< Revelation 13 >

1 And (he stood *N(K)O*) upon the sand of the sea. And I saw out of the sea a beast rising, having horns ten and heads seven and on the horns of it ten royal crowns and upon the heads of it (names *N(K)O*) of blasphemy.
Zvino ndakamira pamusoro pejecha regungwa, ndokuona chikara chichibuda mugungwa, chine misoro minomwe nenyanga gumi, nepamusoro penyanga dzacho korona gumi, nepamusoro pemisoro yacho zita rekunyomba.
2 And the beast that I saw was like as a leopard and the feet of it like (a bear’s *N(k)O*) and the mouth of it like [the] mouth of a lion. And gave to it the dragon the power of him and the throne of him and authority great.
Zvino chikara ichi chandakaona chakange chakaita sengwe, netsoka dzacho sedzebheya, nemuromo wacho semuromo weshumba. Zibukanana rikapa kwachiri simba raro, nechigaro charo cheushe, nemasimba makuru.
3 And (I saw *K*) one of the heads of it ([was] as *NK(o)*) slain to death, And the wound the of death of it was healed, and (marveled *NK(o)*) (in *ko*) all ([on] the earth *NK(o)*) after the beast.
Zvino ndakaona umwe wemisoro yacho wakaita sewakaurawa kusvika parufu; asi vanga racho rekufa rakange rapodzwa; nyika yese ikashamisika shure kwechikara.
4 And they worshiped (the dragon *N(k)O*) (that *N(k)(o)*) (gave *NK(o)*) authority to the beast and they worshiped (the beast *N(k)O*) saying; Who [is] like as the beast (And *no*) who (is able *NK(o)*) to make war against it?
Vakanamata zibukanana rakapa simba kuchikara, vakanamata chikara, vachiti: Ndiani wakafanana nechikara? Ndiani anogona kuita hondo nacho?
5 And was given to it a mouth speaking great things and (blasphemies *NK(o)*) and was given to it authority (war *O*) to act months forty (and *no*) two.
Zvino kukapiwa kwachiri muromo unotaura zvinhu zvikuru nekunyomba; kukapiwawo kwachiri simba rekubata mwedzi makumi mana nemiviri.
6 And it opened the mouth of it unto (blasphemies *N(k)O*) against God to blaspheme the name of Him and the tabernacle of Him, (and *k*) those in heaven dwelling.
Ndokushamisa muromo wacho kuti chinyombe Mwari, nekunyomba zita rake, netabhenakeri yake, neavo vanogara kudenga.
7 And there was given to it to make war with the saints and to overcome them And was given to it authority over every tribe (and people *NO*) and tongue and nation.
Zvino kwakapiwa kwachiri kuita hondo nevatsvene, nekuvakunda; kukapiwawo kwachiri masimba pamusoro perudzi rwese nerurimi nerudzi.
8 And will worship (it *N(k)O*) all those dwelling on the earth, (each of whom *N(k)O*) not have been written (the name *N(k)O*) (of him *no*) in (the book *N(k)O*) of life of the Lamb which slain from [the] founding of [the] world.
Uye vese vanogara panyika vachachinamata, vane mazita asina kunyorwa mubhuku reupenyu reGwayana rakabaiwa kubva pakuvambwa kwenyika.
9 If anyone has an ear, he should hear.
Kana umwe ane nzeve, ngaanzwe.
10 If anyone (into *n(o)*) captivity (gathers *K*) into captivity he goes, If anyone with [the] sword (is to be killed, *N(k)O*) (it is necessary for *ko*) him by [the] sword [is] to be killed; Here is the endurance and the faith of the saints.
Kana umwe achiunganidza muutapwa, anoenda muutapwa; kana umwe achiuraya nemunondo, zvakamufanira kuurawa nemunondo. Ndipo pane kutsungirira nerutendo rwevatsvene.
11 And I saw another beast rising out of the earth, and it had horns two like as a lamb and it was speaking like a dragon.
Zvino ndakaona chimwe chikara chichikwira kubva panyika; uye chakange chine nyanga mbiri segwayana, ndokutaura sezibukanana.
12 And the authority of the first beast all it exercises on behalf of it and (makes *NK(o)*) the earth and those in it dwelling that (they will worship *N(k)O*) the beast first, of whom was healed the wound the fatal of it.
Uye chakashandisa simba rese rechikara chekutanga pamberi pacho uye chinoita kuti nyika nevagere mukati mayo kuti vanamate chikara chekutanga, chiya chine vanga rinouraya rakaporeswa.
13 And it works signs great so that even fire it may cause out of heaven (to come down to *NK(o)*) the earth in the presence of men.
Chinoitawo zviratidzo zvikuru, kuti nemoto chinoita kuti uburuke kubva kudenga kuuya panyika pamberi pevanhu.
14 And it deceives (those *k*) (mine *O*) who dwelling on the earth through the signs that were given to it to perform before the beast telling to those dwelling on the earth to make an image to the beast (that *N(k)O*) (has *NK(o)*) the wound (from *o*) of the sword and has lived.
Zvino chinonyengera avo vanogara panyika nezviratidzo zvakapiwa kwachiri kuti chiite pamberi pechikara, chichiti kune vanogara panyika, ngavaitire mufananidzo chikara chakange chine vanga remunondo, chikararama.
15 And there was given (to it *NK(o)*) to give breath to the image of the beast so that also may speak the image of the beast, and may cause that as many as (might *N(k)O*) not shall worship (the image *N(k)O*) of the beast shall be killed.
Zvino kwakapiwa kwachiri kupa mweya kumufananidzo wechikara, kutiwo mufananidzo wechikara utaure, chigoita kuti vese vasinganamati mufananidzo wechikara vaurawe.
16 And it causes all the small and the great and the rich and the poor and the free and the servants, that (it may give *N(k)(o)*) to them (a mark *N(k)O*) on the hand of them right or on (the *N(k)O*) (forehead *N(K)O*) of them,
Chinoitawo vese, vadiki nevakuru, uye vafumi nevarombo, uye vakasununguka nevaranda, kuti vapiwe mucherechedzo muruoko rwavo rwerudyi, kana pahuma dzavo,
17 and that no one (may be able *NK(o)*) to buy or to sell only except the [one] having the mark — (or *K*) the name of the beast or the number of the name of it.
uye kuti kusava neumwe anogona kutenga kana kutengesa, kunze kwaiye ane mucherechedzo, kana zita rechikara kana nhamba yezita racho.
18 Here the wisdom is. The [one] having (*k*) understanding he should count the number of the beast, number for a man’s it is, and the number of it (is *o*) (six hundred sixty *N(K)O*) (six. *N(k)O*)
Hehuno uchenjeri. Ane kunzwisisa ngaaverenge nhamba yechikara; nokuti inhamba yemunhu; uye nhamba yacho ndimazana matanhatu nemakumi matanhatu nenhanhatu.

< Revelation 13 >