< Romans 12 >

1 I exhort therefore you, brothers, through the compassions of God, to present the bodies of you a sacrifice living holy well-pleasing to God which is the reasonable service of you. 2 And not (do be conformed *NK+o) to the age this, but (do be transformed *NK+o) by the renewing of the mind (of you *k) for to prove by you what [is] the will of God good and well-pleasing and perfect. (aiōn g165) 3 I say for through the grace which having been given to me to everyone who is being among you, not to be high-minded above what it behooves [you] to think, but to think so as to be sober-minded, to each as God has allotted a measure of faith. 4 Just as for in one body many members we have, now the members all not the same have function, 5 so the many one body we are in Christ, and individually one of another members. 6 We are having however gifts according to the grace which having been given to us different, if prophecy according to the proportion of the faith, 7 or service in the service, or the [one] teaching in the teaching, 8 or the [one] exhorting in the exhortation, the [one] giving in generosity, the [one] leading with diligence, the [one] showing mercy with cheerfulness. 9 [Let] love [be] unfeigned. abhorring evil, cleaving to good; 10 in brotherly love to one another devoted in honor one another esteeming, 11 in diligence not lagging, in spirit being fervent, the (Lord *NK+O) serving, 12 in hope rejoicing, in tribulation being patient, in prayer being constant, 13 to the needs of the saints contributing, hospitality pursuing; 14 do bless those persecuting you; do bless and not do curse. 15 to rejoice with the rejoicing, (and *k) to weep with the weeping. 16 the same thing toward one another minding, not the [things] haughty minding, but with the lowly going along. Not do be wise in yourselves. 17 To no one evil for evil repaying, providing right before all men; 18 if possible of you with all men living at peace, 19 never yourselves avenging, beloved, instead do give place to wrath; it has been written for: Mine [is] vengeance, I myself will repay, says [the] Lord. 20 (On the contrary *N+KO) If shall hunger the enemy of you, do feed him; if he shall thirst, do give drink him; this for doing coals of fire you will heap upon the head of him. 21 Not do be overcome by evil but do overcome with good evil.

< Romans 12 >