom are forgiven the lawless deeds and of whom are covered the sins;
“Dunu da ea wadela: i hou da gogolema: ne olofoi dagoi ba: sa, amo dunu da hahawane bagade.
8 blessed [is] [the] man (of whom *N(k)O*) certainly not may reckon [the] Lord sin.
Gode da amo dunu ea wadela: i hou hobea hamedafa bu dawa: mu. Amaiba: le, e da hahawane bagade!”
9 [Is] the blessing then this on the circumcision or also on the uncircumcision? We are saying for (that: *k*) was credited to Abraham the faith as righteousness.
Amo hahawane hou, gadofo damui dunu fawane da hame dawa: , be gadofo hame damui dunu amola amo hou dawa: lala. Ninia musa: Gode Sia: dedei, amane olelei, “A: ibalaha: me da Gode Ea hou dafawaneyale dawa: i. Amaiba: le, Gode da A: ibalaha: me afadenene, moloidafa hamoi ba: i.”
10 How then was it credited? In circumcision being or in uncircumcision? Not in circumcision but in uncircumcision;
Amo hou da habogala hamobela: ? Amo hou da A: ibalaha: me ea gadofo hame damui esoga degabo ba: i.
11 And [the] sign he received of circumcision, a seal of the righteousness of the faith that [he had] [while] in the uncircumcision; for the to be him father of all those believing in uncircumcision, for to be credited also to them the righteousness,
Gode da A: ibalaha: me moloidafa ba: i. Fa: no e da gadofo damusu hou hamoi. Ea gadofo damui da dawa: digima: ne olelesu fawane. Amo dawa: digima: ne olelesu da e da Gode Ea hou dafawaneyale dawa: beba: le, Gode da A: ibalaha: me moloidafa hamoi ba: i. Gadofo damui da fa: no ba: i. Amaiba: le dunu huluane Gode Ea hou dafawaneyale dawa: beba: le gadofo damui amola gadofo hame damui, amo Gode da moloidafa hamoi ba: sa. Amola amo huluane da A: ibalaha: me ea mano agoane.
12 and father of circumcision to those not of circumcision only but also to those walking in the steps during (the *k*) uncircumcision (of the *k*) faith of the father of us Abraham.
Gadofo damui dunu amola ilia A: ibalaha: me ea dafawaneyale dawa: su hou e da ea gadofo hame damui amo esoga hamosu, amo defele ilia hamobeba: le, ilia amola da A: ibalaha: me ea mano agoane.
13 Not for through [the] Law [was] the promise to Abraham or to the descendants of him that heir he being (of the *k*) world but through [the] righteousness of faith.
Gode da A: ibalaha: mema, e amola egaga fi da hobea osobo bagade huluane lalegagumu sia: i. A: ibalaha: me da sema huluane mae giadofale hamoiba: le, Gode da amo hame sia: i. Be A: ibalaha: me da Gode dafawaneyale dawa: le, moloidafa hamoiba: le, Gode da ema amane sia: i.
14 If for those of [the] Law [are] heirs, has been made void faith and has been nullified the promise;
Gode Ea hahawane dogolegele iasu da Sema nabasu dunu ilima fawane iaha ganiaba, osobo bagade dunu ilia dafawaneyale dawa: su hou da hamedei liligi agoai ba: la: loba, amola Gode Ea hahawane dogolegele iasu da hamedei liligi agoai ba: la: loba.
15 For law wrath brings; where (now *N(k)O*) no there is law, neither [is] transgression.
Gode Ea Sema da dialebeba: le, amo wadela: beba: le, dunu ilia Gode Ea ougi se dabe iasu ba: mu. Be Sema da hame galea, Sema amoma hame nabasu hou amola da hame gala.
16 Therefore it [is] of faith, that [it may be] according to grace, for to be sure the promise to all the seed, not to that of the law only but also to that of [the] faith of Abraham, who is [the] father of all of us —
Amaiba: le, hahawane dogolegele iasu hou bai, amo Gode da Ema dafawaneyale dawa: su hou amoga hamoi. Gode da A: ibalaha: me egaga fi huluane ilima hahawane dogolegele imunu sia: i. Sema nabasu dunu ilima fawane hame. Be nowa dunu e da A: ibalaha: me ea hou defele dafawaneyale dawa: sa, ilima amola. A: ibalaha: me da nini huluanema a: silibu ada agoane esala.
17 even as it has been written that A father of many nations I have made you, before whom he believed God, who is giving life to the dead and calling the [things] not [into] being as existing;
Gode Sia: da agoane dedei diala, “Na da di fifi asi gala bagohame ilima ada hamoi dagoi.” Gode da bogoi uhinisimusa: dawa: Ea sia: beba: le, musa: hamedafa gala liligi da hamosa. A: ibalaha: me da amo Gode dafawaneyale dawa: i. Amola Gode da amo musa: ilegele sia: i hahawane dogolegele iasu liligi hamoi dagoi.
18 who against hope in hope believed for to become him [the] father of many nations according to that spoken; So will be the offspring of you;
Osobo bagade dunu ilia hou ganodini, Gode Ea hahawane dogolegele iasu amo misa: ne hamoma: beyale da bai hame gala. Be A: ibalaha: me da gasawane dafawaneyale dawa: beba: le, dunu fi bagohame da ea mano agoane hamosu. Gode Sia: dedei amo, “Dia fi dunu lalelegemu da gasumuni idi defele agoane ba: mu.” - amo da dafawane ba: sa.
19 And not having become weak in the faith (not *K*) he considered his own body already expired, a hundred years old about being, and the lifelessness of the womb of Sarah,
A: ibalaha: me da lalelegele, ea esalebe ode idi da gadenene 100 gidigi. Be ea da: i hodo da bogomu gadenei, amola ea uda Sela da mano lamu hamedei, amo mae dawa: le, e da ea dafawaneyale dawa: su hou hame yolesi.
20 About however the promise of God not he did waver through unbelief, but was strengthened in faith, having given glory to God
A: ibalaha: me da Gode Ea hahawane dogolegele imunu sia: i dafawaneyale dawa: i galu. Dafawaneyale dawa: beba: le, e da gasawane hamone, Godema nodoi.
21 and having been fully assured that what He has promised able He is also to do;
A: ibalaha: me da Gode da Ea musa: ilegele sia: i dafawane hamomu, amo dafawaneyale dawa: i.
22 Therefore also it was credited to him unto righteousness.
Amaiba: le, A:ibalaha: me da Gode Ea hou dafawaneyale dawa: beba: le, “afadenei bu moloidafa hamoi,” Gode da e ba: i dagoi.
23 Not it was written now on account of him alone that it was credited to him,
Amo sia: , “afadenei bu moloidafa hamoi,” da A: ibalaha: me fawane ea hou olelema: ne hame dedei
24 but also on account of us to whom it is about to be credited, to those believing on the [One] having raised Jesus the Lord of us out from [the] dead,
Be ninia amola ninia hou olelema: ne dedei. Gode da Hina Yesu Gelesu bogoi amo wa: legadolesiba: le, amo ninia dafawaneyale dawa: sea, Gode da nini amola “afadenei bu moloidafa hamoi” ba: mu.
25 who was delivered over for the trespasses of us and was raised for the justification of us.
Ninia wadela: i hou gogolema: ne olofomusa: , Gode da Yesu Gelesu osobo bagade dunu medole legemusa: , ilima i. Amola Gode da ninia huluane afadenene bu moloidafa hamoi ba: musa: , E da Yesu Gelesu uhini wa: legadolesi.

< Romans 4 >